Hypnosis: Psychological tricks in life

Chapter 14 Hypnotic Tricks in Life

Chapter 14 Hypnotic Tricks in Life (1)
[-]. Take the lead and give orders——Paternal hypnosis deters the other party's psychology

The highest state of hypnosis is not to lead people into a hypnotic state, but to easily integrate hypnotic instructions into our daily life, communication, sales and management.Hypnosis is not only a professional tool for psychotherapists and hypnotists, as long as we understand hypnosis theory and hypnosis techniques, we can use it in all aspects of life.

Paternal hypnosis refers to the hypnosis method that uses orders that sound inviolable to put the other party into a hypnotic state.The style of the paternal hypnotist is strong and severe, with a high degree of authority.This method is somewhat controversial because it involves the control of another person, but on the other hand, it is one of the most effective methods of hypnosis.

In the face of strong opponents, take the initiative.

What if your talking style is of the very strong paternal hypnotic type, and so is the other person?The first thing to do at this time is to seize the opportunity to have the right to speak, and fight for the right to speak strongly, so that the opponent's strength will be at a disadvantage from the beginning, and he will be psychologically defeated from the beginning.

Once, Jin Pinggong and his courtiers were drinking together.When the wine was in full swing, he proudly said: "Haha! No one is happier than being a king! No one dares to disobey his words!" Shi Kuang, a famous musician, was sitting beside him. Jean bumped into him.Jin Pinggong hurriedly put away his skirt to hide, and the Qin was smashed against the wall.Jin Pinggong said: "Musician, who are you bumping into?" Shi Kuang deliberately replied: "A villain was talking nonsense just now, so I was so angry that I wanted to bump into him." Jin Pinggong said: "I am the one talking." Shi Kuang said: "Hey! This is not what a king should say!" The courtiers on the left and right thought that Shi Kuang had committed a crime and demanded that he be punished.Duke Ping of Jin said: "Let him go, I will take this as a warning."

If an ordinary musician dared to bump into the monarch, if he didn't skillfully grasp the initiative of the dialogue, wouldn't he be killed?There are many such examples in ancient my country.

Because of his integrity, Wei Zheng offended some people and was criticized.Li Shimin sent Wen Yanbo to blame Wei Zheng.Therefore, Wei Zheng went to Tang Taizong and said, "I hope Your Majesty will let me be a good minister, not a loyal minister." Li Shimin was surprised when he heard this, and quickly asked, "Aren't good ministers and loyal ministers the same?" Wei Zheng replied, "It's not the same." Like Gu Zhiji and Jiu Tao, they are good ministers; like Longfeng and Bigan, they are loyal ministers. Good ministers "focus on state affairs, public affairs and forget personal interests", and enjoy a good reputation. If it goes on, the fortune of the country will be endless. Loyal ministers are not the same. They only make excuses and think for themselves. The monarch will get a bad reputation for being fatuous for him, and even the country will perish. This is the difference between loyal ministers and good ministers."

Wei Zheng used the method of defining and rectifying names here, indirectly and euphemistically criticizing the emperor for only liking the yes-man, and hinting at the bad consequences of doing so.Because Wei Zheng firmly grasped the initiative, he led Li Shimin into the trap he set step by step. The profound and powerful arguments moved Li Shimin greatly, and achieved the effect of asking for advice.It can be seen that striving for the initiative can determine the success or failure of the debate.

Only by attacking, attacking, and attacking can we always grasp the initiative.But you can't attack blindly, you must master the offensive skills in order to achieve good results.

1. Frontal attack.

Going hand in hand with the opponent, directly refuting the opponent's arguments face-to-face, especially the central argument, pointing out the mistakes in the opponent's arguments and the places that obviously violate the facts and common sense, so that their claims cannot be established, is the magic weapon for winning the debate.This is the so-called frontal attack.This is a commonly used method in large-scale regular army decisive battles. It is the most commonly used and the most difficult to master.

2. Surround attack.

Surrounding attack means that when the opponent has many sub-arguments, the sub-arguments and arguments surrounding the opponent's core argument can be divided and rebutted one by one, and finally overthrow the opponent's core argument.Since the opponent's argument cannot be established, its core argument is naturally not established.

3. Roundabout attack.

Roundabout attack refers to the long-distance attack without close contact with the opponent. For example, starting from picking on the opponent's inappropriate attitude or lack of demeanor in the debate, and then grasping the opponent's attempt to argue, and conducting in-depth refutation.In this way, the other party is often caught off guard and difficult to answer.

We must learn to fight for the initiative in various ways. In life, informal debates are everywhere. If you want to succeed, you must take the initiative. The first condition for taking the initiative is that you have a calm attitude.Whether it is a formal debate occasion or a daily debate, if you want to control the enemy, you must hold the initiative in your own hands, which is the key to success or failure.

Get the head start and make the other party submit.

