Jack Ma: The future has come

Chapter 9 Ali's next year

Chapter 9 Ali's Next Decade (4)
In Japan, a person told me that our company hired employees from the startup period of a certain company, which is very remarkable.I told him that the vast majority of early stage startup employees are terrible.Because no one believes in these companies, top performers cannot join startups.Generally speaking, there will be one or two excellent people in a start-up company, and most of them have mediocre qualifications.So, don't believe in those myths. Excellent talents are not recruited, but cultivated and trained by themselves.Excellent talents in any company have to get up early and stay late, they all have to go to work before dawn in the morning and come back in the middle of the night, they all have to squeeze the bus or the subway.Young people are trained in this way.Whether it is the Ali of yesterday, the Ali of today, or the Ali of the future, we will all take this path.Everyone has to work so hard, because our future is made by hard work, because we were not born with a golden key in our mouth.No one of our employees is qualified to come with a golden key in their mouth.Even if you were born into a rich family, you have to work hard, let alone we are not.

I want to tell everyone that working in our company must be very hard.When most of the old employees joined, I told them that we never promise that you will be promoted and get rich, but we promise that you will be wronged, wronged, frustrated, unlucky, and you may not get enough money. bonuses and wages.

Think about your ideals when you came to this company to apply for a job, and your commitment to the company at that time. What this company wants is not only the promise, but also the persistence to the promise.What this company has to do is not only a commitment to the mission of "making it easy to do business in the world" said in 1999, but also a commitment to stick to this mission.

I didn't just say this today, I started talking like this in 1999. In 2004 and 2005, we were questioned by the market: what is this company doing? After B2B finally made some money, it started to do Taobao, and later Alipay; before gaining a firm foothold, it went to "hook up" with Yahoo.We've done almost everything that's incomprehensible.I remember I told everyone at that time that by 2012, the whole world will see clearly what kind of company Alibaba is.

In 2012 and 2013, the whole world started to think: Wow, this is a weird e-commerce company.Although there are still countless accusations, the world has trusted us and given us so much money.Today, we seem to be everywhere again, investing everywhere.I want to tell you that by 2019, the 2019th anniversary of Alibaba, the world will see a completely different company.We are not fighting for the next quarter, we are not fighting for next year, but to return a promise to the world in [-]: on the [-]th anniversary of Alibaba, let everyone see clearly what kind of company it is.

At the same time, I hope that in 2024, Alibaba will truly create a powerful ecosystem that will make it easy for the world to do business.I turned 60 that year and I wanted this to be my 60th birthday present.Let's Show the world in 2024!

Ma Yun may not be here, Ali's values ​​will last forever
Some people say, if Ma Yun is gone, what will Ali do?Let me tell you that Jack Ma will definitely be gone, it's just a matter of time.Ali has experienced several generations of leadership changes. From 1999 to the present, in 16 years, we have experienced countless organizational transformations.There is no company in China that can change three bosses within a year.We call it embracing change, some call it making excuses.

The future world will change faster and faster. It is hard for us to say that we will not change, but we will definitely stick to our changes.Therefore, we not only need to find a successor for each cadre, but we also need to find a successor for each company.

Now Ali's leadership is basically people born in the 20s, I am, and so is Cai Chongxin.There are still many people born in the 60s, and we will step back step by step.We hope that the first-line presidents in charge of group operations are all born in the 60s, and the main force is people born in the 70s and 80s.We strictly train them, let them get up early, let them be late, make them happy, let them grow up, let them have money to afford a house and a car, let them find the best girlfriend and boyfriend forever, This is what we hope for.

In 1999 and 2000, when Alibaba first started its business in Hangzhou, employees couldn’t find a partner at all, not only because they were too busy, but when people heard the name “Alibaba”, they turned around and ran away.Such a strange name, still doing the Internet, never heard of it!At the annual meeting in 2001 and 2002, I promised everyone that we will become the best company in Hangzhou, and we will become the company that people in Hangzhou are willing to send their children, wives and husbands to. The enterprise that pays the most taxes in Hangzhou, we will become the pride of Hangzhou.

If you think this way, you will definitely do it.The you you are today was created by your thoughts and actions 10 years ago, and the you 10 years later will be created by your thoughts and actions today.We are all the same, with love and righteousness, and doing something valuable and meaningful together.We are united, let others say, we are only creating the future, we are not waiting for the future, we hope the world will have a better future because of us.

Make Beijing proud of Ali

My name was given to me by my father, who wanted me to fly and run every day.I flew from Hangzhou to Shenyang the day before yesterday, was in Japan yesterday, and now I just came back. I will go to Shanghai for a meeting tomorrow, and then I will return to Hangzhou the day after tomorrow, and then I will continue to run.I admit it.Maybe you are the same as me, who let you join such a company, who let you start a business with such a person!Since you are here, you should do it well; since you have accepted this fate, you should work hard.Ali just brings everyone together to do one thing, and since you're in it, you have to be the best you can be.

