My cheating is too hard

Chapter 135 Although the body is dead, the will is immortal

Chapter 135 Although the body is dead, the will is immortal

Not only Da Gouzi and Er Gouzi were dumbfounded, but Feng Yi and Feng Er were also dumbfounded.

For some reason, the scene in front of them made them a little bit overwhelmed.

First, Da Gouzi easily killed Crocodile Fei and other beasts, and then Da Gouzi was beaten into the air by Daji. The process of being beaten into the air can be called inexplicable.

"I see……"

Shi Ji fell into deep thought, suddenly realized, his expression was a little excited.

"Silly bird, what are you still doing?"

Daji glanced at Shiji, then looked at Feng Yi and Feng Er, and reminded.

"Ah? Are you calling me a fool?!"

Just as Feng Er came to his senses and wanted to get angry, Feng Yi stopped him: "You idiot, now is a great opportunity, let's hurry up and leave."

Feng Yi was so excited, he also understood, grabbed Feng Er who was still at a loss, and ran to the pile of corpses, glanced at the two lackeys on the ground who looked confused, snorted coldly, and began to freeze those corpses.

After a while, all the corpses were frozen, and the hot blood on the ground was also frozen, so that the essence contained in it would not be lost.


When it was over, Feng Yi took his and Feng Er's orc corpses and said goodbye, spread his wings and flew high, and disappeared into the distant sky in a blink of an eye.


"Big brother..."

"younger brother……"

Da Gouzi and Er Gouzi looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces full of doubt and decadence.


Shi Ji also took his share and left here.

Then Daji took her share, and before leaving, she glanced at Er Gouzi lightly and said, "Er Gouzi, do you want to know why I can beat your elder brother?"

"miss you!"

Er Gouzi nodded.

To tell the truth, he really wanted to know!

Because he decided that he seemed to have suffered a big loss just now, why should he kneel and lick the big dog?

Although the big brother is a big dog, why does he have to kneel and lick him as a younger brother? !

Er Gouzi looked at Da Gouzi, his eyes suddenly became a little scary.

"The power of heaven and earth, I used the power of heaven and earth to defeat your eldest brother, but he was not injured. We obtained part of the power of heaven and earth before. Although we are not the masters of the restricted area, we are already equivalent to the masters of the restricted area. Assistant, you should understand now, right?"

"We are the children of heaven and earth."

Daji said: "Instead of saying that your elder brother killed Crocodile Fei, it is better to kill Crocodile Fei with the power of heaven and earth. Otherwise, do you think that your elder brother can kill Crocodile Fei with the same strength as you?"

Then, ignoring Er Gouzi's shocked expression, he left in a blissful manner.

"It turned turned out to be like this..."

Er Gouzi's pupils constricted and he muttered to himself, obviously he was shocked.

It turned out that his elder brother was the same as him, but his elder brother attacked Crocodile Fei first, thus creating an illusion that his elder brother was invincible! !

"not good!"

Big Gouzi's pupils constricted, he shrank his head, and was about to turn around quietly.

"My dear brother, where are you going?"

A gloomy voice suddenly came from one side, and Da Gouzi's scalp tingled suddenly. Looking over, he stuttered and tried to pull out an ugly smile. He wanted to cry but said: "Brother, you Let me explain..."

"Go away! I won't listen to your explanation, so go to hell with me!"

Er Gouzi roared, groaned, and rushed forward with baring teeth and claws.

"Oh... you really dare to hit big brother?..."

"It was you who hit me, and I still want to bite you, look at me, I'll bite you to death..."


"Oops... oops... don't bite there...,"




Looking at this scene from a distance, Daji thought it was a little funny, and couldn't help shaking her head.

"Shiji, next you are going to bring your race in, right? According to the king, before the king wakes up, you should try to hide the existence of the prairie, and don't expose the traces, so as to avoid unnecessary things."

Daji said, looking aside, it turned out to be Shiji who had already left.

Shi Ji nodded, and said: "Of course, after I go out, I will immediately bring the Stone Scorpion family in, and I'm afraid my body will sleep for a while, so as to break through the third heaven of the extraordinary. However, I suddenly found that there is a It's very interesting, it will be a very considerable gain, of course there will be risks, and now it depends on whether you are willing to cooperate."

"Oh? Interesting thing, what is it?"

Daji wondered, when she was planning to go back, she suddenly heard Shi Ji's secret message, out of curiosity, Daji appeared here.

"Haha, it will definitely be interesting. What do you think of the resources in the underground river world?"

Shiji is meaningful and authentic.

At this moment, she didn't have Zhang Yuan by her side, so she completely let go.

Immediately, he seemed to be resourceful, giving people a feeling of inscrutability, and easily brought his aura of the leader of the clan to the extreme.

"Underground river resources?"

Daji doesn't like the current Shiji very much, and said: "The resources of the underground river are naturally very good. You can tell from the eighteen extraordinary creatures. Eighteen extraordinary creatures appeared casually. Could it be that you want to enter the underground river?" ?”

That's right, Shiji has special authority to enter the underground river.

"Unfortunately, I can't leave the prairie, so I'm afraid I can't help you."

Daji refused.

Although the resources of the underground river are very rich, those creatures are a moving treasure house. Killing a creature can grab a lot of life essence, and the life essence represented by an extraordinary creature is even more.

But the king ordered her to stay in the prairie and not to leave here.

Naturally, she has determined to be the king's concubine. Daji feels that the first thing she has to do is to be obedient, the second is to be obedient, and the last is strength.

Moreover, the most important thing is that she has no authority and cannot leave the prairie.

"No hurry, no hurry. Actually, I don't want to enter the underground river. Once I enter the underground river, I'm afraid there will be a big crisis. Maybe you don't know the benefits of the power of heaven and earth. Now that we have power, it is tantamount to marking a The mark from heaven and earth, once we appear in the underground river world and expose the mark, we will be discovered by countless masters of restricted areas in an instant."

Shiji explained, his eyes flickering, and he said leisurely: "So, we can only let the underground river creatures enter the underground river, and use the underground river creatures to lure those creatures into the prairie. At that time, they will be blocked in the prairie world. For us, it's not fat on the chopping board..."


Daji looked at Shiji, what was this female creature trying to say?
"Cough cough cough..."

Shi Ji coughed a few times to ease the embarrassment, and then took out a ferocious head, with cracked eyes and surging breath, as if he was about to come alive, and his eyes were full of extremely strong unwillingness.

"This is Crocodile Fei, his willpower is still there, I can resurrect him, but I can't enslave him, at least I can't do it yet."

hold head high--

Shi Ji shook Crocodile Fei's head, and a hideous and terrifying figure was about to fly out of the head, looking up to the sky and screaming with menacing aura.

Although the body is dead, the will is immortal, and there is still fierce power!

PS: I don’t know which bigwig gave a reward, but I can’t see it here, huh, huh, what’s wrong with this...

(End of this chapter)

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