Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 346 The memory of the water god, the result of infatuated love

Chapter 346 The memory of the water god, the result of infatuated love

Yun Huan pursed his lips, as if he didn't notice his subtext, and muttered softly: "I don't know when this thunder disaster will fall, why has it been brewing for so long? If you are busy, go back first, and it is the same when it is activated."

"It's okay, it's not too late."

Ci Xuan's deep voice was still unbelievably gentle, Yun Huan rubbed his ears annoyedly, and ignored him.Looking at her shy and annoyed appearance, Ci Xuan couldn't bear the temptation, so he purposely moved a few steps closer to her, almost touching her, feeling the warm breath on her body, and his heart was unknowingly disturbed again.

Ci Hai, who was standing on the other side of Yun Huan, stood a few steps away wisely, continued to focus on the thunderclouds in the sky, but sighed softly in his heart.


Following his low cry, Ci Xuan raised his head slightly, and then, while everyone was in a trance, he secretly held Yun Huan's hand, the soft and warm little hand made his heart throb.

Yun Huan's face was serious, he didn't seem to notice that Ci Xuan was holding his hand, and he didn't break free, but looked nervously in the direction where Chang Ci was sitting.


The thundercloud that is ready to go has accumulated power for too long, and the moment it falls, it is the power of thunder that will destroy the world...

Changci still sat upright, a dazzling white light fell and hit him heavily, but he didn't even hum.

The moment the thunder calamity landed, another person's memory surged to him, making his thoughts fly back to the long past.

The water god Jize is the most indifferent god in the heaven. He lives in the most secluded corner of the upper heaven, and almost never has any interaction with other gods.He has always lived a quiet and lonely life, and there is nothing that can take him to heart.

Until that day, he picked up a lively little snake from the lower realm that also likes to bark its teeth.

He brought it back to the heavens, and since then his lifeless water temple finally had a little life.

That little snake was very nasty, it was always trying to escape even though it was seriously injured.She tried countless tricks to fight him wits and bravely, but she couldn't get his palm out, until finally she accepted her fate and obediently curled up in his arms to recuperate.

It was seriously injured and recovered very slowly, probably because of concerns in its heart, it was always unhappy and lacked energy.

It's not that he doesn't know who it is, and it's not that he can't send it back to where it wants to go, but he has spent thousands of years alone, and finally has a little company. This playful and moody little snake is possessive.

He despises himself like this, but it's hard to let go of this weird feeling.

Slowly, the little snake seemed to accept his fate.It clung to his body to heal his wounds obediently, and secretly absorbed spiritual power from him.

He knew its plan, and he neither pointed out nor stopped it, thinking that if he treated it better, maybe it would be able to feel it, and maybe it would be willing to stay one day.

One god and one snake cuddled together like that for a year, until one day the little snake greedily sucked away too much spiritual power from him, died in pain and regained its human form...

Because she couldn't digest his spiritual power, her small face was frighteningly pale, and her body was dripping with cold sweat. She threw herself into his arms regardless, that soft body made his heart tremble.But when he opened his mouth, he grabbed his sleeve and hissed, "I want to see my sister, take me to see my sister!"

He promised her: I will take you there when you recover from your injury!
But she shook her head and cried again, she said: I made an unforgivable mistake, I broke my sister's heart, I don't deserve to stay with my sister...

He felt distressed when he saw her tears, but the reality of holding her in his arms made him feel more greedy.

He said silently in his heart: It's fine if you don't go back.Ling Huan, stay by my side, I will treat you better.

But he knew that he couldn't keep her after all.

As the coldest god in the heavens, he didn't have much contact with Vulcan. It was only by accident that when he came back from the lower world, he had a glimpse on the corridor and saw the Vulcan dancing happily around the Vulcan. A flamboyant, flamboyant girl whose cold heart was inexplicably drawn by her smile.

In order to get it, he, who has always been cold and proud, actually plotted against him.

That day, Ling Huan was tired from crying, so she curled up softly in his arms and fell asleep.He secretly kissed her lips by withdrawing his spiritual power.It was just a slight touch, but it almost made him lose his mind.

After regaining his human form, Ling Huan fell into more intense struggles and contradictions.One moment she was chatting and laughing with him, and the next moment she would hug her knees and cry bitterly, muttering about her sister... sister!
What's so good about Vulcan?

He didn't understand that almost everyone in the heavens hated Vulcan, hated her for not dying, hated her for not being wiped out.Only Ling Huan, like a precious treasure, cared about her wholeheartedly.

The flames of jealousy probably started to ignite from that moment...

If Vulcan's death was the result of many efforts, then he was probably one of the despicable adders.

On the day of Vulcan's death, he tried his best to conceal it, but Ling Huan still found out... He didn't know if this was the so-called sympathy, he only knew that he was mad with jealousy!

He forced Ling Huan not to allow her to leave the water temple, not only because he didn't want Ling Huan to see Vulcan for the last time, but also because there would be a big reckoning after Vulcan's death, and he couldn't let Ling Huan get hurt.

But he tried every means to stop him, but he still couldn't resist Ling Huan's few words of begging.

"Ji Ze, I beg you! I'm just such a big sister, I can't live without her! Please let me meet her! Okay?"

"I know that I'm just a fool. I don't understand the twists and turns of your gods, let alone your complicated love and hatred. I just hope that my sister can be well... What did she do wrong? I must be driven to a dead end by you!"

"Ji Ze, don't you want me? I'll give you, I'll give you myself, I just ask you to take me to see my sister, just once! I beg you!"

He couldn't stand that kind of begging, let alone the temptation of her standing in front of him crying and trying to untie her belt.

In the end, we can only compromise.

He took her to meet the dying Vulcan, which was the most regrettable thing in his life...

In Nether Ghost Creatures, Vulcan's blood soaked almost every inch of the ground.The blooming of the Nether Flower is a shocking and desolate beauty.

Vulcan's broken body lay quietly in the sea of ​​flowers, countless firefly-like light spots flew up, and his soul was slowly dissipating.The golden mask fell aside, revealing half of a face covered with ugly scars.

There are many people around who are afraid that she will not die and want to make up the knife, but they all watch from a distance and dare not go forward.

But Ling Huan, who saw this scene, uttered a mournful wail, and rushed over like crazy...

(End of this chapter)

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