Jack Ma: The future has come

Chapter 19 Our Responsibilities

Chapter 19 Our Responsibilities (2)
Fortunately, in our generation, it is possible to get rid of poverty in an all-round way.Due to the maturity of technical conditions, the penetration rate of mobile phones in rural areas has reached more than 80%.Even in remote areas, mobile phones can connect you with the world.In the past, if you want to get rich, you must first build roads; now, if you want to get rich, you must first "build e-commerce". This "repair" is the "repair" of "practice".

More than 30 years ago, the household contract responsibility system solved the problem of who owned what was planted on the land.Now, rural e-commerce has to solve the problem of who to sell the things produced on this land.Farmers knowing who to sell their produce to is a critical first step in modernizing agriculture.

Neither the planned economy nor the market economy has completely solved the problem of farmers' production and marketing.Big data is a new subdivision of the market and subdivision of the market. By analyzing pre-sale data in advance, farmers can produce predictably, and agriculture can allocate resources in a planned way.Coupled with the support of smart logistics and Internet finance, this is the real realization of rural industrialization and agricultural modernization.

We firmly believe that "public welfare mentality, commercial means" is the most effective development path for rural poverty alleviation.

This will be an enlightenment for rural e-commerce and new rural modernization.The consumption of 10 million farmers and the start of agricultural modernization are another direction and breaking point for China's industrial transformation and upgrading.I personally believe that in the next 20 to [-] years, agricultural mechanization, agricultural modernization, and rural informatization will be an important highlight of China's economic development.Agricultural modernization will definitely be an important growth pole for China's economic development.

This is an opportunity for a new generation of farmers.In the previous generation of Chinese farmers, many left their homes and went to the cities, and many became "migrant workers".Now, farmers don't need to abandon their land to become "farmer businessmen".This is not just a word difference. A new generation of farmers is using big data and the Internet to decide what to plant next year, how to plant it, and who to sell it to. They are using creativity, innovation and creation to change their destiny.

We are farmers at heart

We believe that in the year after the Spring Festival, at least 100 million migrant workers will go home and start businesses.In fact, many farmers have returned to the countryside and started selling various agricultural products through the mobile Internet.

Today, tens of thousands of young people in China have left construction sites and joined the express industry.In the near future, we believe that the modernization of the new countryside will increase the value of the land, and many young people will return to the countryside to become new farmers, entrepreneurial farmers, and industrial farmers. They will be the creators of new villages in the future.

I respect Mr. Yuan Longping very much. He has achieved a thousand catties per mu of rice.We hope that through the means of the Internet, through the efforts of our generation, the wealth per mu can reach 1000 US dollars, and the land can become the real source of wealth for farmers.

I believe that there are many people who grew up in the countryside, and there are many people who have relatives in the countryside.In fact, everyone's home is in the countryside, and everyone has a paradise in their hearts.

We are all farmers at heart, and our hearts are all in the countryside.One day the countryside will return to its original appearance, green water and green mountains.We want to keep the green water, green mountains, and blue sky and white clouds. We need this kind of modernization, not just the urbanization of the industrialized era, but the ruralization of the new era, which can bring a simple hometown flavor to our hearts at any time. Hometown.Rural e-commerce will definitely allow us to see the "Peach Blossom Spring" of modern rural areas one day earlier!
I want to say that "Double 11" is a festival for netizens, while the New Year's Day is a festival for farmers.Only by making farmers rich, solving the living problems of 8 million farmers, solving their problems of getting rich, using commercial means to improve the society, and using commercial means to solve the problem of poverty, will China have more opportunities and more hope , and more in the future.

I believe that after our 10-year development, the Chinese New Year Shopping Festival can bring huge opportunities to farmers all over the country, and to every entrepreneurial young man in town and village.

Editor's note:

In September 2013, Alibaba announced the launch of the "Thousands of Counties and Ten Thousand Villages" rural Taobao plan, recruiting village Taobao partners in various administrative counties and villages across the country.At the 9 Tmall "Double 2014" shopping carnival, Rural Taobao handed over a one-year answer sheet: it covers more than 11 counties, more than 170 administrative villages, and has more than 8000 partners.On the "Double 8000" day, Cuntao's turnover exceeded 11 million yuan. On December 3, Alibaba announced the launch of the first Alibaba New Year's Day in Yan'an.

4. It is easy to eliminate Ali, but it is difficult to eliminate fakes
In the past few years, we have paid a lot and achieved a lot. In 2015, we provided the "Doubles Office"[14] with thousands of clues to the counterfeit selling gang and assisted the police in arresting more than 700 people.A team of more than ten people used big data technology to support tens of thousands of police officers in handling cases, and cracked a counterfeit sale case worth more than 30 billion yuan, which is very remarkable!

