Chapter 409

"I'm just stupid! I don't care, I just want to meet him and ask him face to face...Brother, you promised me, you can't lie to me!" Yue Wanshu's originally desolate eyes became firm, she still didn't believe Yuan Ji never liked her.

Even if she is not as good as Fire God Yanling in his heart, he should see through it now.Yan Ling is a lunatic, and she is the most suitable person for Yuan Ji...

Yuan Ji is not hard-hearted, she was so protective of her in the past, it's not like she couldn't feel it.She didn't believe it, he didn't have any affection for her!

Yue Xi didn't want to get entangled with this silly younger sister. He always felt that something important was about to happen, and he was in a hurry to leave, so his tone became impatient, "Do you really not know or you don't know? All these years, Yuan Ji has always been interested in you. , how could you reject you so many times, and never set foot in the heavens. You never understand him, and you only live in your own fantasy!"

"That's right, it's so stupid!" Yun Huan, who was about to rush to the God Lock Prison, caught a glimpse of the noisy Yue Wanshu, and snorted coldly at her, "Yuan Ji and my sister are in love, and you What is it? I’m afraid he can’t even remember your name!”

"Ling Huan! You're bullying too much!" Yue Wanshu had already suffered from Yun Huan's embarrassment, and at this moment, she refused to spare her, so she made a gesture of attacking her.

Changci moved very quickly, before Yue Xi and Yun Huan could react, he stood in front of Yun Huan and blocked Yue Wanshu's violent attack.

Yue Wanshu fell to the ground, staring at Yun Huan with eyes full of resentment, tears in her eyes, as if she had been greatly wronged.

Yun Huan glanced at Chang Ci standing in front of him, then turned around and left quickly.

Chang Ci gave Yue Xi a look, and followed Yun Huan silently.

Yue Xi stared at the back of the two leaving for a moment, then leaned over to help Yue Wanshu, and persuaded: "Stop making trouble, you go back first. It's too dangerous outside."

Yue Wanshu burst into tears, shook off Yue Xi's hand, and ran away alone.

Yue Xi stood there, sighing helplessly.

Before that, he could not confirm the identity of Changci, but through the meaningful eyes left by Changci just now, he was sure that the other party was the water god Ji Ze.

With such cold and menacing eyes, who else could there be except Ji Ze?

It's really...the old friends got together all at once.Now, there is a good show to watch.


At the same time that the demon world attacked the Heavenly Court, Yun Huan was the first to arrive at the God Lock Prison, but when she rushed in, she found that the place where Yuan Ji was originally locked was empty, and the chains were broken and scattered on the ground.There were bloodstains on the ground.

Yun Huan's heart was tightened in an instant, and he turned his head and said to Chang Ci in a panic: "He was taken away...not here!"

"Don't panic!" Chang Ci comforted her, and asked, "Do you know where Ci Xuan is?"

Yun Huan nodded, "My sister sent someone to watch him... Although she didn't tell me where he is, I can sense it."

Chang Ci swallowed the bitterness in his heart, turned around and walked out, "Let's find Ci Xuan first!"

"Okay!" Yun Huan followed closely.

Time was running out, so she couldn't help thinking about it.She could only move quickly.


On the other side, Qing Xiezheng stared strangely at Yuan Ji, who had just been rescued by him, and frowned when he saw him covered in wounds and embarrassed, and asked, "How did this happen? Who did it? Yan Ling? She are you crazy?"

Yuan Ji ignored his messy questions, raised his eyelids wearily, and asked, "Where's Yunchu?"

Qing Xie felt guilty for a moment, "I... don't know, I separated from her. But she will definitely find her later."

"Qingxie, what did you do to her?" Yuan Ji's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Qingxie closely.

Qing Xie smiled, "You don't know what you did? You gave her to me yourself, why should I be polite!"

Yuan Ji closed his eyes, "I know you want to die, but I didn't know you were so impatient!"

"Is it just based on you now? Don't be brave!" Qing Xie curled her lips in disdain, "You stay here to recover from your injuries, and I will help you deal with Yanling first!"

As soon as the words fell, he ran away as if fleeing.

Yuan Ji sighed, sat cross-legged in the circle prepared by Qing Xie, and closed his eyes.

As the spiritual energy flowed, a layer of frost condensed on his body quickly, and the messy white hair gradually became soft and scattered on his back. The wounds that had accumulated for a long time on his body healed instantly, and the broken black robe turned white. , clean dirt, spotless.

Half an hour later, with a breath of turbid air, the white frost on his body fell down, and he slowly opened his eyes, which were as black as ink, but with a breathtaking luster.

"Yunchu..." He stood up, murmured, pushed open the closed palace door, and walked out.


With the cooperation of Xihe and Qingxie, the demons and monsters attacked the heavens in two ways, and only Yunchu himself acted alone.

She knew what her mission was, so she suppressed the thoughts in her heart, and after Yi Rong mixed into the chaotic fairy officials, she quickly found Yan Ling who came out of the hall.

Yun Chu walked up to Yan Ling without looking sideways, blocking her way.

Yan Ling looked at her coldly, and suddenly laughed, "So it's you!"

"It's me... Don't you really want me to come by myself? Yan Ling, I'm here!" Yun Chu recovered his true face, and showed her a sweet and bright smile.

Yan Ling said lightly: "That's right, I've grown up! So... you want to kill me?"

Yun Chu spread his hands and smiled calmly: "I don't want to! I just want to talk to you, and I want to face our past with you!"

Saying this, her expression was sad again for a moment, "I still want to thank you! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have these decades of easy and carefree days."

Yan Ling said: "This is your own choice, it has nothing to do with me, as long as you don't regret it."

"I won't regret it. I don't dare to regret whether you become me or I become you." Yun Chu's eyes were firm, with a warm smile on his face, he said to Yan Ling: " It's too noisy here, let's talk in another place!"

"Okay!" Yan Ling nodded slightly as he watched the demon soldiers coming up continuously.

Yun Chu raised his hand, and slowly reached out to Yanling. After a moment, the environment around the two of them changed, and they came to an empty field.

Yan Ling glanced around and praised sincerely: "You are very good, I didn't have such ability before. Illusions are the easiest to confuse people's hearts. I have never liked it very much. I prefer to live in reality."

Yun Chu smiled: "Yeah, I also think it's better to live for real!"

Between her and Yan Ling, there is always someone who is fake.Today, they must make a decision.

Yan Ling chuckled, and a jumping ghostly flame appeared in his raised right hand.

Yun Chu also raised his hand, showing his Nether Fire.

(End of this chapter)

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