My cheating is too hard

Chapter 175 Master Consciousness and Instinctive Consciousness

Chapter 175 Master Consciousness and Instinctive Consciousness
Zhang Yuan was shocked, he was in doubt, and his brain exploded.

What the hell, it's a hit!
What happened to that dragon just now?
Could it be that the giant dragon just now is Long San, this guy is so good at pretending?
Not quite right!
The giant dragon just now cannot be Long San.

So, this guy is Longge split.

"Freak batch..."

Zhang Yuan was incomparably amazed. When he exploded, not only did he transform into a dragon, but he also had a little brother?
However, the most important thing now is not this outrageous thing.

The most important thing is Long San, who knows too many things!

"Long San, what do you remember?"

Zhang Yuan probed.

"I don't know anything, I should be in Tianmen, I just went back, why did I appear here..."

Long San cried, looked at himself, looked at himself with a blank face, and said with a crying voice: "Brother, why did I suddenly become a giant dragon? I just returned to Tianmen, why did I come here, and even changed?" Became a giant dragon..."


Long San collapsed, talking nonsense, chattering, and messing around.

"What am I..."

Zhang Yuan complained wildly in his heart, did Long San regard him as an idiot?

Thought he was easier to fool?

So say something that doesn't match the preamble.

Will he believe it?
A slap across the face, to kill this brazen bitch.

"You said you were at Tianmen, what did you do behind my back?"

Zhang Yuandao.

"D-did what? I..."

Long San shuddered violently, shaking his head again and again, a little frightened.

"I... I don't know anything..."

"You bitch!"

Zhang Yuan slapped him and said, "You're still pretending to be stupid, right?"

"Ouch...Brother...I said...I said..."


Zhang Yuan said viciously.

"I... I gave the two hairs I got from you to the Lord of the Heaven Gate."

Long San was terrified. If he didn't say he couldn't do it, he didn't seem to be able to do it!
Sure enough, the eldest brother was furious and slapped him mercilessly.

When it was dark, I couldn't see anything.

damn thing!
I can really pretend.

Zhang Yuan's face was full of displeasure,
If Long San didn't say it, he would have almost forgotten it.

The Lord of Tianmen cloned him, but in the end he was cloned into a retarded man!
Thinking about it so far, Zhang Yuan still feels extremely unhappy, wishing to slap that old bastard to death with a slap, but this day is not far away.

Let's get this shit out of the way first.


Two beams of light suddenly burst out from Zhang Yuan's eyes and landed in the middle of Long San's forehead.

The next moment, I saw one picture after another, which was fed back from the light beam.

The screen is intermittent.

Some are scenes of Dragon Three being created, while others are scenes of Dragon Three fighting.

But what's more, it's a picture of crackling with a few dinosaurs...

Seven in and seven out.

Nine shallow and one deep...

Time management arcane!

"This dog thing..."

Zhang Yuan was stunned immediately, gasped, and his scalp was numb.

Resisting the urge to slap Long San to death, Zhang Yuan continued to watch, so as not to miss anything, so he watched everything in detail.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the young dragon is in good health, he can do this move..."

"Damn it... the batch..."

Gradually, Zhang Yuan was stunned, amazed, and extremely shocked.

To tell the truth, he knew that the Dragon Clan was very popular, but he didn't expect it to be so popular.

Even in the environment of the prairie, this kind of technology is probably unprecedented. Once the action is made, it can be called ghost crying.

"Flow batch... flow batch..."

Zhang Yuan was amazed.

Praise again and again.

Time passed like this, one day, two days, Zhang Yuan watched with relish.

On the third day, the picture suddenly changed.

Long San was ordered to go to the prairie to negotiate with him in an attempt to cooperate.

It's worth noting that Long San didn't know what was hidden behind the ancient ruins that the Lord of the Heavenly Gate traded. This idiot thought that the ancient ruins were nothing more than an empty city plan, so this guy didn't have the idea to delve into it.


Zhang Yuan sneered again and again, living in troubled times, the most important thing is to keep a low profile.

