Jack Ma: The future has come

Chapter 24 Confrontation with the World

Chapter 24 Dialogue with the World (1)
1. Dialogue with US President Barack Obama

Background tips:

The three APEC (APEC) No.20 leaders' informal meetings were held in Manila, Philippines from November 2015 to 11, 18.During the dialogue session of the Business Leaders Summit, then US President Barack Obama had a lively chat with Jack Ma and Filipino entrepreneurs on climate change.During this period, Obama and Ma Yun discussed how the government and enterprises should deal with climate warming and environmental issues, which became the climax of the interactive session.

Why are you passionate about climate protection

Obama: Mr. Jack Ma, why are you so passionate about climate protection?Why do you think business should play a role in the problem of environmental change?
Ma Yun: It is not enthusiasm, but deep concern that drives me to devote energy to the environment and climate change.When I was 13 years old, I went swimming in a lake and almost drowned because the lake was much deeper than I thought.And five years ago, when I revisited the old place, the whole lake was almost dry.

We all have young friends dying of cancer, and 20 years ago, almost no one had heard of cancer.Today, many relatives, friends and families around us are suffering from cancer.

If there is no healthy environment, no matter how much money we make, we will face the disaster of environmental degradation. This is our worry.Since 6 years ago, Alibaba Group has donated 3‰ of its annual income to encourage and help young people find innovative ways to solve environmental problems.Let's face this problem together.

Of course, money is never enough, but money can be used to awaken people's awareness that there are problems with the climate, food safety, and water quality, so that we can take these problems seriously and solve them.This is what we think about.

Where are the opportunities for the future?Alibaba has always believed that opportunities are always in the most troublesome and worrying places.You can get as much opportunity as you can solve the trouble.

A few years ago, Bill Gates called me and invited me to promote the application of clean energy. I thought this is a very good idea, and this is something we can contribute.

15 years ago, our company was a small company, but now we have grown into a company that is different from many companies.However, we believe that no matter what kind of company you are, no matter how big or small your company is, if you don't care about the environment, food and water, then you will have a hard time surviving.

How should the government and large companies create a good environment

Obama: We've seen, in many countries, young entrepreneurs using high technology to make leaps and bounds.Likewise, in many parts of Asia and Africa, where phone lines are not even laid, people are jumping right over to using mobile devices and apparently buying things from Alibaba every day.This raises the question: what should we be doing to support young entrepreneurs?Mr. Ma Yun, you have been a self-made entrepreneur, and now you have become a successful entrepreneur. You have gone through two stages. How do you think the government and large companies should create a good environment for young entrepreneurs?
Jack Ma: What the government has to do is very simple, just cut taxes and don’t tax young entrepreneurs.

Obama: You got cheers from your fellow CEOs.

Ma Yun: I am very excited to hear the stories of these entrepreneurs.For entrepreneurs, startup companies are their "children". I have five "children" today, and I am already an experienced father.Alibaba, Taobao, Alipay, etc., these are my "children".I think for entrepreneurs, no one can help you, we can only help ourselves.Investors, partners, and the government are uncles and aunts, and you are the parents. Don't give up on your children.

What we do is create a platform, and our mission is to empower. During the "Double 2015" in 11, there were 145 billion US dollars of transactions on our platform. It is estimated that we will have a total transaction volume of 2015 billion US dollars in 5000.We don't sell anything, we help others sell, and our mission is to help other businesses realize their dreams.

There is an app on our platform that can track trucks, because truck logistics usually sends things from one city to another city, but when they return, they are empty. This app is to solve this problem and help truck drivers reduce empty loads.We helped this company with our technology and platform, and in just one year, the company saved $15 billion in fuel.It's about using technology in innovative ways.

It is difficult for large enterprises to maintain innovation, but small and medium-sized enterprises are always the most innovative.When we see such enterprises, we will be excited, we will fund them, support them with technology, and if they are environmentally friendly enterprises, we will promote them on our platform.