Since the establishment of the company in 1999, I have never been absent from any group-level meetings on anti-counterfeiting and intellectual property rights, and it will be the same in the future.I don't have to attend other meetings of the group, but I must attend the anti-counterfeiting meeting.We will do whatever it takes to crack down on counterfeiting.Alibaba wants to become the infrastructure of future commerce. Controlling counterfeit goods and cracking down on intellectual property infringement are the foundation of the infrastructure and the foundation of maintaining the online business ecology.

I want to declare that there is no limit to our investment in combating counterfeiting and intellectual property protection.The anti-counterfeiting team and intellectual property protection team will be specialized, and another 300 people will be added.If it's not enough, add more.

Taobao is a mirror of "Made in China"

Have we ever thought about why we should crack down on fakes?You must understand that we are not only fighting counterfeiting for Alibaba, we are also fighting counterfeiting for our descendants.We all know that the counterfeit problem we face is not limited to e-commerce.If a society is full of lies, fake diplomas, match-fixing, fake news, fake singing, there will naturally be fake products.

Fake goods are harm to the whole Chinese society.There is not a single fake that we make, and there is not a single fake that we don’t want off the shelves.Because Ali cracked down on counterfeit goods before, people who sold counterfeit goods in Guangdong set up a four-day mourning hall for Jack Ma in Times Square in Hong Kong!

It is easy to eliminate Alibaba, but it is difficult to eliminate fakes.If Tmall and Taobao are closed, and there will be no fakes in China, then we will close them immediately.The problem is that it doesn't work.Ma Po looked in the mirror, dropped the mirror, and the pockmarks were still on her face.The Internet is a mirror of Chinese society, and Taobao is a mirror of "Made in China".

We must not let the next generation think that people who are dishonest, copy others, and steal others can also get rich.This is wrong, it will harm future generations!If those with intellectual property rights, patents, and innovative ideas cannot succeed, thieves and robbers can get rich; if this society ignores plagiarism and people use fake things, how can society progress?How can a country become rich and powerful?How can we be successful?Just imagine, if your idea is plagiarized, and the society has no system of supervision and governance to punish it, will you still insist on innovation, and will you still work so hard?

Cracking down on counterfeit goods is not just a matter of Alibaba, it is also related to our next generation and the ecological development of the entire society.The biggest harm fakes bring us is that in the end, dishonest people get more than honest people, and fakes make innovation worthless.This is the greatest harm to the country and nation!

Take the responsibility of cracking down on counterfeiting with technology

Back then, a single Wang Hai could cause such a big disturbance in cracking down on counterfeiting.Alibaba has 3.5 employees, unite, use our technology, wisdom and innovation ability, I believe we can do better.

The problems faced by the anti-counterfeiting team and the intellectual property protection team are equivalent to the problems faced by the judges of the intellectual property division of a court.A judge cannot easily make a judgment. If he is not professional enough, not dedicated enough, and does not look at issues from the standpoint of fairness and justice, he is absolutely unqualified.I hope that Alibaba's team can have professionals like intellectual property court judges.From now on, in the intellectual property forums, among the classic cases of intellectual property rights, there must be classic cases related to Alibaba.

At any time, the bigger the problem, the bigger the responsibility, and the bigger the opportunity.Let's not underestimate the work of today. If Ali's anti-counterfeiting work and intellectual property protection work are done well and recognized by the world, then this team should be eligible to win the Nobel Prize.Because we have eliminated a huge obstacle that no one has been able to eliminate in the past, and it will hinder the progress of an era, a society, and a country.

However, I'm not that optimistic.It is very likely that our generation will not be able to completely eradicate fakes, but if we do not make up our minds to do it, do it seriously, do not invest in it, and do not train a group of experts to fight counterfeit goods, then we will have no chance .

Don't be obsessed with figuring out who is responsible. As long as it is fake, we have to investigate to the end and pursue it to the end.We have many reasons to complain and many reasons to be wronged.For example, the bank card with real-name authentication is bought from the bank with money, and the offline factory is under the nose of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. The negotiation is made on other platforms, and the transaction is completed on Taobao with a postage supplement link.None of these seem to be our responsibility, but we must take this responsibility.

Be the national team in the anti-counterfeiting field

For so many years, traditional methods, mechanisms and measures have been used to crack down on counterfeiting, and the crackdown has continued, and it is considered that more and more crackdowns have been made.It's time for Internet companies to try it out. Let us use Internet methods and big data technologies to solve problems.

Alibaba's e-commerce accounts for more than [-]% of the entire Chinese market, and we must shoulder this responsibility.We will launch the most professional anti-counterfeiting team in China, not only to fight against fakes that appear on the Alibaba website, but also to fight against offline fakes, and even fight against fakes on other platforms.Not only should our anti-counterfeiting team of hundreds of people do it, everyone in the group must join in, but we must also unite social forces to do it together.

