Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 341 The Luna Sister Who Came to Find Faults

Chapter 341 The Luna Sister Who Came to Find Faults
"This... I heard that she just survived the Nine Thunders Tribulation, how can you be so sure?"

"You didn't see that her cultivation level is not as good as yours and mine! Thunder Tribulation is not infallible, do you still remember that the water god once had a trace of spiritual body to attract the Nine Thunders and Heaven Tribulation."

"Eh... Since she is not the candidate for Vulcan, why did Emperor Zun keep her?"

"Di Zun has his own plans, this is not something you and I can spy on! And even if she wasn't the reincarnation of Vulcan, she must have something to do with it! Just watch!"

Yun Chu listened silently to the conversation between the two, frowned and then let go, and shook his head with a wry smile: It seems that he is an unwelcome existence.

The fairy official said that she was inseparable from the God of Vulcan, so she was able to survive the Nine Thunders, probably because she had inherited the light of the God of Vulcan!

But, what is the relationship between her and Xian Vulcan?
Thinking of the woman who appeared in her illusion to get close to Yuan Ji, her chest felt so congested...

That's all, if it comes, let it be, and she will always know what she needs to know.It's better to report Yun Huan's safety first. I don't know when her return trip will be?


Yunchu stepped into the quiet and empty palace, and a little maid with lowered eyebrows walked towards her and led her in.

She casually looked at the empty courtyard covered with white jade floor tiles, and a strange feeling appeared in her heart: Why is this place familiar to her?Could it be that it appeared in his own illusion?
She thought about it carefully, but she still couldn't remember when she met her. She shook her head as if her memory was wrong.But when walking into the paved bedroom, the strange feeling became more and more clear.

"Where is it?" She turned around and asked Xian'e who was leading the way. She didn't expect the other party to answer, but she subconsciously asked.

Gong'e lowered her head, showing a sense of detachment in her respect, but she answered quickly, "First Vulcan's palace."

Yun Chu secretly thought that sure enough, he suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and dismissed the little Gong'e with a smile.

She looked around in the dormitory, sat on a white jade couch, and frowned in thought.

The entire heavenly court is dominated by white, even the layout of the inner hall is so dazzling after a long time.

She thought hard and couldn't figure out why, so she thought about telling Yun Huan that she was safe first, and that she would stay here anyway in the next few days, so she should check it out slowly.

But she took out the sound mirror and urged it for a long time, but there was no response at all. Her heart sank, and she realized that there seemed to be some magical restrictions in the heavenly realm, which cut off the connection with the lower realm.

Yun Chu was a little annoyed. From this point of view, she was really imprisoned!


It's just that she is a helpless little duckweed, she can't even struggle with Nuoda's heavenly court, she can only endure it for the time being, and make plans when she understands the situation.

Yunchu was bored and annoyed, and in his heart he cursed that Heavenly Emperor who couldn't see his face clearly hundreds of times.

However, just when she was about to take a breath to gather her thoughts, a woman's voice suddenly came from outside, "Where is that female cultivator from the lower realm?"

Hearing the sound, Yun Chu looked up, just in time to see a beautiful woman in luxurious and complicated clothes standing proudly at the door of her bedroom, looking at her with condescending and contemptuous eyes.

"It's you? What's your name?" The woman looked at her proudly, combing her hair high, looking like a fighting rooster.

Yun Chu raised his eyebrows slightly, didn't even get up, just smiled at her faintly, "This fairy, before asking someone's name, shouldn't you give your name first?"

The female fairy who stood at the door and hadn't stepped in was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes became more fierce, "You, a lowly female cultivator from the lower realm, deserve to know the name of this fairy?"

"Oh——" Yun Chu let out a long sigh, smiling, "Then you don't deserve to know my name..."

"You! Presumptuous!" The woman pointed her finger at her, her heavily made-up face was filled with anger.

"Our fairy is the sister of the God Envoy of the Moon Palace, Yue Shuwan, the fairy of the Moon Palace, don't be rude to you, a female cultivator from the lower world!" The maid standing behind the proud fairy saw that her master was a bit reluctant to come down, so she immediately answered the conversation, While reprimanding Yunchu, he also reported his name.

Yun Chu leaned on the jade couch, nodded and smiled inexplicably, and said, "Oh, Yue Shuwan, the sister of the Moon God!" Why is the Moon Palace Fairy in front of her so hostile to her?

Yue Shuwan turned her head and glared at the talkative maid, then stepped into Yunchu's sleeping hall, and once again put on a noble posture of condescending and disdain for bird people.

Yun Chu curled his lips, rested his forehead with his hand, stopped looking at her, and let her come and go.

After all, this is not her territory, and she doesn't even have the confidence to drive people away, so she doesn't bother to speak.And this girl is still Yue Xi's younger sister, so Yue Xi's face should be given some points.

Seeing that Yunchu was still half lying on the couch at the end of the month, not even able to give a salute, she walked to the jade table and sat down, snorted softly, "It really is a lowly person from the lower world, really has no rules!"

Yun Chu pretended not to hear, and let her talk to herself, thinking that the girl would probably leave when she said she was tired!She just squinted for a while...

However, Yue Shuwan was in a good mood today, stared at her for a while, and snorted coldly as if she was not going to let her go: "Yunchu, do you think you can become a Vulcan if you live in the Vulcan Temple?"

Yun Chu was still wondering why he was under house arrest here, but when he heard this sentence, he thought a little funny: So you know my name!

Hearing what she said, Yunchu felt that the girl seemed to know something inside, and she might be able to get something out of her, so he opened his eyes and smiled triumphantly at Yue Shuwan, "It's not up to me to decide whether to be a Vulcan or not. , but Heavenly Emperor Venerable invited me to live here, probably he is quite optimistic about me!"

"Shameless!" Yue Shuwan was really irritated by her, and cursed bitterly, then rolled her eyes and said mockingly: "You, a lowly human race, dare to dream of the position of Vulcan, it's really big joke!"

Yun Chu was noncommittal, just raised his eyebrows and smiled.But her expression of not taking the other party's ridicule seriously angered Yue Shuwan even more.

"Don't you think that you have the spirit of painting fire and you are the new God of Vulcan! Tianzun just rewarded Queen Mother Xi with a little favor, and then agreed to call you to the Heavenly Palace! Overestimate yourself! Don't look at what you are identity!"

Yun Chu raised his eyebrows, "Fairy Moon Palace, tell me, what is my identity? How many immortal officials in the heavenly realm ascended from the human realm, and their origins are all inseparable from the human race, the spirit of all things!"

Yue Shu Wan choked, a little at a loss for words, her heavily made-up face twitched with anger, and she cursed bitterly in her heart: "Smart teeth."

He turned his mind to find his place again.

"Yunchu, I'm afraid you don't know how noble the first Vulcan is." Yue Shuwan smiled strangely, as if she didn't want to mention the first Vulcan and didn't want to miss the opportunity to humiliate Yunchu.

(End of this chapter)

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