My cheating is too hard

Chapter 159 Sincerely, Sincerely God

Chapter 159 Sincerely, Sincerely God

However, he never expected that that creature was really Sabi!
The stone sculpture's eyes were right in front of his eyes, but he turned his head and left without even looking at him. Before leaving, he gave a disdainful look in the direction of Wangwangyan, as if to say: You really look down on me who? !

You are dead!

Long San was furious, and then burst into tears, completely desperate.


One night, he lay down on the boulder and shot the boulder blankly.

One night, the sky was full of artillery fire.

One night, it was crumbling.

One night, it was earth-shattering.

One night...long chants burst out...

Now, how many days and nights have it been?Long San couldn't remember.

This is a very sad story.

It is a story about a male dragon gradually falling into the abyss and unable to extricate himself.

Get into it!


how miserable...

At this moment, Long San realized that this f*ck is the most terrible punishment, extremely vicious, but the seemingly beautiful environment contains murderous intent!
This is like those beautiful dragons, beautiful and beautiful, but extremely scary...

Keep calm, kill the dragon and kill the heart!
If there is a chance to leave here, Long San swears that he will live.

For the first time, he imagined——

He will change his mind and spend his whole life with a female dragon. Only occasionally when he is really bored, he will look for mistress unless it is absolutely necessary.

But look for it up to three times a year, to be a responsible dragon!
The second time, he no longer expected to find a mistress, he would be loyal.

And, to the self who wanted to find a mistress, she sincerely spurned her.

For the third time, he thought, as long as he can find a female dragon, it will be fine!


For the nth time, he suddenly discovered that as long as he could leave here, it was not unacceptable for him to keep this boulder beside him.

This is his compromise to the cruel reality time and time again!

However, Long San found sadly that he might not have this chance.

"Ah... ah... woo woo... ah..."

Recalling all the past, Long San burst into tears, feeling sad.

Could it be that he, Long San, really wants to stay with this deep hole for the rest of his life?

Long San cried, covered his face with two short and thick paws and wailed loudly, stood up tremblingly, and gradually walked to the King's Rock.

Stretch your head out and look at the cliff below, where there is no bottom.


Long San sucked and stopped crying.

A face of stubbornness!

Today, he Long San will jump from here.

Not for anything else.

Just to perfect myself!
This is the last trace of stubbornness left after he abandoned everything.

If he looks back on the past, he can proudly raise his head and say loudly: Look, I once fought against the powerful for ideals and freedom!

Even if he was smashed to pieces, he would not hesitate!

hold head high--

Long San let out a howl, ready to make a life-long leap and give himself an explanation.



A gust of icy air swept from below, whistling.


Long San jerked violently, and took a deep breath.

Looking at the bottomless abyss in front of him, feeling the icy cold wind, Long San was so frightened that he trembled all over and took a few steps back.


Long San was in a state of embarrassment, lost his soul, his eyes were dull, as if he was in mourning.

Long San fell to the ground.


Tears wet his face again.

He actually failed again!
Death is not a simple matter, especially when he thinks that as long as he dies, he will not be able to sleep with the mother dragon, Long San feels very frightened.

However, should he continue to accept this unimaginable life?
Do not!
"Ah... God..."

Long San stood up abruptly, pointed his short and thick claws at the blue sky above his head, and roared in grief and despair: "Otherwise, just chop me to death!"

The voice fell.

Boom - boom - boom

The originally clear blue sky was suddenly startled by a sound of thunder.

Long San was stunned, God really wanted to hack him to death?

Long San was so frightened that his scalp went numb, and his thoughts of suicide disappeared immediately.

What he just said was angry...


Long San jerked violently, quickly withdrew his paws, and explained stammeringly: "God, I lied to you just now, what I said was all angry words, rubbish words, you take what I said as a fart, listen Just forget it, even if you always smell it, don't kill the little one..."


In the clear sky, a deafening thunderclap suddenly broke out.

Before Long San finished speaking, a bright and dazzling light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and it disappeared in a flash, only a bang was heard, his head buzzed suddenly, and the ground in front of his eyelids was suddenly struck by thunder. split.


Long San's eyes widened in fright, his scalp went numb, he stretched his neck subconsciously, then swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and retreated tremblingly.

The huge piece of land was instantly wiped out.

There was only one big pit left, and on the pitch-black surface, there were occasional thunderbolts jumping and flickering, exuding a strong destructive aura.

So terrifying.

This is not something he can bear.

If it has been subjected to such a blow, it will definitely be torn apart and fried deliciously.

"God, the little one was just joking, don't take it seriously, I was wrong."

Long San tremblingly said, turned around and planned to leave this ghostly place.

However, suddenly, an extremely ominous premonition rushed into my heart.

In the air, there was a depressing atmosphere, as if it had turned into mud.

Gritting his teeth, Long San closed his eyes, then raised his head tremblingly, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, took a few deep breaths, after a few breaths, he opened his eyes suddenly.


Immediately, Long San couldn't help exclaiming, his pupils constricted and his scalp went numb.


A chill rushed from the soles of the feet and the tip of the tail to the back of the head.

With a thud, Long San fell to the ground, and he immediately despaired.

Look up.

The sky is full of thunder, black and heavy, rumbling, and violent.

"No, the little one was talking trash just now, you can't take it seriously..."

Long San wailed, tears streaming down his face, he was really just talking trash.

However, God seemed to take it seriously, and sincerely wanted to kill him.

Boom - boom - boom

The next moment, thunderbolts full of God's blessing of "strive hard to kill you" descended from the sky, and with a bang, they drowned Long San.

Indistinctly, amidst the thunder, there seemed to be a song.

"There are 360 ​​five sunrises in a year, I send you 360 five blessings..."

It sounds sweet, as if full of infinite hope and blessings for the future.


"What the hell, I can finally kill this guy justifiably."

A faint voice sounded faintly amidst the roar of thunder.

It was like a relief, as if a heavy burden that had been weighing on his chest had been lifted.

And with a hint of ecstasy and complacency.


(End of this chapter)

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