My cheating is too hard

Chapter 156 Xu Qing and Shiji's Encounter

Chapter 156 Xu Qing and Shiji's Encounter

The deafening roar resounded through the sky, and resounded through nine heavens and ten places.

hold head high--

Ten extremely powerful golden dragons and an army of human races with only a mere superhuman realm were the first to bear the brunt and were swept away by the big explosion in an instant.

In an instant, it was wiped out.

"Do not……"


Standing not far from the Tianmen, only the human race in the mortal state had time to howl, but had no time to do anything, and was swallowed by the explosion in an instant.

Boom - boom - boom

Layers of violent and unparalleled air waves swept in all directions, like mountains and seas. Wherever they passed, everything was destroyed, and the earth was completely wiped out...

Before they could struggle, countless creatures were swept up by the air waves, and together with the ground under their feet, they were sent up into the sky, drowned by the violent and incomparable energy torrent, and finally swallowed by the air waves, their bodies and souls vanished.

Even the stronger creatures were destroyed.

It was terrifying, everything within a few thousand miles was completely destroyed.

However, thousands of miles is the range covered by the explosion, and it is the center of the explosion!
The aftermath of the explosion undoubtedly covered a wider area.

Six thousand miles, seven thousand miles, eight thousand miles, nine thousand miles, even tens of thousands of miles...

Within ten thousand miles, the wind howled, sand and rocks flew, and dark clouds covered the top.

The dark clouds shrouded it, as if the sky was about to fall.

The thunder roared, flickered, and crackled continuously hitting the ground.

Scenes of raging fires were quietly staged at this moment.

The power of the aftermath was continuous and turbulent, and it was still unable to calm down.

Countless creatures howled and struggled.

The miserable howl was mixed in the strong wind, resounding through the sky, small and helpless.

Only extraordinary beings can resist this terrible aftermath, but they can only protect themselves. All the orcs in the territory are affected by the aftermath...

Wobbled, scared the shit out of me, some even got blown to the sky.

When it fell, it was already dead, smashed to pieces and broken into pieces.For the orcs, this is an unprecedented and terrible disaster!

On this day, countless orcs died.

With Tianmen as the center, life within thousands of miles was cut off.

The world within ten thousand miles was affected by the aftermath of the explosion, and there was little vitality.

The earth was disturbed, and the spiritual energy was affected, and the spiritual energy became scarcer and scarcer from then on.

The originally barren land became even more barren.

For a long period of time, countless orcs left this world one after another, and had to go far away to bid farewell to this barren land.

The already barren land lost its life and became more barren.



The edge of the prairie.

"Do not……"

Looking up, I looked at the gust of wind that was about to sweep, and the dark clouds that covered the sky and the sun.

Xu Qing was dumbfounded and trembled all over.

Those stones mixed in the strong wind hit head and face.

At that moment of stupefaction, a stone hit him in the face.

see blood.

"Escape... escape... I want to escape from here..."

Suffering from the pain, Xu Qing immediately came to his senses, hugged his head and rushed into the prairie again, but the next moment, he appeared on the other side.

"What am I..."

Xu Qing was dumbfounded.

A look of despair.

Sure enough, it was like this again. Before this, he had tried many times!

Can't get into the prairie every time, go in, and come out again!

If it wasn't for the master, he swore that he would have left.


A terrifying air wave had already swept in, rolling towards it, overwhelming Xu Qing with a loud bang, completely submerging Xu Qing and burying him in the air wave.


After spitting out a mouthful of sand, Xu Qing burrowed into the ground with a sad face.

It was the only way he could think of.


Extraordinary power began to erupt, the earth parted, and Xu Qing got into the depths of the ground.

Feeling the extremely strong vibration from the ground, he couldn't help but shuddered, gritted his teeth, his expression was distorted, and his expression was extremely crazy.

"Damn, damn, Tianmen is over, and those human armies are also over."

Xu Qing's eyes are red. Although he has been transformed into a foreign race, he still thinks that he is a human race in his heart. Even though his appearance is a tool, he still cannot resist the love for the human race in his heart...

The human race is strong and works hard. Although there are countless shortcomings of one kind or another, there is no doubt that the human race also has advantages that other races do not have!
The alien race is transformed from the human race, but the alien race is born with a tyrannical character. Compared with the beast, it is just a little more human.

With such an idea in mind, Xu Qing wished to kill all the alien races.

If anyone knew what Xu Qing was thinking, they would definitely exclaim: Our Lady whore!
Unfortunately, there is no one here.

There was only a ferocious insect covered with stone skin, which suddenly ran over from the other side of the ground, stood in front of Xu Qing, and looked at each other.

"Stone scorpion?!"

Xu Qing was overjoyed, no, it wasn't the stone scorpion, it was the mother of the stone scorpion.

"Xu Qing?"

Shi Ji's will was attached to this stone scorpion, and she was a little surprised. She had already recognized that human race, but the current human race was transformed, which made her a little unbelievable.

To be honest, Shi Ji would never be so surprised if someone else appeared in front of him, such as a cat or a dog, even a bad old man.

Xu Qing!
That is the number one lackey of the Lord of the Heavenly Gate, and he is absolutely loyal!
How did you become an alien?
Could it be that one should follow one's master and would rather die than surrender? !

He never expected that this honest and loyal guy turned out to be a cheap bone, and he was completely ostentatious before!
Moreover, you are a soft bone, what are you doing here?
If you are transformed into a foreign race, then you should be obedient, stay in Tianmen, and live and die together.

Unexpectedly, when the human army came, you fucking ran away again...

By the way, what are you doing here?
Don't you think that you are a foreigner, that you can enter the prairie by changing your appearance and meeting the king a few times before?

Want to take refuge? !
think too much!

At this moment, Shi Ji despised this guy from top to bottom, inside and out.

If it wasn't for this fellow being in an extraordinary realm, comparable in strength to the stone scorpion she possessed, plus she had an important mission, she would definitely have eaten this fellow alive, and she would have looked down on the scumbag all her life...

Especially this guy is already a slave of two surnames!It's down to the bone...

What's more, Claure is on the side of the prairie, how could the prairie accommodate this lowly bone?Isn't this slapping Crower in the face.


Looking at Xu Qing who was looking at him with ecstasy, Shi Ji felt extremely disgusted, his scalp was numb from being so cheap, he roared and gritted his teeth.


Xu Qing was stunned, at a loss, thinking of his nagging mission, couldn't help but feel extremely wronged, took a few steps back, and said softly: "What's wrong? I'm Xu Qing, don't you know me anymore? ?”


Shiji's scalp is numb, these two house slaves are actually talking about feelings with her...

(End of this chapter)

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