Chapter 373
Yun Chu still ignored Qing Xie, and asked Xi He in front of him, "Where is Yuan Ji?"

Qing Xie's face became even colder, his originally cold face instantly turned livid, and he stared at Yun Chu fiercely.

Ao Zhan felt that the atmosphere was not right, he felt pulling Xihe, motioned her back, and muttered in a low voice: "Where is such a lunatic? What does it have to do with Yuan Ji?"

Xi He ignored him, kept his body straight, and remained motionless under the aura of intimidation. He said to Yun Chu, "The Vulcan has gone to the heaven! When the evil disaster is resolved, I will go with you! Now is not the time."

As soon as these words came out, Qing Xie was obviously relieved.Yun Chu broke free from his hand, feeling a twinge of pain in his heart.She wanted to kill someone, but she wasn't completely sure...

Why is she always subject to others?You can't just do what you want and see who you want to see!Why?
Qing Xie sensed that something was wrong with Yun Chu, but for some reason, he didn't dare to get close, as if if he took another step, she would be farther away from him.He was just afraid that she would leave him, and wanted to have a chance to prove himself, why is it so difficult?
In her heart, she was so unbearable.

Yun Chu calmed down a little bit, and his face also eased a lot.

Xi He knew in his heart why Yun Chu appeared, she came here on purpose because she knew she was in danger.She glanced at Qingxie coldly, saw that he was nervous and clenched his hands tightly, and sighed from the bottom of her heart.

If the current Yan Ling is a complete lunatic, then this Qingxie is half a lunatic, and they are all possessive and terrifying existences when they become crazy.From this point of view, Yun Chu's situation is not much better than Yuan Ji's...

She shook her head lightly, and in this weird atmosphere, the four of them set off again.


Going up to the Heavenly Court, in the rebuilt Fire God Temple, Yun Huan sat under the window sill with a desolate expression, looking at the whiteness outside, his eyes felt uncomfortable after a while, but he still stubbornly refused to look away.

"Why don't you eat? Are you still angry?" Yan Ling silently walked behind her and sat beside her.

Yun Huan's lips moved, but he didn't speak, nor did he look back.

"Okay, I promise you! I'll let him go when I run out!" Yan Ling coaxed with a smile.

Yun Huan's hands trembled slightly. She tried to save Yuan Ji but failed, and instead made Yuan Ji worse. Now she dare not even mention Yuan Ji. She didn't care about Yuan Ji's life and death, "Sister, you and you like him?"

Yan Ling raised his eyebrows half hidden under the mask, and shook his head indifferently, "I don't like it, but he likes me! It's rare!"

Since she returned to the heaven, she has been hanging out with Jun Yi all the time.It's not because he likes Junyi, but because he enjoys the feeling of being caressed by Junyi.

At least, there are people in this world who love her!Yuan Ji doesn't like her now, if he doesn't accept her, then she will be liked by others, and she doesn't have to be Yuan Ji!

"He is also good-looking, speaks well, and has a good body, I am very satisfied!" Yan Ling laughed lightly, his body trembling slightly, revealing the ultimate charm.

Yun Huan only felt that such a sister was too strange, and he didn't understand why she was greedy for that moment of happiness.Also, since she has accepted Jun Yi, why is she still unwilling to let Yuan Ji go, and why is she still torturing him!
She really doesn't understand!
Is this love to the extreme, or hate to the extreme?
"A Huan, I know you're not happy. It won't be long before they all disappear from our world. At that time, it's just you and me, let's live together, okay?"

Yan Ling put his arms around Yun Huan, smiling meaningfully.As long as she destroys Yunchu, gets back her soul, and transforms back into the complete Yanling, she doesn't need Junyi anymore.

As for Yuan Ji, he betrayed her!She wanted him to watch Yun Chu die with his own eyes, and then... return to her side!

Yan Ling's body was very warm, but Yun Huan, who was hugged by her, shivered from the cold.

Is this woman really her sister?Why, she is getting more and more repelled, more and more afraid!She was so scared that she didn't dare to face her own heart, let alone think about that other sister.

Sister... am I wrong?

Yan Ling didn't seem to notice Yun Huan's repulsion, and still smiled softly, "Don't wrong yourself because of others, it's not worth it! Be happy! If the evening is boring, I'll arrange a few more people to accompany you!"

Yun Huan remained silent.

Yan Ling glanced at her lightly, and then said: "Don't you like it? Otherwise, let your head come to accompany you?"

Yun Huan's expression changed suddenly, and he swallowed, "I don't like him!"

"Really?" Yan Ling smiled, his eyes were full of danger, "Then I will kill him, anyway, I always think he is an eyesore!"

"Don't—" Yun Huan grabbed Yan Ling's hand subconsciously, her voice full of tears, "I will be obedient, sister, don't do this!"

"A Huan, you have changed! In the past, you really only cared about me!" Yan Ling still smiled, but looked very aggrieved.

Yun Huan stared at her with pleading eyes.

Under her gaze, the murderous intent in Yan Ling's eyes dissipated, and finally he sighed, "Okay, I won't move him, I can't bear to make my little sister sad!"

Yun Huan breathed a sigh of relief, and fell into Yan Ling's arms as if he had lost his strength.

Yan Ling hugged her, his eyes gradually turned cold, revealing a ruthless killing intent.


In the front hall of the Fire God Temple, the Fire God Yan Ling glanced coldly at the three-legged Golden Crow kneeling upright below, "Go to Tianyi Gate, and bring me back the one named Cixuan!"

"Yes!" The three-legged Golden Crow Black Dou's eyes showed ecstasy, and he immediately bowed and retreated.

On the seat of honor, Yan Ling gave another order, "Also, burn down the Tianyi Gate! No one will be left alive!"

She wanted Ling Huan to have no retreat and no worries.

The Three-legged Golden Crow was stunned for a moment, Yan Ling raised his hand and threw a blue bead to him, he hurriedly caught it, and after seeing what it was, his palms were sweating immediately.

"You should know this Nether Fire Bead, how to use it, you don't need to teach it!"

"No, no!" The three-legged Jinwu suppressed the excitement in his heart, and quickly responded.

"Go!" Taking the seat, Yan Ling waved his hand, and when the three-legged Golden Crow looked up, she had disappeared.


Go to heaven and lock up in God's Prison.

Yan Ling's figure appeared at the end, and she lazily raised her eyelids, looking at Yuan Ji whose hands and feet were bound by iron chains, her expression was unpredictable.

"This taste, okay?"

Yuan Ji straightened his back and smiled, "It's okay, why are you here?"

"I miss you, let's see if you think clearly!" Yan Ling approached with a smile, her long red skirt dragging on the blood-stained ground, put her hand on the iron chain, and rubbed lightly, "Back then You were imprisoned in Shen Yuanhai Prison, is it like this?"

"Basically, I don't remember!" Yuan Ji's expression was indifferent, and he didn't look like he had suffered any pain at all.

(End of this chapter)

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