Whether you are in Ali tomorrow or not, no matter which company you join in the future, please bring our mission, our culture and values, our promise of "making the world easy to do business", and our dedication to The survival of 1000 million small and medium-sized enterprises, the grand goal of building a platform, bringing 1 million job opportunities and 20 billion consumers... You can join any company, we will never complain, and we applaud you.

Beijing is the place where all our competitors are most concentrated, and we congratulate our competitors today.The tortoise and the hare race, and the hare may take a nap, but the hare won't sleep there forever.We hope that 20 years from now, the air in Beijing will be as polluted as Los Angeles, New York, and Tokyo today.This not only requires the efforts of the environmental protection department, but also requires us to use more wisdom, use various methods, use computers, use data, and use e-commerce to create better business models and economic models.Only by being deeply rooted in Beijing and gaining the full support of local people, users and the government can we have an impact on China and participate in China's economic development.Only in this way, we will not live in vain in this life.

Editor's note:

On April 2015, 4, Alibaba Group held a staff meeting in Beijing at the Beijing National Stadium, and all executive teams from all over the world came to Beijing.Ma Yun announced at the conference that he would update the goal established by Ali Group since 23, changing the "serving 2009 billion consumers" to "serving 10 billion consumers".After the acquisition layout in recent years, Jack Ma revealed that Ali is integrating the "seven major business sectors" in the future: Ali's e-commerce services, ant financial services, rookie logistics services, big data cloud computing services, advertising services, and cross-border trade services , Internet service.In the future development goals, the Beijing team will play an important role.

5. Without KPI[10] assessment, ideals become fantasy
I always believe that the number one product of a company is its employees.When our employees are stronger, our products will naturally be stronger, our services will be better, and our customers will be satisfied.We hope that Alibaba is a company that was born on the land of China and contributes to the development of the world economy and the progress of human society.Therefore, we hope that the employees we recruit will all carry this mission and have this ideal in mind.

In the next 85 years, our company will still follow this path: the combination of strong idealism and realism forms our thinking about the future and the world.Our company is driven by a sense of mission. When I am in this company, I must adhere to the company's mission, which is "to make the world easy to do business."

The route our company takes is also unique.When Lakeside Garden was first established, we put forward a saying called "the wisdom of the East, the operation of the West, and the big market of the world".Alibaba was born in China, but Alibaba is not a Chinese company, and certainly not an American company.When people ask which country Alibaba is a company in, I answer that our shareholders come from all over the world.Let me tell you that although Alibaba was born in China, it is a global company.

Alibaba's KPI assessment is very annoying.Everyone hates KPI, but if there is no KPI, no result orientation, no awareness of efficiency, no awareness of organization, no awareness of management, then all ideals are empty words, and we will become a nonsense dreamer.Everyone is willing to stay in the ideal, but without constraints is just fantasy.There is no perfect organization in the world.Why?It's very simple, if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go with a group.If you want a group of people to walk together, you must be organized.

In the past, many companies hired our employees. At that time, we were still in the Huaxing Building in Hangzhou.A company once offered a condition that as long as Ali's people could go, they would pay four times the salary.As a result, none of our employees went there.We like people who offer constructive opinions and are motivated to act.We hate people who complain every day, we don't like these people.Whether it's on the internal or external network, we hate those people who say that the company is not good but still stay in the company.It's like the husband says his wife is bad, and the wife says her husband is bad, but they don't want to divorce.The door is open, we are willing to listen to advice, criticism, but to act.Alibaba's door should always be open, it's easy to get out, but hard to get in.This is what sets our company apart.Everyone remember: easy to get out, hard to get in.If it's easy to get in and hard to get out, it's a prison.

Only through unity can we overcome difficulties, instead of telling each other about other people's mistakes when encountering disasters and troubles.In the past few years, everyone has been arguing for a long time. There are some things that we are different from other companies: I am against employees taking the shuttle bus to and from get off work.Why?It's not that I can't afford it.If employees do not have a car, they can squeeze the subway, bus, or ride a bicycle to ensure that they will not be late for work.Let me tell you that once there is a shuttle bus, there will be more people who are late, and more people who leave work and leave when the time comes.We don't care about overtime, what we care about is whether you value your work.If you value and love what you do, you'll wake up early.

Remember, the benefits must be obtained through your own efforts. No one's bonus or income is given by others, and you must earn it by your own efforts.The performance and the market are determined, and no one will give it to you for no reason.Achievements are also earned through hard work.We applaud the effort and pay for the result.If there is a result, We pay (we pay); if you work hard and there is no result, we applaud, which is also very good.

Editor's note:

"Hundred Years Ali" is referred to as "Bai'a", which began in the early days of Alibaba's entrepreneurship. It is the induction training for new employees of Alibaba, and it is also the first lesson for newcomers to enter Alibaba. On March 2016, 3, in the lecture hall of Alibaba's Xixi Park, more than 9 new employees who had been employed for less than a year participated in a large public class called "Baia Compulsory Course", and more than 800 new employees passed the internal Online learning platform for online lectures.This article is based on Ma Yun's speech on "Bai'a".

(End of this chapter)

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