My cheating is too hard

Chapter 173 The Old Guy Playing Stupid

Chapter 173 The Old Guy Playing Stupid

The more Zhang Yuan thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, quietly, he hid aside and watched, ready to surprise Long San by blowing him out of his wits.

Gradually, Zhang Yuan felt something was wrong.

This brazen jerk, in his demeanor, seemed to be a little demented.

Long San flew in the sky for a while, then fell asleep on the ground.

Then the snoring sounded gradually, deafening and booming, like the power of thunder protruding from the clouds and roaring, full of terror.

The thick and strong Longwei involuntarily diffused.

This is the dragon family, the starry sky creatures, an extremely ancient race.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with the Titans, comparable to dragons and phoenixes, they have always played extremely extraordinary roles in the history of the ancient world.

Is the giant dragon in front of you really evolved from Dragon Three?

Could it be that, like the Titan Klauer, the power left by the ancestors in the blood has awakened, so that Li Daitao froze and tried to live again.

Zhang Yuan fell into deep thought.

After a pause, he came to the dragon.

The paw was raised, and it hit the snoring mouth.

hold head high--

The giant dragon couldn't help roaring in pain, and woke up in an instant.

That pair of extremely majestic golden eyes stared at Zhang Yuan suddenly.


In the blink of an eye, the boundless ancient dragon's power suddenly suppressed, the sky and the earth trembled, and the space was distorted...

However, when this terrifying coercion that could easily suppress the Lord of the restricted area came before Zhang Yuan, it quietly dissipated.


Zhang Yuan laughed immediately.

It seems that this giant dragon is not Dragon Three.

So, it means that this giant dragon is those brazen jerks.

Unwilling to die, he planted traces in the power of blood, and by a certain coincidence, occupied the body of the descendant and came back to life again.

damn thing!
Zhang Yuan smiled.

Fortunately, he was scared to death just now.

It turned out that Long San's stinky brother was really dead.

What's more, his body was taken over by a brazen jerk!

There is no whole body in death, and there is no rest in peace.

hold head high--

The giant dragon roared, with a vigilant look on his face, and said, "Who the hell are you?"

The five-meter-tall bug in front of him made him feel extremely absurd.

It seemed that as long as he made any bad moves, he would be killed by this little bug.

Moreover, an indescribable feeling of fear was constantly growing from the depths of his heart, and it became more and more intense, which made him feel horrified.

This... is so nonsense...

The giant dragon roared, and took a few steps back, with a vague intention of retreating.


boom! !

An indescribably powerful force came suddenly to suppress it.

The giant dragon was shocked, and with a bang, it lay on the ground, unable to move.

"how is this possible……"

The giant dragon was suddenly frightened and stupid, trembling, and looked over in disbelief, his pupils constricted, and his eyes were filled with unprecedented fear.

A piece of information from the ancient memory suddenly emerged from the endless information.

" are God..."

The dragon was dumbfounded.

Only immortal gods can possess such terrifying power.

However, in the ancient inheritance memory, normal gods do not have the current world. The world of those gods often only has the power of a few laws, so the world is extremely single, and the color is also very monotonous...

No matter how powerful the gods are, they cannot escape this iron rule!
However, in the depths of the older memory, there are two kinds of gods who can have the complete world.

One is the great innate gods, born to conceive the world, born to control the world, immortal and immortal, the ancestors of the gods.

The second is the powerful Acquired Spirit, with unparalleled combat power, depriving part of the world from the Emperor Star, and taking it for himself. The combat power is so rare in the world.

A battle broke out between the innate gods and the acquired gods, and the former was terminated by the latter!
In this way, this small, unattractive creature in front of him turned out to be an Acquired God!

Although the era of acquired gods has passed, they will always be invincible at the same level, and their combat power is unparalleled in the world, which is a symbol of an era.

The dragon only felt his head buzzing, and he almost didn't react.

He took a deep breath, lying on the ground, trembling.


Zhang Yuan didn't know what the giant dragon was thinking, he just leaned over.

Face to face with the dragon, small eyes to big eyes.


The dragon was so frightened that he trembled so badly that he seemed to faint.

"What are you afraid of?"

Zhang Yuan was angry and hated him for not fighting.

Although Klauer's coercion admitted later, he was not so scared.

As an existence that has awakened from the long river of time, the giant dragon, as a coward, should be invincible in seconds, how can he be so timid.


The dragon was dumbfounded.

Boss, I must be afraid of you cheating like this!

"Okay, this king won't kill the unknown, old man, hurry up and report your name, since you dare to plunder the body of this king's brother, you must have the consciousness of death."

Zhang Yuan became impatient.

The giant dragons in the starry sky who claim to be on a par with Titans, dragons, and phoenixes are actually just that, cowardly and weak.

Zhang Yuan couldn't arouse any interest at all.

His only thought now is to roast and fry this giant dragon.

I have eaten dragon meat, but I don't seem to have eaten authentic dragon meat.

"Brother? What brother..."

The giant dragon was dumbfounded, blinked his eyes a few times, and looked confused.

"Huh? Hurry up and report your name!"

Zhang Yuan was even more upset.

Since you are a coward, even in the face of death, you should have some ambition!

Honestly reported his name, and then crashed to death on this King's Rock.

In this way, the best of both worlds, kill two birds with one stone.

Not only fulfilled himself, retained his unyielding integrity, but also fulfilled Zhang Yuan.

"Great Acquired God, is there some misunderstanding between us? I didn't take your brother's body. Even if I had a hundred guts, I would never dare. Moreover, I was just born, and I still don't know what to do. Very immature... not some old guy... Is it a misunderstanding..."

The giant dragon trembled, and when he finished his last sentence, he was hit by an unstoppable force, and immediately vomited blood.

The scorching hot blood dripped on the ground, and countless weeds grew wildly, devouring the blood, but the next moment, it shattered...

In the blink of an eye, the blood-stained place became a jeopardy.

Life is cut off!

The blood gradually seeped into the ground, exuding an incomparably strong dragon breath, vaguely, as if something was about to be conceived deep underground.


Uneducated, Zhang Yuan could only be taken aback, then looked at the old guy in front of him who was pretending to be stupid, and couldn't help grinning.

Flow batch!

It is indeed a family of giant dragons!
The life energy is so powerful, if it is fried once, it is estimated that it will be fragrant for ten miles.


With a squeak, Zhang Yuan licked the corner of his mouth and stared at the dragon with green eyes.

A drop of saliva was dripping from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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