Entrepreneurs are paying attention to environmental changes
Obama: In China, people are increasingly concerned about the environment. Do you think your colleagues are paying attention to this shift?
Ma Yun: Taking China as an example, the smog has changed the government and all enterprises a lot.I organized a Taohuayuan Foundation and invited 45 business leaders in China to invest together.This is an institution involving government, business, scientists, sociologists and philanthropists.There are many things that enterprises should do more actively and consciously.It's too late to discuss whose fault it is, let's work it out together.How can we join together to do things more efficiently?I have always believed that doing public welfare should have a philanthropic heart and use commercial methods to practice, because this is the most effective way to get things done.Scientists should think about how to do things correctly, entrepreneurs should think about how to do things effectively, and the government should create a good environment and foundation.In the Asia-Pacific region, especially China, we have taken many good measures, but we should explore a more effective method.I bought a piece of land covered with forest in Brandon, New York, USA. I bought this land not to buy the forest, but to buy the experience to see how Americans solved their environment in the last century. pollution problem.We bring these technologies and experiences to China and to this half of the world.This is opportunity.If you are just worrying now, it is too late, we have to act and work together.

2. Conversation with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Background tips:

On August 2016, 8, on the eve of the G30 Hangzhou Summit, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrived in China early and participated in the Dialogue with Chinese Entrepreneurs held by the China Entrepreneur Club in Beijing.Jack Ma, chairman of the China Entrepreneur Club, said in his welcome speech that the lifestyles of China and Canada are very different, which also brings a lot of room for cooperation between the two countries.

China and Canada are so different, only entrepreneurs from the two countries have the opportunity to cooperate

Ma Yun: Today, entrepreneurs from China and Canada can gather together. First of all, we have to thank one person.This person came to China twice in the last century when most of us were not born. When the whole world did not understand China, he chose to observe China with his own eyes.This person led Canada to establish diplomatic relations with China in 1970 when many Western countries were not friends with China.The United States did not decide to do so until two years later.

The person we want to thank is Mr. Prime Minister's father, Mr. Pierre Trudeau.

So, our task today is not to build friendship and trust, because friendship and trust have existed since the time of the prime minister's father.Our task today is how to make our friendship and trust deepen our cooperation, benefit both Chinese entrepreneurs and Canadian entrepreneurs, and benefit both Chinese and Canadians.

Canada has many things that China can envy, learn and learn from.For example, Canada has only 3.5 people per square kilometer, while China has 135 people per square kilometer. This is something that the Chinese are very envious of, at least I am very envious of.However, Canadians may say that China is a big market with a population of 13 billion, and Canada is also very envious of China.Because our two countries are so different, entrepreneurs from the two countries have a lot of space and opportunities for cooperation.

Canada has many high-quality and healthy agricultural products and commodities, which are especially needed by the Chinese market.Not only products, but Canada's high technology, advanced education, culture and art, and environmental protection technology are all needed by China.There are now about 3 million middle-income groups in China, which is the order of 10 Canada, and this number is still growing.

Today, we, the best entrepreneurs in China, are very honored to be able to listen to Mr. Premier's speech, and discuss with Mr. Prime Minister how to deepen China-Canada economic and trade cooperation in the next session.You know, here today is another very young prime minister in Canadian history, who has led his party to a miracle in a very short period of time.From him, we have seen the vigor and vitality of Canada, as well as the future and confidence of Canada!
Justin Trudeau: Very happy to be in Beijing.Since I have been Prime Minister for 10 months, I have had such an opportunity to sit and talk with outstanding entrepreneurs from all over the world on different occasions, but few people have made me feel like a friend at first sight like Jack Ma.He has a great vision, that is, he hopes that personal consumption can flourish, create opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises, and achieve a better life.The vision is amazing!This is the first event I have attended since I arrived in Beijing, thank you for welcoming me here and bringing together such an extraordinary group of people to meet here.

This is my fourth visit to China and my first official visit since I became Prime Minister.When I first came to China as a young boy, my father was the prime minister.So today, when I visited China for the first time as Prime Minister, I brought my daughter with me so that she could learn about your country like I did when I visited China with my father.My father taught me to maintain a friendly and open attitude towards China, and I hope to pass on this philosophy to my children and the next generation in Canada.

As the world's second largest economy, China will play a vital role in promoting global economic growth, and any economic policy that ignores China, or fails to give the highest priority to relations with China, is irresponsible .Only by strengthening and deepening exchanges with China can Canada achieve its own goals, create job opportunities, strengthen the middle class, and revitalize bilateral relations.Chinese entrepreneurs should know that Canada has a good investment environment, and we are very willing to work with you to support the next growth of Chinese companies.