People always bully the weak and fear the hard. When they meet the weak, they always like to bully the weak with the strong, and they must push the other party to a situation where there is no way out.This is a kind of inferiority of human beings.If you are in a weak position, when the other party refuses to obey your opinions easily, or even shows a condescending attitude, you can use "intimidation" to suppress the other party at the beginning, so that the other party will submit and change their minds, and turn the other party into the main. Your active position, which is also a trick of paternal hypnosis.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" mentioned that Cao Cao led the army to march south, and Liu Bei was defeated and retreated, unable to fight back, and he was likely to sit and wait for death.With Liu Bei's power alone, he absolutely cannot compete with Cao Cao's power. There is only one solution, which is to join forces with Sun Quan in Jiangdong.At this time, Zhuge Liang voluntarily went to Jiangdong as a lobbyist. He did not humbly beg Sun Quan like ordinary people, but adopted the method of "anti-customer first" and showed a tough attitude, which aroused Sun Quan's self-esteem.

At that time, Sun Quan of Eastern Wu relied on the entire territory of Jiangdong and [-] elite soldiers, and the natural barrier of the Yangtze River as a natural barrier.He concluded that Zhuge Liang was here as a lobbyist, and adopted a condescending attitude to wait for Zhuge Liang's entreaties.

Not wanting Zhuge Liang to see Sun Quan, he cut to the chase and said, "Now is the time when the world is in turmoil. General, you raise your troops to Jiangdong, and my lord Liu Bei recruits troops to Hannan, and at the same time competes with Cao Cao for the world. However, Cao Cao has almost completely pacified the world. Marching into Jingzhou, the world is famous, and all heroes from all walks of life have been recruited by him, which has caused my lord Liu Bei to retreat today. General, do you have to weigh your own strength to deal with the current situation? If your country's army is strong enough to compete with Cao Jun If you want to compete against each other, you should break off diplomatic relations with Cao Jun as soon as possible."

Zhuge Liang didn't mention Wu's request to fight against Cao Cao. He knew that Sun Quan would never surrender easily and submit to Cao Cao.

After hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Sun Quan was not happy, but he did not show his expression, and asked, "According to what you said, why didn't Liu Bei surrender to Cao Cao?"

In response to Sun Quan's question, Zhuge Liang replied: "Do you know the story of King Tian Heng of Qi? After the Han Dynasty. I admire Uncle Liu Huang's Yingmai qualifications, and there are countless outstanding talents who have voted under his banner. Whether things succeed or not, it can only be said to be God's will. How can I surrender to the Cao thief?"

Although Sun Quan decided to join forces with Liu Bei, facing the power of Cao Cao's 80 army, he still had a lot of doubts in his heart-Zhuge Liang saw this and further used the method of analyzing facts to persuade Sun Quan.

"Cao Cao's army marched long distances, which is a taboo for military strategists. In order to chase our army, the light cavalry rushed for more than [-] miles all night. In addition, Jingzhou is newly lost, and the people in the city are threatened by Cao Cao, and they will never be convinced. Now if the general's elite soldiers can fight side by side with us, we can definitely defeat Cao Jun. Cao Jun retreats north, and naturally forms a three-point situation, which is rare opportunity.” Therefore, Sun Quan agreed to Zhuge Liang’s proposition that Sun and Liu join forces to fight against Cao, and this led to the world-famous Battle of Chibi.Zhuge Liang really deserves to be a master of asking for help.

Living is a kind of confrontation. If you don't want to be overwhelmed by the opponent, then you have to be the first to win.

Get to the point and cut to the chase.

Many times, when we stand in front of the other party and prepare to persuade the other party, the other party has already been psychologically prepared.At this time, the excuses and pleasantries we thought may not be necessary, and both parties know the purpose of this conversation in their hearts.If this is the case, we can start the conversation in a straight-forward and straight-to-the-point way, and we can take the lead instead.

During the Warring States Period, King Mengchang of Qi State advocated uniting against Qin. Their retainer Gongsun Hong said to Lord Mengchang: "You might as well send someone to the west to observe the King of Qin. If the King of Qin is a monarch with the qualities of an emperor, you may not even be a vassal." Impossible, how can you care about fighting against Qin? If the king of Qin is an unworthy monarch, it will not be too late for you to join forces and fight against Qin." Meng Changjun said: "Okay, then I invite you to go." Gongsun Hong took ten chariots to Qin to see what happened.

When King Qin Zhao heard about this, he wanted to humiliate Gongsun Hong with words.Gongsun Hong paid homage to King Zhao, and King Zhao asked, "How big is this place?" Gongsun Hong replied, "It's a hundred li in radius." King Zhao said with a smile, "My country is thousands of miles across, and I dare not make enemies. Now Lord Mengchang Is it possible that you want to fight against me with such a small territory?" Gongsun Hong said: "Mengchang Jun likes sages, but you don't like sages." King Zhao asked: "Mengchang Jun likes sages, how do you say that?" Gongsun Hong said: "Able to uphold justice, do not submit before the Son of Heaven, do not flatter the princes, be worthy of being a master when one achieves one's ambitions, and be unwilling to be a subject of others when one's ambitions are not fulfilled, there are three such scholars among Lord Mengchang. They are good at governing the country, and they can be teachers of Guan Zhong and Shang Yang. If the idea is obeyed and carried out, the monarch can achieve the king's career. There are five such soldiers in Mengchang. As envoys, he was insulted by the monarch who owns tens of thousands of military vehicles. Like me, he dared to use his own blood Mr. Mengchang has ten of those who splashed each other's clothes."

