My cheating is too hard

Chapter 164 The Human Race's Secret Exposed

Chapter 164 The Human Race's Secret Exposed
"The king is awake?"

Shi Ji looked at a huge palm print on the ground and fell into deep thought.

Due to the vastness of the prairie, the growing area, the increase in the number of orcs, the complexity of the races, and the inconvenient communication, the task of patrolling the prairie naturally fell to Shi Ji, and then made a summary.

This is the Zerg's special talent: information sharing.

Not long ago, the stone scorpion patrolling here discovered this giant palm print.

This is not something that ordinary creatures can do, at least extraordinary creatures.

Shi Ji was alarmed immediately, and then possessed himself on the stone scorpion.

According to the rules of the prairie, all extraordinary creatures have to go to the center of the prairie for unified planning. Even the creatures of the third level of the mortal realm, most of them went to the center of the prairie to find opportunities for breakthroughs.

The reason for this is to meet the next war.

Now, seeing this giant palm print and sensing a trace of inexplicable aura emanating from the giant palm print, Shi Ji suddenly felt a little familiar.

This is the incomparably pure power from heaven and earth, without any impurities.

In other words, this is pure force of heaven and earth.

Except for the ruler of the prairie, no creature can do this!
"What does Your Majesty want to do? Now that you're awake, you should show up."

Shi Ji was perplexed and couldn't figure it out for the time being, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

"Forget it, go back and tell them, and see if they have any suggestions."

Shi Ji muttered to himself, turned and left.

Now that the king has awakened, many things have to be prepared.

Moreover, the small tyrannosaurs are actually gone, which is also worth noting.

According to Shi Ji's guess, those little tyrannosaurs were probably taken away by the king.

Not long ago, a group of orcs learned many unknown secrets through Xu Qing.

For example, the various methods arranged by the Tianmen Lord of the human race, and various conspiracies and tricks emerging one after another.

The ancient ruins, cat-eared girls, etc. that were deployed by the conspiracy, even included everything after the contact with the human race. Every sentence was forcibly planned, and all of this was not an arrangement.

Xu Qing is a clone, and his mind is already filled with all kinds of programs to deal with emergencies, that's why he collapses so easily and gets scared so easily.

That's why Xu Qing's heart is so pure, as pure as a baby.

Almost every conversation that happened later was a pre-set program.

The cat-eared lady is also one of the steps. The human race will use the cat-eared lady to try to understand the prairie, and even destroy the prairie step by step.

Although the cat-eared girl is weak, she possesses an extremely powerful instigating force...

Even, those ten small tyrannosaurs are also bait. They are not creations of gods but traps laid by the Lord of Tianmen. They play a role in a subtle way, unknowingly, leading the prairie into the abyss, gone forever...

It has to be said that the Lord of Tianmen is really powerful, and the methods are endless, inlaid layer by layer, interlocking, true and false, false and true.

Of course, these so-called conspiracies have now come to an end without a problem.

Because no matter how powerful the Lord of Tianmen is, he would never have thought that his stronghold would be broken, leading to the destruction of countless conspiracies.

Tens of thousands of people were forcibly transformed into alien races, and they themselves had to escape from Tianmen, became bereaved dogs, and might even lose their lives.

Therefore, these conspiracies are nothing more than trivial matters, and they are all in the past tense.

At present, the only way for the master of the Tianmen to stay in the prairie is a few small tyrannosaurs. They were thrown to the border of the prairie to fend for themselves.

After all, the small tyrannosaurus was requested by the king, and they are not qualified to decide each other's life and death.

But stocking is optional, as long as there is no death, it is enough.

But apart from these conspiracies, there is one extremely terrifying thing——


The ruler, master, and supreme king of the prairie has been cloned...

The power of the supreme bloodline has been defiled by the human race.

Moreover, not only that, the king cloned by the human race turned out to be a retarded lion.

Is this possible?
Absolutely impossible!



This is an unprecedented humiliation...

This is absolutely unforgivable.

It is a provocation to the prairie, and at the same time, it is also a provocation to them.

All the orcs were filled with righteous indignation, wishing to destroy the human race immediately.

Due to the order "not to leave the prairie", all the orcs forcibly endured and did not leave the prairie.

But they trained soldiers crazily in an attempt to create an army of extraordinary creatures.

When the restrictions are lifted, an army of extraordinary creatures will be dispatched to attack the human race.

Moreover, they would have had conflicts with the human race.

In this way, the old and new grudges will be settled together.


When Shi Ji went back, he expressed his guess.

"Go, if the king wakes up, go to the king, and then slaughter the human race!"

The second fool said.

"Idiot, reckless man, it's easy to say. As a Titan, Klauer has a profound background, and his strength is also very strong. He is a powerful master of the restricted area. What happened? Didn't he get tricked by the human race? Almost I'm dead, I'm dying now, I don't know when I will wake up."

The big dog said disdainfully.

Speaking of Claure, I have to talk about Shiji.

Not long after the battle broke out at Tianmen, Shiji brought Klauer back.

Claure is the master of the forbidden area, and his strength is extremely terrifying, but he was still beaten to death by the human race. According to Shi Ji, he was almost finished.

So far, a long time has passed, and Klauer is still sleeping.

Even if there are a lot of treasures and countless spiritual fruits in the prairie, it can't wake it up quickly...

Even, whether he can wake up or not is unknown.

Of course, this does not mean not to attack the human race.

If he wants to attack the human race, his big dog will definitely rush to the front.

In terms of loyalty, he thought he would never lose to any beast.

The main reason is that the fool is upset!

That's why it was demolished!

Er Lengzi only licks the dog.

The big dog is very disdainful, because this guy has no eyesight.

Besides, his younger brother Er Gouzi himself had some minor conflicts with Er Gouzi, so it was impossible for him to give Er Gouzi a good look.

Looking at so many beast races, the only one who can compete with him is Shi Ji, a bug with some wisdom that can make him take it a little seriously.

As for the other beast races, it’s not worth mentioning that it’s not useful, and the second idiot is so reckless. Feng Yi and Feng Er are just birds. As for Daji, the fiery red fox and the vase, they only played a little role in the front...

These orcs are insignificant, without a single bit of inner talent.

Including his younger brother Er Gouzi, a brain-dead bastard with no IQ.

(End of this chapter)

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