Of course, the benefits of a stronger bilateral relationship between our two countries go far beyond economics. There are also many cultural benefits: more Canadians will travel to China and more Chinese will travel to Canada , to deepen cultural ties.It will also be helpful in terms of the environment. Climate change is a global challenge that needs to be solved together and can only learn from each other through cooperation.

3. Dialogue with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key

Background tips:

On April 2016, 4, the New Zealand Prime Minister Luncheon of the China Entrepreneur Club Forum was held in Beijing.At the meeting, the then New Zealand Prime Minister John Key and Ma Yun delivered keynote speeches respectively.During this period, John Key also had a wonderful Q&A with Chinese entrepreneurs such as Shen Guojun, Wang Chaoyong and Xia Hua.

John Key: This is my sixth visit to China as Prime Minister of New Zealand. I brought a large New Zealand business delegation from different industries and fields.The strong lineup of this delegation shows that after the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between New Zealand and China in 2008, the business relationship between the two countries has been greatly developed.Now we are exporting more food and food-based products to China, and we are expanding our cooperation in the service industry more and more.

The relationship that New Zealand and China have developed over the past few years is not just cooperation in the field of business and economics, but partners in many fields.There has been cooperation especially in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as cooperation in the Security Council.We share similar positions on international issues such as climate change.At the same time, we all strive to promote free trade.When China signed a free trade agreement, New Zealand was the first choice.We call for the establishment of the Asian Investment Bank, and we have been very supportive of it since its inception.When President Xi visited New Zealand, we also expressed this position.The relationship between our two countries has been strengthening.

China has a population of more than 10 billion. You need safe, predictable and satisfactory products. New Zealand has technology, especially in food safety, so we can conduct mutually beneficial cooperation.

China should buy New Zealand's environmental technology, environmental awareness and environmental philosophy
Jack Ma: I am especially grateful to the Prime Minister for bringing so many great New Zealand entrepreneurs to China.I think the earth is very interesting. It has two halves, east and west, and north and south. If I had to choose, I would prefer to do business with people in the southern hemisphere, because there will be two summers and two winters every year.For those who do business, time means everything, and season means everything.Whether it is China's manufacturing industry or New Zealand's products, they will face two opportunities, two seasons a year.Because of the geographical location in the southern hemisphere, for Chinese companies, whether it is the manufacture of bikinis or the manufacture of ski equipment, they do not need to stop the production line all year round.On our company's platform, whether you buy globally or sell globally, due to the different geographical locations of the northern and southern hemispheres, the products will almost never be out of stock due to seasonal changes throughout the year.Therefore, I believe that economic cooperation between the northern and southern hemispheres has more opportunities.

We often talk about physical and mental health. When you arrive in New Zealand, your body and mind will be healthy.New Zealand is indeed a very happy country.I always thought that the salmon in Northern Europe was the best, but after I arrived in New Zealand, I ate several salmon at once.The salmon in New Zealand Snow Mountain is the best in the world. I can't find any country that has better salmon than there.

In such a healthy environment, New Zealand has become a very beautiful and unique region.We've all seen the movie The Lord of the Rings, and New Zealand was the filming location for the movie.There are still such unique and fascinating places in the world that anyone would want to visit.People all over the world love New Zealand.The population of New Zealand is only 450 million, and the number of tourists traveling to New Zealand has reached more than 300 million every year, which will soon exceed the population of New Zealand itself.New Zealand is not only good for tourism, but also has better products. Chinese consumers like to buy New Zealand milk powder, honey, and seafood.One day last year, we sold 27 tons of New Zealand honey in one day.Therefore, I especially hope that one day I can buy New Zealand's air, water, soil, and New Zealand's health through the Internet.

New Zealand is the first country to sign a free trade agreement with China. In 2019, 96% of New Zealand's goods entering China will be tax-free. This is undoubtedly very good news for Chinese consumers.I have always believed that trade is free, and trade should not be a weapon in government-to-government negotiations; trade should be peaceful, because the better the trade, the more peaceful the world will be.I believe that in the future, as long as we have a mobile phone and a car, we can do business with people anywhere in the world.I believe that this wish may be realized between China and New Zealand at the earliest.

(End of this chapter)

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