King Zhao of the State of Qin smiled and apologized and said, "Why are you doing this? I am very friendly to Mr. Mengchang, and I am going to receive him as an honored guest. I hope you will explain my feelings to him." Gongsun Hong promised to return home .Sometimes, winning or losing can be determined with a single word, firmly grasping the main points, hitting the nail on the head, giving people a concise and capable feeling, and lengthy polite words often arouse the other party's disgust.

In real life, straight-to-the-point expressions can explain one's confidence, belief and unshakable will, and use a certain tone to urge the other party to change their original mind, stop hesitating, and no longer worry about key issues because of small details. And against you.

Straightforward tactics often appear in the form of questions in the debate field.If the other party avoids answering, ask them why they did not answer.If the answer cannot be justified, or what is said is not beneficial to the questioner, the questioner can immediately refute it because he has already prepared and has a well-thought-out plan.Under normal circumstances, straight-to-the-point questions are difficult for the questionee to deal with.Because of this, the questioner often fails to express his meaning or answers more and more wrongly when he is flustered. In this way, the questioner can easily defeat his opponent.

The general authority effect affects the opponent.

The authority effect, also known as the authority implication effect, means that if a person has a high status, prestige, and respect, then what he says and does will easily attract the attention of others and make them believe in its correctness, that is, " People say little things, but people value words."

American psychologists once did an experiment: When lecturing to students in the psychology department of a certain university, they introduced a German teacher invited from another school to the students, saying that the German teacher was a famous chemistry teacher from Germany. Home.During the experiment, the "chemist" took out a bottle containing distilled water and said that it was a newly discovered chemical substance with some smell. Ask the students to raise their hands when they smell the smell. As a result, most of the students raised their hands.For distilled water, which has no smell, most students think it has a smell because of the language hint of this "authoritative" psychologist.

Everyone has a certain influence on the people around them or on the society, but the degree of influence varies. Generally speaking, authority figures tend to have greater influence on other people.Add in your eye discomfort and go to the hospital. If all else being equal, you could choose between an ophthalmologist and a young doctor just out of medical school. Which would you choose?I believe you will definitely choose an expert. These all show that authority has more influence on us than ordinary people.

Why does this authority effect exist?The first is because people have a "safety psychology", that is, people always think that authority figures are often correct role models, and obeying them will make them feel safe and increase the "insurance factor" that they will not make mistakes; secondly, it is because people have a "approval psychology" , that is, people always think that the requirements of authority figures are often consistent with social norms, and if they follow the requirements of authority figures, they will get praise and rewards from all sides.

Be guided by the authority effect, a very obvious example is the car in the United States, where cars are a status symbol that attracts people's interest in particular, according to a survey conducted in the San Francisco Bay Area, people who own a fancy car are more likely to be respected. People's respect, and experiments have also proved that when the green light is on, people often decide whether to press the horn according to whether the car parked in front is a famous car or an ordinary model. They are willing to wait a little longer, but if it is open to ordinary traffic, they will soon become impatient. Does the person sitting in a luxury car must be a respected person?Of course not, but his car is a famous car, so in the eyes of others, his status will naturally be elevated.

Another example is a toothpaste advertisement. When people who have seen the advertisement are asked who are the characters in the advertisement, doctors are generally mentioned. Authoritative recognition, but the problem is that the advertisement does not clearly tell you that the person in the white coat is a doctor. This is a wonderful application of the authority effect in marketing, and it is based on a deep grasp of people's psychology.

In an enterprise, leaders can also use the "authority effect" to guide and change subordinates' work attitudes and behaviors, which is often better than orders.Therefore, an excellent leader must be the authority of the enterprise, or cultivate an authority for the enterprise, and then use the authority suggestion effect to lead.Of course, in order to establish authority, one must first have a comprehensive and deep understanding of authority, so that authority can be established correctly and authority can be maintained for a longer period of time.

In life, we can introduce authority effect to guide the attitude and behavior of the other party. If someone has a conflict with your opinion, you can find evidence of what an authority figure has said or done. Believe, this person will agree your.

The questioning went from simple to deep, pressing step by step.

Faced with problems that are difficult to solve at the moment, you can use clever questioning from shallow to deep, progressively, step by step, showing more and more momentum.This is actually a trap, first bringing the opponent into the trap, then showing the real purpose, and finally solving the problem.

For example, there is a saying that is very popular among women: "I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than believe in a man's bad mouth." Problem - promises moisture.In fact, it is not difficult to test out the truth and falsehood of a man's promise, and paternal hypnosis can be of great help at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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