Secondly, the most important thing is not to believe any word of the human race!

No pie will fall from the sky, only traps will fall.

Ancient ruins are extremely important to the human race!
It is impossible for the human race to give in. There may be orc races who believe in such stupid behaviors of supporting the enemy, but there will never be Zhang Yuan.

Even if Zhang Yuan died, he would not believe everything the human race said.


Long San set off.


Witnessed the wrath of heaven at that time!
Immediately frightened!

Half dead, dare not enter the prairie at all.


Zhang Yuan was speechless, this bastard, why is he so timid.

Speed ​​up screen delivery.

Long San made a preliminary deal with him, returned to Tianmen, and handed over two hairs.

Because of the little tyrannosaurus, Long San was immediately imprisoned by Tianmen.

At the same time, Zhang Yuan saw a trace of hatred in Long San's eyes. This guy was beginning to be unhappy with the human race and wanted to escape from the human race.

The seeds have been planted.

It just barely took root.

However, the picture changed suddenly, and he came to the king's rock, was hammered, and cried bitterly.

Stopped abruptly.


Zhang Yuan sighed endlessly, and after a few more glances, he was sure that there was really no follow-up.

"So, I wronged Long San, this guy, really forgot?"

Zhang Yuan sighed secretly.

It’s okay to tell the truth, why are you crying?

So, no matter what you do, you should talk less trash and focus more!

If Long San really made it clear, Zhang Yuan would not pry into Long San's secrets.

Well now, he has seen all the things that Long San did in the past.


How bad...

no more secrets...

"Hmm... Maybe it's not forgetting, it's an irreversible loss."

Zhang Yuan patted Long San's head, looked at a shivering figure in Long San's head, a young giant dragon, cast his eyes away.


A picture appears.

The dragon woke up, was hammered, and fell into endless panic, terrified.



It's just outrageous.

"So, this guy was really split by Long San himself?"

"No, no..."

Zhang Yuan's eyes flickered, and he waved his claws. Driven by the mysterious power of the young giant dragon, he flew out of Long San's head, in a daze.

"Great God, please forgive me..." the dragon begged, terrified.

"Wait a minute."

Zhang Yuan took a few deep breaths, and two beams of dazzling light swept away.


At this moment, a lot of information came to Zhang Yuan's mind.

In an instant, Zhang Yuan understood what kind of existence this giant dragon was.

This young giant dragon is the instinctive consciousness of the dragon's bloodline, or a combination of the information inherited by the bloodline. Due to the collapse of the consciousness of the three masters of the dragon, the instinctive consciousness was awakened, and it was born by chance.

It can be said that this is part of Long San's consciousness, which contains the inheritance of the Dragon Clan.

However, for the current Long San, he is equivalent to a third party.

Under the previous fear, he was forced to release Long San's collapsing main consciousness, so Long San came back to life, but lost his memory.

That part of the memory has dissipated along with the collapsed consciousness, leaving nothing.

Long San is actually dead, and the current Long San is a main consciousness.

And this young giant dragon is also a part of consciousness, but he is not Long San.

In this way, things come full circle.

Although it is a bit of nonsense, the truth of the matter is indeed like this.

Clan of giant dragons, please!

Zhang Yuan was filled with emotions. Sure enough, none of these races were simple.

One or two, they are both cowards, and they can be resurrected after death, which is unreasonable.

"Tell me, what should I do with you?"

Zhang Yuan Shi Shiran sat down, his eyes were dim, and he watched quietly.

"Leave me alone, spare my life..."

the dragon begged.

"Don't worry, this king will not kill you, but you can't stay in it any longer. You are the instinctive consciousness of the dragon's bloodline. After all, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. If you continue to stay inside, the third dragon may not be able to withstand your coercion. Hold on for a while." time, it will collapse itself, or be swallowed by you."

Zhang Yuandao.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of "Autumn Leaves", "Just follow @", everyone's recommendation tickets, I wrote this chapter very full!
(End of this chapter)

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