My cheating is too hard

Chapter 137 The Complicated Terran Forces

Chapter 137 The Complicated Terran Forces

City Lord Pojun looked at this calm old man, wishing he could beat him to death. There was definitely a way to force this old man, but he refused to say it, and asked him to kill the Lord of the restricted area. Isn't this a joke?

There is no doubt that this old guy is definitely waiting for his bloodletting!
If it was in the past, he might not have dared to hit someone because of the identity of the other party, but he would definitely not give the other party a good look, at least he would have to swear to release the suffocation in his chest.

"City lord, it's a big deal, someone from the Ji family is here... The Ji family is here from the imperial capital..."

Just when the Pojun City Lord was hesitating and was planning to go back first, a piece of news suddenly came, which made him turn pale with fright.

The others also changed their faces when they heard this.

Even the old man who had been very calm was the same. He was a little apprehensive and dignified, but he quickly returned to his original indifference.

"What did you say?!"

The city lord of Pojun roared angrily, and said, "You said someone from the Ji family is here? What did I say before? Blocking the news, blocking the news, and now the news has spread to the imperial capital? What the hell are you doing?" .”

At this moment, the Pojun City Lord completely lost the majesty he had just now, like a raging beast, baring its teeth and claws, choosing to devour people.

"City lord, Ji... The Ji family... has come, there are several geniuses from the Ji family, and there are many strong people..."

The soldier was panicked at first, but now that City Lord Pojun saw him like this, he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground and spoke incoherently.

"The Ji family is here, and there are many strong people?"


The Pojun City Lord murmured to himself, and then took a deep breath.

I only felt that there was darkness in front of me, and I couldn't help shaking left and right, almost falling to the ground.


The Ji family is a big family in the imperial capital, and it is a super family.

It has a long history and has immeasurable historical inheritance. It is said that the Ji family existed at the beginning of the human civilization, and it has been passed down to this day.

How much energy the Ji family possesses is beyond the reach of ordinary people. It can easily shake the foundation of the empire. Even the Great Elder, who controls the empire, dare not easily offend the current Ji family.

As long as the Ji family said a word, he could easily change his position!

And the person in the black tower is an elder of the Ji family.

The strength may not be strong, but in a family with ancient inheritance like the Ji family, seniority is often something that the Ji family pays great attention to!
In the past few days, the Pojun City Lord has already known about the destruction of Tianmen, but the water can't quench his thirst. What he has to do now is to rescue the people in the black tower, and finally have time to recover Tianmen.

However, all the Ji family members came here with a strong man, but he hadn't rescued the one from the Black Tower, which might cause the Ji family's displeasure...

Even if the Ji family won't blatantly deal with him, as long as they show a little bit of dissatisfaction with him, his future will probably be cut off.

Unexpected disaster...

The city lord Pojun wanted to cry but had no tears. He was sitting in the position of the city lord honestly, but he didn't expect to cause such a big trouble.

Wu Shamao is a small matter, but a small life is a big deal!
"City Lord, don't hesitate."

The old man on the side said meaningfully: "The members of the Ji family are all lunatics."

Yes, a group of lunatics, a group of lunatics who are extremely protective of their calf.

If you hit a young one, an old one will come, and if you hit an old one, a group of older ones will come.

Among them are some more radical Ji family members who are best at forming cliques.


Hearing this, the Lord of Pojun City, like a drowning man catching a life-saving straw, said excitedly: "As long as you are willing to take action, the Ji family will never dare to mess around. Elder, you know that I have been busy these days. It’s not that I don’t want to save him, but I really can’t help it.”


The old man remained silent, and looked at City Lord Pojun with deep eyes.


The Lord of Pojun City was silent for a while, gritted his teeth, and said, "As long as you can rescue people, I am willing to let your Light God Cult enter Pojun City."

The forces of the human race are intricate.

Some of them come from ancient families, such as the Ji family, such as the rulers of the empire, the royal family, which is the top power of the empire, and the other part is the power represented by the powerful who have risen in the era of aura, which is a new force, which is very suitable for some people who are neither from The family is not the appetite of the royal family. These forces are intricate and seemingly huge, but in fact they are bloated and unable to achieve great things, so they are not taken seriously by the top of the empire.

However, in addition to this, there is a force that has always been feared by the empire.


The Light God Sect is an extremely powerful representative. It is said that it comes from the Western Empire, has an ancient inheritance, and believes in the great God of Light.

The Eastern Empire believed that one could only rely on one's own self-cultivation. What they emphasized was to go against the sky, and man would conquer the sky.

They believe in the great God of Light, and thus gain mercy from the God of Light, awaken the power of the Holy Light, and are extremely powerful in terms of attacking power.

You don't need to practice, you just need to continue to believe in and sing praises to the great God of Light to gain strength. This is an unimaginable shortcut.

Therefore, the Light God Sect has been unable to enter the cities of the Eastern Empire.

At most, they can only spread the teachings secretly. For example, the old man in front of him is such a person, known as a missionary, with some powerful power, responsible for helping the Guangming God to sow the seeds of faith in the hearts of the human race.

This time, in order to solve this trouble as soon as possible and to save ourselves, we can only choose to let the Light God Sect enter Pojun City. Of course, we are only willing to let the Light God Sect spread the teachings. churches, it is absolutely impossible.

"Elder Matteo Ricci, are you satisfied this time?"

It's regrettable to break the army's main road, but this is the only way at present.

In order to keep himself, he had no choice but to give up part of his interests.

"My lord, you are being polite." Matteo Ricci smiled, his cloudy eyes flashed a gleam, and said, "In that case, the old man should rescue him now."

After speaking, Matteo Ricci came to Heita, and began to speak plausibly.

He raised his hands high and looked at the sky, as if he wanted to see the great God of Light.

His expression was a little fanatical.


Wisps of milky white light condensed between the hands, quietly turning into a ball of milky white light, buzzing continuously, filled with the power of the holy light.

It claims to be able to wash away all filth, and even wash away the self-awareness of living beings, making them lose themselves and gradually become slaves of the Light God Sect.

PS: On the way home from get off work yesterday, I was cheated by a penniless couple who left their wallets in the car and reported their bank cards lost. They asked me for 500 cash. At that time, I felt that they were so pitiful. street.Looking back now, I regret it very much. It was obviously a trick full of loopholes, or I was deceived by their image and language.Hey, I don’t want to say it, it’s embarrassing, everyone can learn from it...

(End of this chapter)

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