Chapter 402 She and Yuan Ji
She has always wanted to have a younger sister to make up for the vacancy in her heart, and Ling Huan's arrival gave her great satisfaction.

She forced herself to forget those unbearable past events, and started a new life with Ling Huan, but everything that tortured her was far from over.

Not only the terrible nightmare, but also the blood flowing in her body... They reminded her over and over again that she inherited the most powerful and terrifying Qinghuang blood, a group that specializes in producing lunatics.

Whenever she can't bear the killing impulse brought by her blood, she will go to the ghosts and ghosts.She planted a large field of Nether Flowers there, and only seeing them would her heart calm down.

It was also there that she met Yuan Ji for the first time.

At that time, he was still very thin and weak, and was bullied by a group of demon cultivators because of his unknown origin.

Pressed to ask him if he was a spy sent by the enemy, the thin and small child still gritted his teeth and refused to answer.

At that moment, she who didn't hesitate to take part in the battle in the demon world, walked over in a strange way.The clamoring demon cultivators were startled by her sudden appearance, and immediately dispersed, only the bruised child stayed where he was, looking up at her.

The child in front of him has a pair of dark and deep eyes. He can't see the bottom at a glance, but it will make people sink slowly.

She fell in love with those eyes.

"I am Yanling, God of Fire." She asked him, "Would you like to come with me?"

He nodded and said, "I know. I am very familiar with your breath. I have been waiting for you."

"Are you waiting for me?" She suddenly became interested, and knelt down to look at him closely.

The child was a little shy, shrank back, lowered his head and whispered: "I was born from the ghosts and ghosts, and this land gave birth to me. It was you... who created me."

So it is, so it is!It turned out that this child had such a deep relationship with her.

She held his hand with a smile and asked him, "What's your name?"

He was a little shy, murmured "dirty", and wanted to take his hand out, but she held it tighter.So, he no longer resisted, just shook his head and said, "I don't have a name."

"Then call it Yuan Ji!" The child's hand was cold, which was the exact opposite of her hotness.His primordial spirit is the ice that has been frozen for thousands of years.

The child murmured his name in a low voice, then suddenly raised his head and said to her, "Yan Ling, I'm Yuan Ji, I'm finally waiting for you."

That day, she was as happy as picking up a baby...


She brought Yuan Ji back to the Heaven Realm, to her Fire God Temple, and showed it to Ling Huan.

"What a good-looking child, well-behaved and sensible, Ling Huan, you are going to have an extra brother."

Ling Huan was not happy, and pouted without looking at Yuan Ji, "I don't want a younger brother! Ugly and dirty! Sister, are you going to throw him away?"

This year, she got used to Ling Huan's bad temper and duplicity, she pulled Yuan Ji aside with a smile, and told him, "Miss sister likes you very much, but she is too awkward and never likes to tell the truth. Yuan Ji is good, From now on, you will be our younger brother."

Yuan Ji lowered his head and didn't respond.

She thought that he would be very happy to have a new home.But they never really understood that Yuan Ji, who seemed to be a child at that time, already had a lot of thoughts.

Yuan Ji grew up very fast, not just physically.What she taught him, he learned almost immediately, even the awkward Ling Huan had to bear it, Yuan Ji was an overly smart child.

In just a few years, Yuan Ji was taller than her and Ling Huan, and looked more mature than them.As for Ling Huan, no matter how many years she has been, she still looks like a little girl, she won't grow up at all, and she doesn't seem to want to grow up either.

It was also since Yuan Ji came to her side that the number of her illnesses decreased a lot.

Yuan Ji seldom talked, and was silent most of the time, but he always took care of her meticulously, and could always notice her mood changes. Even if he lost his temper at him, he endured it without saying a word.

Even several times, when she was mad and hurt him, he didn't complain at all, even with the injury, he still silently stayed by her side.

And when she wakes up, she will feel guilty again, and wants to make up for him, but he is unwilling to accept anything.

Then again, she couldn't control the restlessness of her blood, but retained a little consciousness.Yuan Ji was by her side, she was afraid of hurting him, so she wanted to avoid him.

Yuan Ji walked over without any explanation, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

That was the first time she realized that her boy had grown up with such a big heart that he could wrap her tightly.It was also at that moment that she had a different thought in her heart.

Looking at Yuan Ji again, she felt a little more shy and strange... She was a little greedy for that embrace.

However, Yuan Ji, as always, accompanied her not far or near, never more than half a point.

Sometimes she felt that he was a piece of ice without emotion, and sometimes she felt that he was a dull piece of wood. In short, he was stupid and dull, just unwilling to take the initiative.

If he refuses to take the initiative, then she can't take the initiative either!
She is a proud Vulcan, how could she fall in love with a child she picked up by herself.She is already an outlier in the heavens, so why should Yuan Ji be looked down upon as well?

She can't... and doesn't want to.

She is not a normal person after all.She, Qing Yanling, is a lunatic who often loses control of herself.

But she is too dependent on Yuan Ji.Even if you don't see him for a moment, the thoughts in your heart will grow wildly.So, during that time, she unconsciously ignored Ling Huan.

Ling Huan is different from her, she doesn't like Yuan Ji that much, and maybe even hates him a little bit.

She knew how Ling Huan treated Yuan Ji in private, using him like a servant, tricking him into making mistakes, and then complaining in front of her.

She knew these things clearly, but she couldn't blame Ling Huan.

That is the little sister she got with great difficulty, and in her heart, she is as important as Yuan Ji.No, it should be more important than Yuan Ji.After all, she still refuses to admit that she is in love with Yuan Ji.

She let Ling Huan rub Yuanji without interfering too much.She thought, Ling Huan is her sister, she will always see Yuan Ji's goodness, and will always accept him truly.And if she turned to Yuan Ji, Ling Huan might feel even more sad.

Time heals everything, she thought.Their relationship will definitely improve.What's more, they all have a long life?

But she never thought that the separation would come so quickly!

Yuan Ji was sealed as a demon god by the heavens and wanted to open another mansion.He's leaving her...

The child she picked up from the ghosts and ghosts had grown up to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with her at some point.

When the news came to her, she was very generous.

She said: "The Fire God Temple can't keep you anymore, it will only delay you, it's better to go's really good."

(End of this chapter)

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