Chapter 161


"No, this king is not a human being. No matter how scumbag he is, he is still a lion scum. Does a lion scum break the law? No law... Long San would rather die for this king. How great, if he is willing to let this king How about a taste?"

On the way, Zhang Yuan stopped, his eyes flickered, and he was struggling.

Their feelings are so deep, so deep that it cannot be described.

For him, Long San would rather die.

That being the case, Long San must be very happy to integrate with him!
Moreover, no matter Long San is willing or not, Zhang Yuan is definitely the first willing.

Merging with Long San, this is the only thing he can do for Long San. If he still can't do it, how can he be qualified to be Long San's big brother?

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Yuan suddenly realized that he should let Long San die well, smiling at Jiuquan, the best thing is to let Long San merge with him.

However, Zhang Yuan soon fell into regret, his eyes full of remorse.

Since he is Long San's eldest brother, he should have thought of this earlier!

Fortunately, it's not too late...

It's only been a while since he came out, and Long San is still warm, not cold yet.

However, they have already come out, so why not just return to Wangwangyan now?

His purpose of leaving King's Rock was to save the ten young tyrannosaurs who were bullied by wild boars, which were the same kind of his lovely brother Ryuzo.

He's right about what he says!
Now that it is said, it must be done!
Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in front of his eyes, and Zhang Yuan laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, why did this king forget that the most important thing for a family is to be neat and orderly! Long San is so lonely in the ground, although he is already smiling, but if there is no one of his kind, wouldn't it be very sad?"

Zhang Yuan smiled.

Licking the corner of his mouth and swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Zhang Yuan ran forward.

The most important thing about a family is to be neat and happy!

A few breaths.

Zhang Yuan came to a remote corner of the prairie, and immediately saw a horrible scene. He couldn't help being extremely annoyed, his face was gloomy,

A few small wild boars surrounded ten small tyrannosaurus with a pounding hammer, which made the small tyrannosaurus howl.

It's unreasonable for a dragon clan to be hammered by a wild boar, it's a shame!
Zhang Yuan was angry.


"Hahaha, do you still dare to say that you are a dragon?"

A five-meter-high wild boar laughed loudly, stepping on a yelling little Tyrannosaurus with a pig's trotter, looking vigorous and arrogant.

hold head high--

What responded to the wild boar was the little Tyrannosaurus struggling and roaring.

Struggling to get up, but the pig's hoof that was stepping on him seemed to have a tremendous force, it was so powerful, it was as heavy as Mount Tai, and it made him unable to move.

"Hmph, Dragon Clan? Shit! Do you really think this uncle will give you Dragon Clan face?"

The wild boar snorted coldly and raised its head.

A breeze came blowing, and the two pig hairs on the top of the head immediately fluttered with the wind.

Soaring and confident.

Immediately aroused the fanatical worship of all the little wild boars.

"Brother Pig cheated..."

"very handsome……"

"Look, Big Brother Pig is so handsome, he is simply a wonderful flower in our pig world!"

"Hey, cheating..."

A kind of little wild boar praised wildly, with burning eyes, tried all the words that Zhu Sheng could think of, knelt and licked hard, and the pig's tail wagged in excitement.

In fact, during the recent period, they have been bullied by these little tyrannosaurs. Several friends were eaten by the little tyrannosaurus without paying attention.

During this period of time, there was an undercurrent in the pig world, and it could be said that the pigs were in a state of panic.

The Dragon Clan is the Dragon Clan. Although they are young, they are very talented. The power of the dragon is exuded, which directly scares them into Saby. They don't remember who their parents are.

These small tyrannosaurs are far from being able to deal with these low-level wild boars.

Unexpectedly, the little friend who was bullied by them and had to leave here some time ago came back strong and suppressed the little Tyrannosaurus in one fell swoop.

Moreover, I heard that he got a great name: Pig Amao!
Speaking of this name, it is also as good as the two tall and beautiful pig hairs on the top of Zhu Amao's head. This may be the so-called veritable name and genuine goods.

Flow batch, no explanation.

Asking is cheating!

The little wild boars knelt and licked frantically, wagging their tails constantly.On the one hand, it was because of admiration, and on the other hand, it was because they were afraid that this little friend who had returned mightily would retaliate against them.

Moreover, they also hope that this little partner can kill these little tyrannosaurs, and it is best to let them eat a few mouthfuls of dragon meat and drink a few mouthfuls of dragon blood.

However, after a few days passed, this little friend had no intention of killing the little tyrannosaurus at all, but kept humiliating and beating him.

Overtly and secretly, this little friend seems to want to subdue the little tyrannosaur.

This is not acceptable to them!
In order to learn about this little friend's plan, they had no choice but to give away the most beautiful and obese gilt in the wild boar herd.

Just this morning, they finally nailed it!

Pig Amao really wants to tame the little Tyrannosaurus!
Thousands of words merged into one word.

This is not acceptable to them!
Kneel and lick!

Must kneel and lick!

The pig's hair is licked so high that it's best to forget that you are not a pig.


Zhu Amao laughed loudly, raised his head, and enjoyed the kneeling and licking of these little friends.

Two pig hairs fluttering in the wind, free and easy, confident, full of pig-like charm.

It was because of these two pig hairs that he was appreciated by the commander and was given a nice, elegant, realistic and friendly name: Pig A Mao.

In order to repay the commander's kindness, he must make some achievements.

He originally planned to come back to subdue his little friends, but he didn't expect ten little tyrannosaurs to appear here, which made him extremely excited.

Once these small tyrannosaurs are subdued, his status in the hearts of the leaders will definitely rise sharply, and he may even gain power!

Pig Amao, who originally lived at the bottom of society, has an extremely strong desire for power. Compared with strength, he desires power more.

As a pig with lofty aspirations, what he desires most is power!
And if you want to master the power, you have to make some political achievements!
"Okay, be quiet."

Seeing that he was almost enjoying himself, Zhu Amao calmed down the little wild boars. Seeing that they were all quiet, he nodded in satisfaction.

Although he looked down on these little wild boars, they were his kind after all.

And he is very obedient, so he can barely be his little licking dog in the future.

If it is not necessary, he is not willing to make enemies with his own kind.

However, I have to say that his kind is too rubbish to be on the stage.

Then, he said a sentence that made countless little wild boars change color.

"Little Tyrannosaurus, what else do you have to say today? I can give you a chance, as long as you are willing to submit to me, you can say anything."

Pig A Mao said.

hold head high--

He was answered with the usual snarl.

The other little tyrannosaurs were also angry, roaring and pounced on it.

Let them submit to a pig or give them death!

(End of this chapter)

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