Chapter 111

Shi Ji was dead, beaten to death, and when she returned to the cave, she was still dazed, her head was buzzing, and she felt like the whole world had collapsed.

She was actually beaten to death and became a victim between the two big bosses!
But can you resist?
There is no way to resist.

When she immediately returned there, the two big brothers had already become brothers, the smelly lion became the big brother, and the titan Klauer was the third brother.

As for why Claure is the third brother, it is because there are three dragons in front of him.

Long San is the second younger brother, and Klauer is the third younger brother, which sounds extremely absurd.

But when Shi Ji saw Klauer's teary eyes, she immediately understood many things. She had already seen similar things.

At the beginning, Long San was messed around by the stinky lion, and eventually became a younger brother.

This time, it should be no exception!

The Titan Klauer was also fucked, and was turned into a younger brother by the stinky lion!
And Klauer's injury, unexpectedly, has recovered.

As for what happened and how the process was, Shi Ji didn't dare to ask any more. She didn't even dare to speak, but obediently lay aside. If she said something wrong, she would definitely be punished by the stinky lion again. killed.

Although this body is just a puppet, the experience was too miserable.

"Oh, my fate is really too miserable..." Shi Ji sighed inwardly, instead of asking, he waited obediently aside.

She has already seen clearly the shameless character of the stinky lion.

As long as you are with the stinky lion, it is best not to talk, treat yourself as a sabi, don't ask too much, don't think too much, so that you can live a good life.

This time, she was so stupid that she wanted to meddle in other people's business, that's why she fell into the sinister scheme of the stinky lion and was killed!
"Little San, take care! It's up to you whether Big Brother will be able to eat well in the future."

Under Shi Ji's gaze, the stinky lion stretched out its paw, lifted it up and patted Klauer's head, and said something inexplicable.

"Yes! Brother! Brother knows!"

Klauer nodded, also very inexplicably, and then turned into a [-]-meter giant, flew into the sky, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"What happened? What's popular and hot? What does this stinky lion want..."

Shi Ji was stunned immediately, even Sabi knew that Claure was going to do something, and there was obviously a stinky lion behind him secretly instructing him!
Can the scheme of two mentally retarded people have good things?
Certainly not!


Shiji shuddered, seeing the stinky lion looking over, he was immediately scared, and didn't dare to ask, just lay down obediently, waiting for the stinky lion to ride.

"Okay, let's go!"

A light and fluffy sentence, but revealed a trace of comfort.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Shiji said, the doubts in his heart became stronger, but he still didn't dare to ask.

"Bastard! Damn it! You can't think so much. The more you know, the more miserable your death will be. If you meddle in your own business, you will seek your own death. If you ask another question, you will be a beast! You will be ridden by a stinky lion for the rest of your life!" "

Shi Ji scolded himself frantically in his heart, and finally suppressed his doubts.

It's okay to be a beast, because she is not a human being, but being ridden by a stinky lion for a lifetime is cruel, and she can't bear it no matter what.


Zhang Yuan didn't know what Shi Ji was thinking, but he felt very comfortable now.

The prairie is finally safe!

"Brother, come on, you are the best! Overturn the Heavenly Gate and defeat the human race!"

Zhang Yuan was high-spirited, squinting his eyes, enjoying the breeze blowing on his face.

As the saying goes, if you go out and rely on your brothers, you can travel all over the world, this sentence is very true!
Now that Klauer is attracting Tianmen's attention, he can continue to fight. After all, Klauer is a Titan family, no matter how you say it, he is more attractive than him. Although this is a bit embarrassing, it is a fact.

Good things will always come one after another, and once they come, they will come like crazy, in an endless stream.

Not long after, Zhang Yuan got a spiritual vein.

Moreover, there are no powerful creatures there, the strongest is a low-level group, just a group of mutated ants, weak and helpless.

The most powerful one is the first level of transformation, which is really too insignificant.

Before the ants could resist, they were slaughtered by Shi Ji.

Soil thorns emerged from the depths of the earth, piercing through all the ants on the ground, and then the earth shook, directly smashing the ant nests under the ground.

Boom - boom - boom

The earth was dug open by the iron pincers, and Shiji entered the depths of the earth. When she came out, she was holding a large stone in one hand, and there was a strong aura wave in it, and the surrounding air seemed to be much fresher.

"Spirit vein..."

Zhang Yuan found it very novel, and suddenly a system notification sound came from his ears.


"Ding! Spirit power +100"


"Good baby..."

Zhang Yuan secretly marveled.

It's only been so long, just standing here has increased the spiritual power by 100.

This point of spiritual power is insignificant compared to his current vast spiritual power, but if he gets closer, or eats it in one bite, the increase in spiritual power he can use will definitely be very impressive!

He is not a fool, and he is also very smart. The recovery of spiritual energy has just begun, and a powerful family of titans such as Klauer has appeared...

Don't forget, this is a wild area!
In other places, will there be more and more powerful existences?
Besides the Titan family, are there other powerful races?

Klauer is an old monster from ancient times, and he will wake up when the conditions are met. In this way, are there other old monsters who are unwilling to die, trying to wake up in this era of aura recovery, and trying to fight for hegemony?
there must be!
But in this way, a terrible thing happened. How strong is the human race to compete with so many existences? !

Strong group!
Just thinking about it, Zhang Yuan felt a little bit of pressure, which made him eager to improve his strength, otherwise he would probably be killed if he couldn't survive for ten years.

Even if he is not killed by the human race, he is likely to be killed by the old monster!

Those old monsters are all gangsters with a wealth of knowledge. Once they appear, they are probably the cultivation of the master of the restricted area. If these gangsters are allowed to practice for a while, it will not be easy to kill him?
"I want to increase my strength quickly. The world is too crazy and there are too many tricks. It doesn't matter if one or two is fine. After all, I am a genius in the sky, but there are too many tricks. Four claws are hard to beat ten claws. I may Can't beat it."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan became more urgent about strength. He has always been very casual, because he can become stronger by lying down, and he doesn't want to work hard at all.

But now it's different, there are some brazen dogs!
If he doesn't work hard, he will definitely be killed!
As for the hope that those hookers can get along well, it is completely a daydream.

Not all cheats are good cheats!
PS: Here we go, besides, I used another cover, isn’t it good?Hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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