My cheating is too hard

Chapter 146 2 Fools Explode

Chapter 146


A deafening sound swept from the depths of the lake.

The water in the lake was turbulent and flooded, and the whole big lake was shaken accordingly. The lowly fishes that only lived in the lake jumped out of the lake frantically, panicking, trying to escape from this land of death...


The water of the lake hit the shore, causing great waves, and instantly opened up the entire big lake.


A ferocious black figure rushed out of the lake and landed aside, wet all over, revealing his ferocious crocodile appearance.

His whole body was covered with ferocious armor, and his blood-red eyes were full of killing intent. When he landed on the shore, he roared violently towards the lake.


A more violent voice suddenly came from the lake, and the entire lake was blown into the air, rushed into the sky, and turned into a torrential rain.

"Crocodile Fei, you bastard of the crocodile clan, you are dead, I will kill you!"

The roar full of tyranny resounded through the sky, and a column of water rushed out from the gap in the underground river in the middle of the great lake, soaring into the sky, turning into a flood of water, and there were huge figures Occupying it, big or small, with different auras, but they are all extremely tyrannical.

The leading creature was wearing pitch-black scale armor, but its aura was extremely cold and terrifying. It had a ferocious face, a flat and extremely long body, thousands of sharp claws growing under its feet, and thousands of sharp claws bloomed when it fell into the water.

Controlling the flood of water in the sky, his body spreads out like a black dragon.

In fact, it is an atavistic creature thousands of meters long: a millipede.

The aura is surging, extremely strong, breaking out of the body, as if turning into a real monster, baring its teeth and claws, and disturbing the four directions of the space to distort it.

Celestial realm!
Beyond the extraordinary.

The breath erodes one side of the world, and then pollutes and plunders one side of the world.

Thereby turning one space into a taboo area, incarnated as the master of the restricted area.

Although this millipede is in the Celestial Phenomena Realm, its aura is so strong and terrifying that it is only one step away from the master of the restricted area, within reach.

As for the millipedes, there are a large number of powerful creatures standing behind the millipedes, most of them are ancient atavistic Zerg, mostly millipedes, and there are relatively few fish.

There are nearly 30 superhuman beings, and the rest are almost the peak of the mortal realm, the cannon fodder ants, all of which have different appearances.

Looking around, there are thousands of creatures in this flood of water!

At the same time, an endless stream of creatures swarmed in from the gap in the underground river, perhaps just to watch the excitement, but there were actually quite a few extraordinary creatures!

In a short while, a large number of living beings entered the great lake following the gushing underground river gap, and they were unable to leave this place with the imprint of heaven and earth.

The restless emotions swept over the creatures in the great lake in an instant.

"Huh? What is this place?!"

The millipede looked around and found that the world here seemed to be different.

The next moment, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and there was an ominous premonition in my heart,

Especially the creatures of the Transcendent Third Heaven at the bottom, whose strength is obviously not strong, but their eyes did not put him in their eyes, which made him feel very bad, their eyes changed immediately, and he let out a loud drink .

"Presumptuous! I'm here, but I still don't kneel down. Is it really life-or-death?!"

"So many, so big!"

Ergouzi whispered softly, his eyes widened, and he grinned anxiously.

"Hahaha, it's so cool, I'm going to make a lot of money, this time I really want to make a lot of money..."

Feng Er was trembling with excitement, these creatures did look very powerful, especially that millipede, it was so powerful that it was a mess.

However, in their eyes, it is just a plate of delicious side dishes!
Ren Jun Caijie!


Shi Ji held his breath and was extremely excited. Looking at the thousand-meter-long millipede, his saliva couldn't help but flow out, his eyes were green.

"I'm afraid I've stabbed the lair..."

Daji said with a smile in her eyes, she was surprised to get a bumper harvest this time.

Although Da Gouzi and Feng Yi were trying their best to keep calm, their excited eyes had already betrayed their hearts at the moment, obviously they were also very excited.

As for the lower-level extraordinary creatures such as bull demons and leopards, they have long hid far away, trembling with fright, and excited at the same time.

The bosses eat meat, they drink soup, this is enough, and they make a lot of money.

"Hahaha, listen to me, I'm going to kill this celestial millipede later, so don't try to force me. This is a gift from me to Daji's sister. If you get in the way, don't worry about it." Did you hear me?"

Er Gouzi roared loudly, he knew that Er Gouzi would not let him.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Er Gouzi, the lackey, was about to speak.

"Master, here we come!"

Er Lengzi immediately inspired his talent, the power of thunder erupted, he opened his wings of thunder, and as the wings vibrated slightly, it turned into a hot streamer and rushed towards the millipede.

Behind the streamer was an extremely bright crimson light.

This is the space burned by thunder and fire, faintly exuding an aura of destruction.

In an instant, the second fool appeared directly on the millipede's head.


The fist that had accumulated a large amount of thunder power was swung out in an instant, and with a bang, the power of thunder exploded crazily, rippling out circles of ripples, the howling wind howled, and large pieces of water evaporated.

Immediately, the mist filled the air, only streaks of thunder were faintly visible in the mist, and the crackling sound was even more endless.

However, the expected screams did not appear at all.

And those extraordinary creatures behind the millipede were extraordinarily calm and motionless at the moment. The only change was the pair of different eyes, which seemed to reveal a trace of playfulness between the flickering.


"It's over!"

Er Gouzi covered his face, his ears trembled, and he almost laughed out loud.

"This guy has no brains. He really thinks he is invincible. He even dares to single out the ancient atavistic creatures in the Celestial Phenomena Realm. Who knows if this kind of existence has awakened some ancient and unique strange talents, and he just charged up like this..."

Da Gouzi muttered to himself, sighed, and shook his head as he watched the increasingly turbulent water mist, fearing that the fool would suffer.

"This guy……"

Feng Yi and Feng Er looked at each other with a smile in their eyes, almost laughing out loud.


Shi Ji was silent, and said: "Daji, is the brain of the idiot not working well?"


Daji thought about it hard, finally nodded, and said: "Do you know how he met the king? I heard that he met the king who was going home and wanted to single out the king, but was finally suppressed by the king. "


Da Gouzi, Er Gouzi, Feng Yi, Feng Er, and Shi Ji looked at each other.

Unanimously, they shook their heads, this fool might be mentally handicapped.

(End of this chapter)

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