My cheating is too hard

Chapter 140 Claure's Guess

Chapter 140 Claure's Guess
Klauer, who is far away in Tianmen, still doesn't know. Because of his unexpected appearance and behavior of transforming the human race, the Ji family thinks that there is a terrifying conspiracy hidden behind this. It was originally just a small recovery operation, but it turned into An immeasurable event happened!

The army from Pojun City is gathering, and some of the background of the Ji family is even used. Even if Klauer is a titan and the master of the restricted area, he is a dead end...

A terrible disaster is coming.



Accompanied by a sound full of metallic texture, an inexplicable coercion spread from the temple. Under the enthusiastic eyes of countless alien races, a lava dragon flew from the top of the temple into the clouds.

hold head high--

The dragon roared up to the sky, as if reborn, its body instantly became tens of thousands of meters long, incomparably huge, like a continuous mountain range hovering in the sky, giving people a very strong sense of visual oppression.

The overwhelming mighty Longwei enveloped the entire city in an instant.

"Praise Your Highness Zane!"

Countless aliens fell to their knees on the ground one after another, with frenzied and excited expressions.


Klauer flew out of the temple, stepped on the dragon's head, and laughed endlessly.

Now, this dragon ball has been completely refined by him and taken as his own.

The dragon ball is the core of all the dragons, and it contains many mysterious treasures, which are generally impossible to be taken away. Most dragons will destroy the dragon balls when they fall, so as to protect the mysteries of the dragons.

The dragon ball in front of me is ordinary and of low value. It is probably because of this reason that it was refined by the human race and used as the core of the black tower.

But it does contain many secret treasures. Under Klauer's flipping operation, the light faded, the secret treasures were revealed, and finally turned into this [-]-meter lava dragon.

Strength is no small matter, its own strength is enough to compete with the master of the restricted area.

Now in this world, with the help of the terrifying power of the taboo domain, the strength has skyrocketed, even if the master of the restricted area descends, he will definitely die!


Klauer waved his hand, and the lava dragon quickly shrank, and finally turned into a five-meter-long dragon. With a roar, it wrapped around Klauer's waist.

After this period of training, his strength has become more and more terrifying.

Looking from a distance, it seems to see a round of scorching sun, which makes people unable to look directly at it.

Wherever it passed, the space was distorted, hot and red, showing a fiery red color, as if it would melt in the next moment, and the world could not bear it.


After doing all this, Klauer looked down at the aliens.

As far as the eye can see, there is no human race, and there are only one alien race.

They were prostrate on the ground, their expressions extremely fanatical.

I don't know how much of it is true fanaticism and how much of it is false.

Crower didn't care.

Now that he has been transformed into a foreign race, it is impossible to turn back. He can only go all the way to the black, and embark on the road of confrontation with the human race until he dies.

In general, the transformation of Tianmen has been completed, and he has completed the task assigned by his elder brother.

"Big brother..."

Klauer's eyes were dim, he really couldn't remember who his eldest brother was.

Perhaps, this is a great existence that was born after the Emperor Star collapsed!
But why does such an existence appear in this small world?
This is the question that Crower ponders hard.

Is it because of the revival of spiritual energy?

Not necessarily.

There are countless stars in the starry sky world, and every star that gives birth to a living being will eventually open the way for spiritual recovery, just like the world in front of you.

It is really unreasonable to cast your gaze just because the spiritual energy has recovered.

After looking through some memories, Klauer finally discovered the difference in this world. This world has gone through several eras, and every time there will be a spiritual recovery, and eventually it will completely end and civilization will die.

Not only that, but every time the aura is revived, a folded world will appear.

And this world will continue to grow, getting bigger every time!

It's as if the world is growing, and every time the aura is revived, it's eating, and when the aura dies and civilization ends, it's because the world falls into a deep sleep!
It's a pity that he doesn't know much about many things. Fortunately, the body he looted when he was resurrected has some inherited memories, so he doesn't know everything.

I only know that there is a barrier in the starry sky, which prohibits any strong person from stepping into this world.

As the concentration of aura continues to increase, the barrier outside the starry sky is gradually shrinking.

At that time, there will be countless strong people from the starry sky world entering this world, and at the same time, countless strong people from the folding world will appear.

Loot resources and start wars.

Now, the era of spiritual recovery has just begun, and the barrier still exists.

It is precisely because of the existence of this special barrier, that is, the protection mechanism, that Claure can't help but feel a little bit shocked, and has an association.

Behind the protection mechanism, there must be the power of rules in the dark.

The stars are the stars!

To put it bluntly, it is just a grain of sand in the starry sky world, insignificant.

What's more, those races from the starry sky world have extraordinary knowledge, there is no need to plunder here, and lose their lives in vain.

"This world may be the core of the Emperor Star. Is it possible that Big Brother is waiting for the moment when the Emperor Star reunite? At that time, all races will descend and destroy the human race!"

Klauer had some vague guesses in his heart, and he was very excited.

He has been silent for countless years. He is a creature from the Emperor Star era. He will not be resurrected easily. Once resurrected, it will definitely mean some kind of warning!

This warning may be that the great emperor stars will reunite in this era!

Claure had countless doubts in his heart and wanted to ask, but he hadn't completed the task before, so naturally he didn't have the courage to ask.

Right now, the transformation of the human race has been completed, and Tianmen is also occupied by him.

"The mission is complete, I should be able to meet my elder brother and try to find out what he means."

Claure muttered to himself, called Qin Hu, and after explaining some things, he left Tianmen and went to the prairie.


After flying for a while, weeds grew, the breeze was blowing, and a world with azure blue sky came into view. However, Klauer was stunned for a moment. Looking at the world in front of him, his expression suddenly became shocked.

In his line of sight, there is a void world in front of him, the weeds seem to be not far away from him, and he even seems to be able to feel the breath carried by the breeze blowing on his face, but this is just an illusion!
Close in sight, far away in the sky.

It is like a dream in front of me, it seems to be here, but it has already transcended everything.

Klauer walked in, but appeared in the original position the next second.


It seems that just now was just an illusion, an illusion of my own.

"Brother's strength is really unimaginable. Could it be that he has dominated this world? Before, the prairie was mixed with reality, but now it is like a dream, detached from the world. This level of strength is comparable to that of the non-God Realm."

Klauer secretly thought that the so-called divine realm refers to a complete detachment from the mundane world.

(End of this chapter)

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