My cheating is too hard

Chapter 108 Being Treated as Mentally Retarded

Chapter 108 Being Treated as Mentally Retarded

Zhang Yuan looked at Klauer, who was swollen into a pig's head and lying motionless on the ground, paused, then looked back at Shi Ji, his eyes gradually became lax.

"Your Majesty!"

Shi Ji couldn't help screaming, gasped, his scalp was numb.

This scene is so similar.

Start again!

Shi Ji was so angry that if she could be stronger, she would definitely beat this nervous lion, she is simply inexplicably perverted...

However, when he saw the swollen and disfigured giant titan lying on the ground, he couldn't help but shuddered. An existence as powerful as the giant titan was hanged and beaten. His thin arms and legs suffered live?

With one punch, it is estimated that she can be photographed deep in the ground, and she can't even be picked out.

Thinking of this, Shi Ji felt sad, and honestly stayed aside.

So, while Shiji waited bitterly, half a day passed.

"By the way, the Titans!"

Zhang Yuan came to his senses and found it a bit tricky.

Although he is on the right side, Claure is a titan after all!

He has already formed a relationship with Klauer, how to solve this matter?

kill, no!

Zhang Yuan admits that Claure is not as good as himself, and it can even be said that he is far inferior.

I don't know if this Titan has too much water, his realm is so-so, his strength is too weak, and his hot chicken is too hot to watch.

As long as he is serious, he can probably slap Klauer to death with one paw!
But, you can't do this!
Regardless of whether he was reasonable or not, if he killed Klauer, it would be a feud!
Let it go, it won't work either!
Now that hatred has been formed, if he is released, wouldn't that be letting the tiger go back to the mountain?

That's what Saby did!

He is so smart that he can see many problems hidden behind in an instant.

Although he is not afraid, he is fearless, and even welcomes Claure to avenge his revenge, and then he can raise his claws high again and hang Claure.

However, Klauer is probably not Saby, even if he does things secretly, he will do things secretly, which will make people feel particularly uncomfortable.

This is like the mosquitoes you encounter in summer, buzzing around, but you can't catch them, you can't pat them, and you only hear the sound, which is very uncomfortable.

"My lord, maybe I have a solution."

Shi Ji hesitated.

Claure's identity is very special, he can't be killed, and it's impossible to let him go.

That's the benefit of having a good dad!

Shiji also has a headache, she is now tied to the smelly lion.

At that time, if trouble comes to her, she doesn't know whether the stinky lion will be killed, but there is one thing, she has enough confidence in her heart——

She, an unarmed accomplice, would be beaten to death alive!

Without hesitation, Zhang Yuan immediately asked, "What can you do?"

In fact, strictly speaking, he should have thought about it before asking, but he only thought about two questions, and it was getting dark, so he wasted a lot of time!

Therefore, Zhang Yuan asked directly!

Shi Ji was about to speak, but the next moment, she froze.

What's the use of her being so eager?
If the guess is right, then you can rest for half a day.

Glancing at Zhang Yuan, the look in his eyes was extremely complicated, full of doubts and deep pity, as if he was looking at an earth-shattering mentally handicapped person.

After looking at it, Shi Ji didn't reply, shook his head, let out a long sigh, and with a plop, lay down on the ground and closed his eyes.

Just now I was thinking hard, my vitality was seriously injured, and I stood there like a Sabi and waited for a long time, and I didn't even know to take the opportunity to take a rest...

Just take this opportunity to regain your vitality!
Snapped! !

Suddenly, he slapped his hand and pulled it off.

"who is it?!"

His head hurt, Shi Ji yelled, and then opened his eyes suddenly.

Seeing an extremely familiar face, Shi Ji was immediately stunned.

"Big... big..."

"Big sister!"

Zhang Yuan laughed angrily, raised his paw high, and was about to slap this guy to death, what kind of eyes did this guy just have?It is simply unreasonable!

Ever since he was a child, he had never been humiliated so cruelly and viciously.

What was even more frightening was that for a moment he felt as if he had really become a mentally handicapped child.

What a shame!
"My lord...the concubine really has a solution!" Shi Ji hurriedly explained.

Shi Ji panicked, why is this different from before?

"you say!"

Zhang Yuan snorted coldly, and warned: "If what you say is wrong, I will beat you to death."

"My lord, since you can't kill him, let's reconcile. But I have a doubt in my heart that I can't get rid of. Why did you hit Claure just now? I didn't find anything wrong with Claure. "

After Shi Ji finished speaking, his heart was beating wildly, and he was so frightened that he didn't dare to take a breath.


Claure burst into tears when he heard this, and he couldn't figure it out.

He obviously apologized, but in the end he was hanged and beaten into a pig's head. This injury contained some mysterious power. Even though he was already the master of the restricted area and belonged to the Titan family, he was still helpless and could only lie on the ground. On this ground, wait for this mysterious power to slowly disappear.


Zhang Yuan became angry when he mentioned this, and said: "This king was taken advantage of by this old monster. Tell me, how could this king swallow this breath?"

"Taking advantage?"

Shi Ji was puzzled, could it be that she was blind and didn't see some things?

Claure cried for a while, and didn't want to cry anymore, but for some reason, some inexplicable sadness suddenly appeared in his heart, and it became more and more out of control.

Vaguely, there is a bad feeling.

"That's right! This old guy is already so old. He is a majestic Titan and has a noble status. This king has always respected him. I believe you have seen it. Just now, this king directly apologized. It is unequivocal. This face has been thrown out, but I didn't expect this old fellow to be so disrespectful, relying on his status as a titan, he directly called this king a senior!"

Zhang Yuan gritted his teeth, how old is he?
To put it bluntly, he is still a young child, he has never even fucked a female, and he is as guarded as a jade.

So young, to be humiliated by an old guy!

Senior calls you a face!
As Zhang Yuan said, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He just heard the sound of Claure crying, and immediately couldn't suppress his anger, and rushed forward.

Snapped!clap clap!

The two paws bowed left and right, one left and one right, and slammed the pig's head that was already swollen out of shape, crackling, and the attack was very ruthless.


At this moment, Shi Ji was already dumbfounded. Seeing the figure who was crazily beating Claure, for some reason, infinite sadness suddenly surged in his heart.

This is so...


The sadness in Shiji's heart flowed like a river.


"My lord, I was wrong!"

At a certain moment, Shi Ji hugged Zhang Yuan's paw and howled miserably.

(End of this chapter)

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