Chapter 355 Have I Ever Regretted?

"It's a joke, I have lived for ten thousand years, and I have never regretted it!" Vulcan raised his head and let out a maniacal laugh, his posture was indeed like a lunatic.

Yuan Ji was silent for a moment, wiped away the blood from his lips, and asked the question that had been bothering him all these years, "You don't regret it, so why did you kill yourself?"

"..." Yan Ling's laughter stopped abruptly.

Yes, why did she kill herself, why?
She is the invincible Vulcan, an existence that makes all the gods in the heavens fear!But being as strong as her, what kind of mood did she have to embark on the road of self-destruction?
What exactly is it for?
Is it because of the betrayal of a loved one?

Or because she made an unforgivable mistake?

She, can't remember!
"Yan Ling, it's enough to miss once, don't make a second mistake!"

"You're talking nonsense! I never missed it!" Yan Ling was furious, his eyes were blood red, full of hostility, and he glared at Yun Chu viciously, "It was you, it was you who seduced Yuan Ji, it was you who induced him to say these things to me! You want to replace me! Why do you?"

Yun Chu frowned and looked at Vulcan who had turned on the madness mode. He didn't feel much fear in his heart, but felt that she was very pitiful.

"What kind of expression is that on your face! Are you mocking the deity?" Yan Ling looked down at Yun Chu condescendingly, seeing her compassionate expression, he felt more and more annoying, "You die! Die immediately!"

Yun Huan was injured and fainted, and Yuan Ji was also unable to move because of the ravages of the Silk Entangling Gu and the backlash of the spell. Now, if she wanted to kill Yun Chu, she had to do it herself.

But for some reason, the person she could crush to death without even raising her hand has been unable to personally kill her for so long.

As long as she has a real killing intent towards Yun Chu, her head will hurt badly...

Since she can't be killed, then force her to die herself!
With this in mind, Yan Ling released powerful spiritual power, and Yun Chu couldn't breathe due to the sudden increase in spiritual pressure.The Netherfire burned around her, separating the snowflakes flying around her, and also blocking the sight of others.

Yunchu stared at the blue flames surrounding her, saw the powerful spiritual power contained in it, and smiled miserably: So, she, Chen Yunchu, was just a remnant of the fire god Yanling from beginning to end.

She thought she was unique, but unexpectedly she was not even a complete person.

Borrowing always has to be repaid... Forget it, since she belongs to the Vulcan, let's return herself to the Vulcan!
As long as Yun Huan and Yuan Ji are well, she can feel at ease.

She could see that no matter how violent Vulcan was, he really couldn't bear to hurt Yun Huan and Yuan Ji... After all, she was Yun Huan's sister and Yuan Ji's lover.

And she, from death to death, is a joke entwined in this world.

When she returns to Vulcan's body, the will that belongs to her Yunchu will probably disappear!

Well, living like this is really tiring.

A spirit sword appeared in the palm of his hand, and Yun Chu raised his hand to rest on his neck, his eyes gradually became dizzy.The barrier of the Nether Fire made her unable to hear any sounds from the outside world, only her own faint gasps and heartbeats could be heard.

Just when she was about to swipe the spirit sword across her neck, the red spirit stone ring hanging on her chest suddenly scalded her.She raised her other hand to pinch the ring, her eyes full of nostalgia and reluctance, she moved to her lips and kissed, and finally put the ring in her mouth.

When Yuan Ji said he was going to marry her, she didn't know how happy she was...

She really wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.She wanted to hug him, kiss him, and be with him forever.

But she knew that that feeling should not have belonged to her in the first place.

Raising the spirit sword again, she thought, at least she is also a part of Vulcan!In the future, she can still hug him, kiss him, and be with him forever... Although she is not conscious, she is always there.

This is also good.

"I'm afraid you are not a fool!"

Just when she was about to make a move, a mocking voice sounded in her consciousness.Yun Chu was stunned for a moment, and then the back of his neck was hit by gravity, and he fell softly into a cold embrace.

Qing Xie frowned, looking at Yun Chu covered in blood, with disgust on his face, he kept shaking his head: I'm afraid I'm also a fool, why did I just fall in love with such a stupid woman!

"Yuan Ji, I took her away! You can figure out the rest! Don't say I didn't help you, I can't beat her!"

Hearing the sound of Qingxie gradually going away, Yuan Ji finally breathed a sigh of relief, and fell backwards...

It was only then that Yan Ling realized what had happened. She thought that her Nether Fire could control Yun Chu's will and make him go to a dead end, so she relaxed her vigilance and chatted with Yuan Ji... wanting to reconfirm his feelings for her.

Unexpectedly, a guy exactly like Yuan Ji suddenly appeared and rescued that damned woman!
When did he show up?No, he was there originally, but he merged with Yuan Ji, so she didn't notice it?
"Yuan Ji, you're plotting against me!" Yan Ling was furious.

Yuan Ji sank and fell from the sky.At this moment, the black-feathered black-eyed eagle flew over with hissing noises, caught its owner firmly, and flew away at the fastest speed.

Yan Ling sneered: Okay, what a way to tune the tiger away from the mountain!Let me choose between you and that woman!Do you think I will choose you?

Okay, Yuan Ji, I won't kill her!But you have to stay with me forever, this time, you never want to leave me again!
She made a decision in an instant, instead of going after Yunchu, she went after Yuan Ji who was taken away by the Black Feather Xuanjingdiao.

The flying snowflakes disappeared, and the ghost fire burning on the clouds also disappeared, and the world returned to tranquility, but the tragic scene of the earth falling below remained, waiting for a long time to heal it.

Xi He looked at the back of Yan Ling leaving with Yun Huan, his eyes were indifferent and cold.She settled Junyi who was unconscious, and fed him a elixir.Seeing that his pale face finally turned a little bloody, he left quietly, chasing after Yun Chu who was taken away by Qing Xie.

In fact, it wasn't that she didn't hesitate just now, she could have killed Junyi, the son of her greatest enemy!

But she couldn't do it after all!
This is probably her destiny!Has the heart of revenge, but not the ruthlessness of revenge.

In the final analysis, Junyi is just a poor person who is infatuated with Yanling.Just like her before, she is a poor person!


The unconscious Yunchu had a very long dream.

In the dream, she turned into a carefree little girl living in a picturesque place full of fairy spirit.

She likes her mother very much and always wants to pester her.But my mother is very busy and has no time to accompany her at all... and always refuses her approach.

She was a little sad, but she quickly cheered up and ran to play by herself.

She is playful and active, like a butterfly, always shuttles around and plays around.

No matter where she went, there were always many maids around her, but they didn't dare to get close to her, and they always watched from afar, as if they were afraid of something.

(End of this chapter)

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