Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 424 Poor and cute little Yunhuan

Chapter 424 Poor and cute little Yunhuan
Yuan Ji's complexion was not much better than Yun Huan's, he was always in control.Now is far from the time to vent.

He has to take Yunchu out of here!

Changci and Cixuan, who were fighting with the Emperor of Heaven, have gradually lost to the enemy at this time, showing signs of decline.

Yun Huan calmed down, with firm eyes, stood up and said to Yuan Ji, "You take sister away, I will block him!"

Naturally, Yuan Ji would not agree to this kind of proposal, but before he could speak, Yun Huan rushed out.

She, who was still wearing her wedding dress, drew a gorgeous red mark in the air, and with a whistling sound, Yun Huan twisted her body a few times, revealing the real body of the Thunder Bat Dragon!

Both Cixuan and Changci were a little dazed.

Since Yun Huan took human form, she never took the initiative to show her real body again, because she didn't like it... and she didn't want her sister to bear the criticism of those rumors about her.

She is not a demon, but she is always regarded as a demon by people!She is an ancient divine beast, but she is always regarded as a fierce beast.

She has done no evil or harmed anyone, yet the world refuses to believe her.She is really ugly, a dragon is not like a dragon, a jiao is not like a jiao, and she has two pairs of ugly meat wings...

Because of her unbearable appearance, she was always regarded as a murderer.

How ridiculous.

This time, she didn't intend to hide herself.She is the Thunder Bat Dragon, no matter how ugly the real body is, she is!
This time, if she wants to protect her sister, she can no longer watch her sister disappear in front of her!

Yun Huan, who had turned into his real body, had multiplied his strength several times. The dragon soared into the sky, and the thunder rolled down. Amidst the rumbling thunder, the Heavenly Emperor's movements were obviously much slower.

"The evil thing is really so ugly!"

"Shut up!" With the help of thunder and lightning, Chang Ci drew his sword and stabbed at the Emperor of Heaven, furious.

He never thought Ling Huan was ugly, she was so agile and cute, even in the form of a little snake, she was still so cute.

What about the Thunderbolt Dragon?
His primordial spirit is only a drop of cold water, who is more noble than whom?

Ci Xuan looked at the Thunderbolt Dragon hovering in the air, and couldn't recover for a long time: So, this is her real body...

More than he expected, more...

Ci Xuan couldn't express the sadness in his heart, he didn't know what Yun Huan had experienced, but at this moment, after seeing her, he just felt distressed.

Yun Huan's real body has scars of all sizes, large and small, all in all directions, which shows what she has experienced in these ten thousand years!
Why did she rely on Yunchu so much, why did she like Yunchu so much... At this moment, he seemed to understand!

This world is unfair to her, only that elder sister regards her as the closest person and gives her the warmth she has never had before.Let her no longer be alone from then on, to bear the malice of the world towards her.

Unknowingly, a line of tears slid down Ci Xuan's cheek.

Yun Huan, who was hovering in the air, saw this scene and turned his head away.

She thought of it!

In this world, except for my sister, who can accept her real body?
what is the relationship?So what if they all left her?Anyway, all she needs is her sister!


Yuan Ji saw that he could no longer stop Yun Huan, and her thunder and lightning power could just hold the Emperor of Heaven for a moment, so he devoted himself to healing Yun Chu.

Yun Chu's aura gradually weakened, and the blue flames in the primordial spirit also became a very small cluster.

"Yunchu, give me a chance, okay? Don't give up on yourself, and don't give up on me! I've been waiting for so many years just to get back to the moment when I was with you..."

Yuan Ji poured spiritual power into Yunchu's body continuously, praying hoarsely.

"The first time, if I hadn't met you, I would have died in the ghostly ghosts because there was no point in living; the second time, if I hadn't met you, I would have lost myself and become a cruel and terrifying demon... Yunchu, I still want to meet you again, this time, I don't want to be separated from you again. No matter what I endure, it doesn't matter if you plant a Gu on me again!"

"Yunchu, wake up! We are waiting for you!"

"It's not your fault, those things were never your fault!"

Yuan Ji remembered that Yan Ling had told him that her birth was the original sin, and she should not have lived in this world.

But how could he appear without her?

He came from ghosts and ghosts, and it was Yan Ling who gave him life and taught him to become a real person.

He didn't know what love was before, and his feelings for Yan Ling were complicated.

But after Yan Ling's death, he realized that Yan Ling was his life!
After Yunchu appeared, he already had a perception in the dark... Yunchu was Yan Ling, but she was the original, simpler and purer Yan Ling.

It is Yan Ling who needs his careful care and growth.

However, God gave him such an opportunity, but he still didn't do well!

He didn't protect Yunchu well, and put her in danger time and time again.Forced to make her strong, let her bear the unbearable pain, watching her suffer, but can't do anything!
"Yun Chu, give me a chance for the last time, okay?" Yuan Ji leaned over and kissed Yun Chu's forehead lightly, touched the tip of her nose, and finally touched her lips...

Yunchu's body was soft and warm, and his vitality slowly returned.

She opened her eyes tiredly, looked at Yuan Ji in front of her, thinking she was dreaming.

"Are we... reunited?"

Reunited underground after death?
"Yes! We are reunited, and we will never be separated again!" Yuan Ji's smile spread, the boulder on his chest fell, and a cold teardrop fell from his eyes and fell on Yun Chu's face.

Yun Chu felt a chill, blinked, and raised his hand to touch his cheek.

Yuan Ji turned his head in embarrassment, suddenly not daring to meet her eyes.

Yun Chu wiped away the tears between his fingers, suddenly propped up his body, wrapped his arms around Yuan Ji's neck, and kissed him on the face, "This dream is so beautiful! Yuan Ji, I love you!"

Yuan Ji's body froze completely, and it took a long time to squeeze out a few words from his throat, "It's not... over yet!"

Hearing the sound of violent fighting, Yun Chu also reacted at this time: She just said it!How can it be so beautiful?Even if she dies, she can't die so leisurely!

"Where's Yun Huan?" She was startled suddenly, broke away from Yuan Ji's arms, raised her head amidst the rumbling thunder, and looked over.

The Thunderbolt Dragon circling in the sub-sky let out a cheering howl, it was the joy of seeing her sister wake up.

"Yun Huan!" Yun Chu shouted, seeing Yun Huan's real body, his eyes were filled with distress.Pressing her lips tightly, not letting herself cry, she choked up and murmured, "Why is she so stupid!"

Yuan Ji straightened up and let out a long breath, only then did he feel that his body was not so stiff.

Thunderclouds gathered in the sky, and after Yuan Ji sighed, snowflakes suddenly fell.

The Heavenly Emperor resisted the attacks of Changci and Cixuan, and when he saw the falling snowflakes, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

It's Yuanji...

(End of this chapter)

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