Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 343 Yuan Ji's Anger: She Is Mine

Chapter 343 Yuan Ji's Anger: She Is Mine
She is the younger sister of the God Envoy of the Moon Palace, and no one dares to provoke her even if she is not rampant in the Heavenly Palace. She has never met such a bold guy like Yunchu!

She turned the only eye that could move, and looked at Yun Chu who was lying on the jade couch with difficulty, and found that she was breathing evenly with her eyes closed, and she was actually asleep, and her teeth itched after some unbelievable anger.

When her brother came back, she would definitely make Yunchu pay the price by skinning her, cramping her, and burning her to death!

On one side, Yue Shuwan felt as if there were hundreds of bugs crawling on her body, struggling to survive like years, while on the other side, Yunchu really fell asleep in a daze, and had a long-lost dream.

This bedroom was also in the dream, but it was a little more smokey than what I saw in reality. The clear and clear laughter of the woman came from the haze, which sounded very cheerful. Yun Chu felt something: It seems that Vulcan also It's rare to have a good time here...

It's just that the dream changed very quickly, and the laughter and laughter quickly disappeared, gradually turning into a woman's sad and angry yelling, and finally turning into a long silence...

It seems that the happy time is really short.


Demon world, ghosts and ghosts.

In the newly built Nether Palace, Yuan Ji was dressed in a complicated black robe, and once again sat on the Ujin Throne belonging to the Nether Lord.

There were more than a dozen demon cultivators wrapped in black cloaks standing in the hall, all bowing their heads respectfully, not even daring to speak out.

Yuan Ji's icy eyes swept across His Royal Highness's demon cultivators, and said lightly, "You all did a good job in suppressing the rebels and eradicating cancerous tumors. I am proud of you."

He spoke word by word very slowly, and his deep voice echoed in the empty hall, taking a long time to stop.

The demon cultivators standing by His Highness were terrified, and they didn't realize that they had made a big mistake until Yuan Ji returned, and they did a bunch of absurd things with a fake demon king.But it can't be blamed on them. They really don't know when the Demon Lord was transferred, and they all acted according to orders.

"The subordinates are terrified..."

One after another begging for forgiveness came from the hall, Yuan Ji listened indifferently, and waved his hand after a while, signaling to Ming Yi, who was standing beside him, "Let them all back down!"

Ming Yi nodded, and immediately raised his voice to let everyone push him down.A kind of demon cultivator, as if he had been pardoned, never expected that the demon king would be so magnanimous. He didn't care about their faults at all, and hurriedly bowed and retreated.

When only Yuan Ji and Ming Yi were left in the hall, Ming Yi asked nervously: "Master, is this the end of the matter? These people obviously have two hearts for you."

"They take orders from the Nether Demon Lord, not me." Yuan Ji said flatly, leaning his elbows straight on the armrest of the Wujin chair, resting his forehead with his hands.

Ming Yi didn't understand, what does the master mean by this, isn't he going to take back the position of Demon Lord and let Qingxie do whatever he wants?

He opened his mouth a few times to say something, but seeing the tired look in Yuan Ji's eyes, he held back again.

"Where is Qingxie? Where did he escape to?" Yuan Ji looked sullen. Since he destroyed the Vulcan statue, the Gu poison in his body began to attack intermittently, and the intervals became shorter and shorter, gradually wearing down his will.

"Should have fled to Liaodu, after all, he has cultivated a force there." Ming Yi was a little annoyed when he mentioned Qingxie, that guy was simply a disaster. If it becomes a miasma, it can drive people to death.

Yuan Ji clenched the armrest tightly, his knuckles turned white, endured the severe pain and asked, "Is everything settled in Wucheng?"

"Yes, with the help of Uncle Niu and Aunt Ruan, it went well." Ming Yi noticed that Yuan Ji's face was not quite right, leaned forward and asked, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

This look, how come it looks like a Gu poison has broken out.But isn't that damn Gu poison only attacking once every 100 years?

"It's okay!" Yuan Ji got up slowly and waved his hands, "I'm going out for a while, you stay here and wait for me to come back!"

Ming Yi originally wanted to serve Yuan Ji by his side, but seeing his resolute expression, he didn't dare to say more, but also thought that Nether Palace still had a lot of trivial matters for him to deal with, so he had to give up.


In Liaodu, in a winery run by Meixiu, Qingxie is holding two coquettish-looking female Meixiu in his arms, pouring wine for himself one cup after another. In the dance, the room is full of charming style.

"Young master is really good at drinking." A female Meixiu kept snuggling into his arms, softly raising her wrist to pour him wine, giggling.

Qing Xie frowned, just about to push her away, but her hands stopped, her eyes moved, and she glanced out of the door.

Yuan Ji pushed the door open with no expression on his face and entered, his whole body was filled with cold and murderous intent.

Yingying Yanyan, who was full of people in the room, was startled by his aura, before seeing his face clearly, they scattered and fled outside the door.

Qing Xie hugged the two female Meixiu who were snuggling in his arms, not letting them escape, squinting slightly, staring at Yuan Ji who was condescendingly looking down at her.

The two female Meixiu didn't even dare to lift their heads, and shivered in Qingxie's arms.

Qing Xie pinched the back of the necks of the two of them, asked them to raise their heads, and smiled provocatively at Yuan Ji: "How about it, isn't it good looking! Is it a bit like your sweetheart, do you want it? I let for you!"

He forced the two female cultivators to look up, only to realize that the person who came had the same face as the young master they were serving, and they covered their mouths in shock.

"Oh, by the way, you don't care about it!" Qing Xie hiccupped with a sneer, pinched the necks of the two and threw them out of the window.

Yuan Ji looked helplessly at him continuing to drink as if nothing had happened, frowned, and sat down in front of the table opposite him, "What do you want to do with such great effort to lure me back?"

"I don't want to do anything, but I'm bored!" Qing Xie shook the empty jug with a drunken expression on his face, "Yuan Ji, I don't want to be a Nether Demon Lord anymore. It's really boring!"

"Then what do you want?" Yuan Ji looked at him, feeling uncomfortable.

"You know what I want!" Qing Xie laughed wantonly, "You always knew!"

"Yuan Ji, I regret it. I don't want to be a demon lord, and I don't want to be a lord of the netherworld. I have something more to desire now..." He stood up shaking, with a look of madness on his face, staring at the face healed. Yuan Ji looked ugly, "I tried, I tried many times, but none of them are good, none of them are her!"

"Qingxie!" Yuan Ji stood up suddenly, his figure flashed, he grabbed Qingxie's neck, pressed him to the ground with a "bang", pinched him tightly, and gritted his teeth, "You are crazy!"

Qing Xie was not afraid, but laughed even more maniacally, with determination and cruelty in his eyes, "You can either kill me, or give her to me...you choose!"

"Qingxie, who gave you the guts!" Yuan Ji's forehead bulged with blue veins, staring at Qingxie who was laughing wildly, and gradually exerted force on his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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