My cheating is too hard

Chapter 125 Klauer: I'm Fearless

Chapter 125 Klauer: I'm Fearless
In the center of Tianmen, where the black tower used to be, now stands a huge palace with a height of [-] meters.

But this mysterious rune seems to contain some kind of great power, so that the palace appears mysterious and unpredictable, as if it has come to life, communicating with the heaven and the earth, and constantly sending out traces of scorching hot breath to the heaven and the earth.

The space around the palace is distorted, giving people a very weird feeling.

"Praise the great His Royal Highness Zane."

When the foreign races looked at this majestic palace, fanaticism would emerge even on their hideous faces, but they did not dare to praise loudly, they would only lower their heads and give their fanaticism deep in their hearts.

This is the palace of the great ruler of Tianmen, the supreme Highness Zane.

Ever since the great Zane occupied Tianmen, he created this huge palace here, and then entered the palace to practice, but did not come out.


Strands of mysterious aura emanated from the palace and merged into the depths of the world, so that the wind and clouds changed, and the sky burst into red light.

The clouds, as if turned into flames, are burning up.

In the end, the entire Tianmen showed a crimson light.

The invisible coercion swept across the nine heavens and ten earths, and the heavens and the earth trembled.

At this moment, countless creatures living in Tianmen, whether they were alien races or untransformed human races, all groaned, feeling an extremely strong coercion, and could not help but kneel on the ground with a plop.

Facing the thousand-meter palace, he lowered his head, his expression either fanatical or in awe.

No matter who knows, this boundless coercion comes from the master of today's gate, the supreme titan, His Highness Zane.

The only remaining human race trembled as if mourning their concubine, feeling deep despair.

The Lord of Tianmen has already left. If they want to survive, they can only transform into alien races, but once transformed into alien races, they will become human traitors.

When they see the human race again in the future, they can only fight each other and compete for superiority.

After a while, this coercion, like a god and a demon, rushed away like a tide.

Regardless of whether it is human race or foreign race, they only know that His Highness Zane's strength has improved, but they don't know what is hidden behind this increase in strength.

"Successful, I finally integrated the breath into this world. From now on, this place is the forbidden area of ​​this seat. Even though the human race has all kinds of incredible means, as long as they dare to come here, let them try the power of this seat!"

Claure sat cross-legged in the depths of the palace, his breath restrained, and the ancient well was calm.

His eyes penetrated through layers of barriers and looked into the distance with a relaxed expression.

The position of Tianmen is very important to the human race, and it has a strategic position. However, since he dared to occupy Tianmen and did not prevent the Lord of Tianmen from leaving, how could he not have some powerful means?

The world of Tianmen has been successfully eroded by him and turned into a restricted area.

Here, he controls a sliver of the power of heaven and earth. Unless it is the existence of the master beyond the forbidden area, he, Claure, is invincible in the world.

Even if the Lord of Tianmen brought a strong man back to take revenge and snatch Tianmen from him, he was not afraid, and even hoped that the other party would appear.

At that time, he can give the other party a small surprise.

Because he had already become the master of the restricted zone before that, and successfully eroded a part of the world. Logically speaking, it is impossible to erode the world anymore.

This is an iron law, even if Klauer is the supreme royal family of the Titan family, he must abide by it.

However, it is different now.

Klauer successfully eroded the world of Tianmen and broke the restrictions.

This point, I believe the human race will not see it, they will be furious, and it is very likely that they will send their masters of the restricted area to take revenge on themselves.


Klauer thought of this and laughed out loud.

A total of two worlds have been eroded. His strength is far superior to the master of the restricted area of ​​the same realm, comparable to the master of the high-level restricted area. Once the taboo field breaks out, even if the human race sends the master of the advanced restricted area, he will only die!
Now that I think about it, all of this turned out to be because of a small oath——

Allegiance to the king of the prairie.

The reason why he swore was originally to save his life, but he never expected that his body would change, adding many mysterious powers.

Erosion of heaven and earth many times is just a part of many mysterious powers.

"Now I have truly captured the Tianmen, and the transformation of the alien race is almost completed, but why hasn't the elder brother come, or he has come, but he has not shown up, forget it, the wisdom of the elder brother is far beyond my guess, I All we have to do is to seize the Heavenly Gate, and then transform the alien race."

Klauer muttered to himself, and couldn't help recalling the horrible picture he saw when he swore, and he couldn't help but feel infinite emotions welling up deep in his heart.

Who would have thought that an ordinary prairie lion that looked so ugly on the surface turned out to be an unimaginably terrifying existence.

Such a terrifying existence is indescribable and beyond all imagination.

Incomparably magnificent, countless worlds can be created just by breathing!
Even in the ancient Emperor Star, there are countless strong men with terrifying strength, but there is absolutely no one who can compare to one billionth of it!

Klauer even secretly guessed that this boss might be from the ancient emperor star, and he was the existence who survived that peerless war until now.

Of course, it may not be.

In Klauer's memory, the Lion Clan is not just a small race.

However, if you come from a small race, no matter how long you live, until the universe collapses, it is absolutely impossible to become such a great existence.

No matter what, Klauer knew that he had to hug the big guy's thigh tightly.

He originally planned to get up, develop secretly, and finally kill the human race.

After all, the strength of the human race is very terrifying. Although his current strength can be used for a while, this offends the human race to the death.

In the later stage, when the human race develops, it will definitely come to revenge.

With extremely complicated emotions, Klauer ordered to speed up the transformation of alien races.


What Krall was worried about was exactly what Zhang Yuan was worried about.

However, Zhang Yuan is not afraid now.

With Claure attracting the attention of the human race, he can transform the prairie unscrupulously, turning the prairie into a sacred place for the orcs in a short period of time, and then catalyze the strong beasts to enhance the overall strength of the prairie!

The first thing to do is to start with the spiritual veins and transform the environment of the prairie!
This time, he came back from the outside and successfully brought back 45 spiritual veins!
Of course, it is said that it is a spiritual vein, but it is actually just some seeds of the spiritual vein.

If the spiritual veins were allowed to evolve freely, most of the 45 spiritual veins that could be formed would only have a dozen or twenty, and there could be no more.

Other spiritual veins will dissipate by themselves during the difficult evolution process.

If it is the master of the forbidden zone, he can forcibly transform the spiritual veins with the help of the power of heaven and earth, but only a few meridians can be spawned, and no more can be spawned.

Stimulating spiritual veins is an act against the sky.

If spiritual veins can be spawned at will, it will cause unimaginable things.

PS: Is it in time today?Hey, it's so hard

(End of this chapter)

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