Chapter 395 Must Choose One

"Stop talking nonsense with me! What does this have to do with me?" Yun Chu didn't believe him at all, and seeing his smiling face at this moment, he felt rather annoyed.

"How can it be okay? I publicized your good reputation in Liaodu two years ago." Qing Xie frowned, with dark currents in his eyes, and said in a low voice close to her: "You are the noble god of fire. Descendants, it’s amazing. Everyone likes you very much!”

Yun Chu was annoyed, "Qingxie, you still said you didn't plot against me!"

"One moment and another moment, I prepared this before, but now I can use it. Look, am I very smart and foresight!" Qing Xie was overjoyed, propping his head and looking at her.

"Qingxie! You bastard!" Yun Chu wished he could strangle him to death.

Qing Xie put away her laugh, and pouted a bit aggrievedly, "It's just a name, and it's not really asking you to marry me! Why are you so fierce, I'm scared!"

Yun Chu gritted his teeth and flicked his sleeves to leave.

"If you don't cooperate, Yuan Ji won't be able to save him!" Qing Xie followed her with regret on his face.

Yun Chu stopped in his tracks, and looked at him coldly, "What else do you want to do, explain everything clearly!"

"It's gone!" Qing Xie said seriously, "Really!"

Yun Chu squinted his eyes, gritted his teeth, "Don't force me!"

"Really!" Qing Xie said, "Yunchu, what kind of person do you think I am, just to force you to marry me and do such absurd things? After all, it's all fake. You didn't really marry me I!"

"Okay! Then tell me your plan! I'll decide whether to trust you or not." Yun Chu put his arms around his chest and stared at Qing Xie vigilantly.

Qing Xie breathed a sigh of relief, "Xihe, I will join hands with her. At that time, she will activate the power of the demon clan, and I will activate the power of the demon clan, and we will go to heaven together..."

Yun Chu was startled, "You guys are..." Go crazy!

She thought that what she was going to fight against was just Vulcan, but unexpectedly, it was the heavens that Qingxie was scheming from the beginning.

"Is this Xi He's meaning? Or yours? Why?"

Qing Xie said: "She has enmity with the heavens, you know that best. As for me, it's not all because of you. I can have any bad thoughts, but I can't take advantage of them!

Yunchu, you forgot how badly the heavens have harmed you... There are certain orders that are unreasonable, so you must break and rebuild them, otherwise, more people will suffer. "

Yun Chu was silent, thinking about Yuan Ji, thinking that he was once named a demon god by the heavens, but he was used again and again to provoke his relationship with Vulcan, drained the last value and was imprisoned and exiled...

"I see!" She loosened her clenched hand, "Xi He, is she alright?"

"Well, it's pretty good. Her plan has been successful. Ao Zhan already knows her identity, and now he can't wait to die for her. The power of the dragon will also be held in her palm."

Yun Chu reacted for a moment, his eyes widened in shock, "She... did she do it on purpose?"

"Well, it's scary! A woman who plays with everyone in the palm of her hand and calculates everything!" Qing Xie said with emotion, "Will not hesitate to take advantage of my own pain and the guilt of others... However, this is also a love for Baptist. Zelong Clan's best revenge!"

"They refused to help her back then and watched Ming Hai's clan fall before their eyes, but now... they have to help! This is pretty good, anyway, I admire it very much!"

"She has lived too hard!" Yun Chu felt a little sad, sad for Xi He, and a pity for her... Ao Zhan, is it really not worth it?
If everything was worth it, how uncomfortable would it be for her to do so?
"She is much stronger than you imagined. Chuchu, she is different from you. She is a person who is ruthless. You really don't need to feel sorry for her! She knew what she was going to do from the beginning." Taking the opportunity to hug Yun Chu's smile, he pressed against her and comforted her softly.

He knew Yun Chu well enough to know what she was thinking.

After knowing what kind of person Xi He was, not only did she not feel hateful for the woman who calculated her like this, but she also sympathized with her and felt sorry for her.

Alas, the woman he likes is so silly and cute!
"When did you know?" Yun Chu's expression was still astonished, and the sadness in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

Qingxie looked at her distressedly, stroked the broken hair on her forehead, and said softly: "I guessed a little bit before, and I really knew her purpose only recently, when she revealed her identity in front of Jinze Dragon King, I only thought of it." .It stands to reason that someone who is so proud of her shouldn't be uncovering her own scars... It can be seen that she has a purpose."

Yun Chu nodded, knowing Xi He's purpose, it strengthened her own belief.Xi He became what he is now, and she was actually the culprit. She had to make up for some mistakes.


"Huh?" Qing Xie was surprised and pleasantly surprised, "Yes!"

"Okay!" She pulled Qing Xie's hand away, responded, and went back to the bedroom.

Qing Xie was so happy that she carried herself away, no matter it was true or not, she always answered her.

Tomorrow...he can marry her!
that's nice!


"what happened?"

In Vulcan's dormitory, Yan Ling glanced at Jun Yi, who was unconscious and had obvious welt marks on his chest, and asked Yun Huan.

Yun Huan said calmly, "I hit him! Who told him to provoke me!"

Yan Ling was not angry, and she didn't care much about Jun Yi, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay...he can't beat me!" Yun Huan put on an expression of "I'm good, but the other party is trash".

Yan Ling patted her on the head with a smile, then asked, "Have you chosen someone? Who do you want?"

"Sister...can I not? I don't like either of them. I just want to be with my sister."

"No!" Yan Ling's eyes turned cold, looking very determined.

Yun Huan bit the corner of her lip and stopped talking.

"There is one more day, I hope you can think about it, so as not to regret it in the future." Yan Ling looked at Yun Huan meaningfully.

Yun Huan knew that there was no room for change with her, so she asked, "Sister, can I see them again? I want to choose well..."

"Yes! I'll let you meet them alone, so that you can confirm your mind."

Yun Huan smiled slightly, nodded, and said obediently: "Thank you, sister."


In the afternoon, Ci Xuan, who was still very weak, was escorted to Yun Huan's room.

Yun Huan dismissed the attendants, suppressed the feelings in his heart, and looked at Ci Xuan indifferently, "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Ci Xuan looked at her with a smile, his eyes were full of pity, he shook his head lightly, "Don't make things difficult for yourself."

Yun Huan felt bitter in his heart, seeing his pale face and weak body, wanted to step forward to hug him, but could only hold back.

"Water God's power, can it be restored?" She asked hoarsely.

(End of this chapter)

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