Don't think that we have done our duty by removing fake products from our platform.In the past, we tried our best to get rid of fakes, but is this enough?We know that there are other places where fakes can continue to exist, and in a more subtle way.It is irresponsible to consumers to simply drive counterfeit products away from Alibaba.It is truly socially responsible to make it impossible for fakes to go to the platforms of friends and merchants.We want fakes to have no distribution channels at all, no production at all-someone will always be after them.

The entire business is an ecosystem.For example, to control smog well, we must look at the problem from the perspective of the overall pattern, not just control a district, county or city.The same is true for counterfeiting.Over the years, the fakes have not been wiped out, but "more and more", which shows that the old method is no longer effective.There are so many rats that you cannot kill them all. Only by destroying the environment in which the rats live can it be possible to completely eradicate the rats.I hope that everyone will think carefully, have a strategy, a mission, and specific tactics; they must have wisdom, courage, and responsibility!

If we only form a counterfeit Ali team, we will not be able to succeed in the end.We can succeed only if we become the Chinese anti-counterfeiting team and think about the problem from the overall situation.

When Ali was founded, there was a saying called "At this moment, it is none other than me".I hope Ali's anti-counterfeiting team can become the best anti-counterfeiting and intellectual property protection team in China and even in the world.

Fight against the dark side of human nature

Counterfeit products exist in the air around us like germs. To fight against counterfeit products is to fight against the dark side of human nature. This is a permanent war.We will not reject the air because we are afraid of germs, nor will we give up our efforts to fight germs.

The fight against fakes is actually a fight between human nature.Fake goods are caused by the greed of human nature, which is a war that human beings can never completely get rid of.Some people always want to get rich quickly, and some people always want to get rich without paying a price-human nature itself has these dark sides.Everyone must resolutely clean up those who do not keep their promises, plagiarize others, make fake products, and hype their credit, and bring them to justice.

I believe that the vast majority of people who sell, counterfeit, and manufacture counterfeit goods do not want to go on like this for the rest of their lives. They chose this wrong path because of the old business model, business environment, and greed.We want to encourage those who are honest to act and help those who work hard to succeed.Alipay can have today because Alibaba made honest people rich first at that time, and Alipay made credit equal to wealth.

I believe that as long as we can help people cultivate the value of "integrity equals wealth, innovation equals wealth" and make every trustworthy and innovative person successful, then most of the people we are attacking now will be willing to leave. Come on the right path.

Editor's note:

Alibaba's e-commerce platform already has 4.23 million consumers, tens of millions of sellers, and 10 billion items, which makes Alibaba a vital position in combating the global counterfeit trade.In order to intensify the anti-counterfeiting efforts, in December 2015, the Ali Platform Management Department was established, and Ms. Zheng Junfang served as the chief management officer of the platform.Two weeks later, Matthew Bassiur, a former Apple legal counsel, became vice president and head of global intellectual property at Alibaba Group. On March 12, 2016, the Ali Platform Governance Department held a swearing-in meeting, and Ma Yun delivered a speech.

5. Alibaba has zero tolerance for intellectual property infringement
When Alibaba went public in 2014, I told our users, employees, and investors that what we raised today was not money, but trust, the trust of customers, the trust of the times, and the trust of investors.Every day, the world is paying attention to whether we can stick to our promises, so I hope that everyone can be worthy of this trust and our own dreams on the first day.

As a public company that attracts global attention, it is our responsibility to accept and candidly respond to inquiries from all walks of life.But today, when I see what the media said to me out of context and deviate from the facts, I feel that I need to express my true views more clearly, which is also a responsible attitude to everyone.

I shared with investors some of the developing trends we have observed. We found that the relationship chain between brand owners and their OEMs, and between brand owners and their existing customers is shifting and changing.

First of all, due to weak demand from the West and a decline in exports, every day we see a large number of Chinese export processing enterprises facing a crisis of survival due to the halving of customer orders. Where all the net worth and career are located.They must find a new way to survive.

In addition, the rapid development of e-commerce has given these processing and manufacturing companies a huge opportunity to sell to the domestic market.Most processing and manufacturing enterprises have already begun to use the Internet to create their own brands. They are hiring excellent designers to create Internet brands and e-commerce channels for direct communication with consumers.

This is the true point of view I want to express, and what I want to share and remind everyone: These new Internet-based successful companies are bringing a huge impact to those brand owners based on traditional and mature retail business models.this is the truth.

Alibaba never condones and condones but resolutely cracks down on counterfeit goods. Brand owners and their intellectual property rights must be protected.Alibaba's mission is to support producers who innovate and invest in their own brands.We have zero tolerance for infringement of the intellectual property rights of others.

We firmly believe that brands and intellectual property must be protected.The inability to protect original designs, technologies and trademarks is tantamount to supporting plagiarism.This is not only harmful to the brand side, but also far-reaching to the integrity of the trading platform.We do not and will never tolerate or condone any plagiarism.

(End of this chapter)

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