My cheating is too hard

Chapter 178 What is Cultivation?

Chapter 178 What is Cultivation?

But, I think so.

If it is not a last resort, who would not want to live like this for the rest of his life?
The beasts are very uncomfortable.

But didn't say much.

Do you want to ask the king to take action?

Even if the king is willing, they will absolutely not, this involves dignity!
Dignity is more important than life!

It is the limit of the limit for the king to show up to cheer them up now.

"Hold on."

Seeing Er Gouzi and the others' dead parents' expressions, Zhang Yuan suddenly felt speechless, stopped them, and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Are these Sabi brain-dead?

I don't know how many catties I have, but I don't have a beep in my heart?
Or do you think that your life is too long, you don't want to live, and you want to commit suicide and martyrdom?

He plunged into it, and was killed by the human army without a whole body.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan suddenly lost his temper. Instead of being killed by the human army and losing face, it is better to let him slap the prairie to death, and sacrifice the flag to the prairie orc army, wishing victory... …

"Your Majesty?"

Er Gouzi was at a loss.

How to answer this question?

Although his two dogs are so righteous and have unparalleled schemes, they are also afraid of death!
But, how to answer this?
Could it be that you are not afraid of death?

This kind of answer is really too Sabi, and those who are willing to believe are Sabi.

fear death?

If you are afraid of death before leaving the prairie, what face do you have to be a leader?

Er Gouzi fell silent.

All the beasts looked at each other and fell silent, not knowing how to answer.

"The strength of the human race is no small matter. Klauer lost, let alone you? The human race must have been eyeing, as long as my prairie orcs show up, they will suffer countless blows from the human race, which is countless times stronger than last time ..."

Zhang Yuanyu was earnest, and as he spoke, he was moved.


Sniffing his nose, blinking his eyes a few times, he almost shed tears.


Having raised the dog legs for so long, even if they are unhappy about their shortcomings, but when this kind of time really comes, it is inevitable to be a little sad.

Raising and raising, raising feelings.

It's the most fucked up thing.

Zhang Yuan thought of a husky he raised when he was a human being.

Although that dog is very fucked up, likes to tear down the house, and is very disobedient, but after stewing Erha, Zhang Yuan was crying so hard.

While crying, while eating.

"Your Majesty..."

The beasts were moved.

He lowered his head and didn't say anything, but the tears fell down.

"Your Majesty... I can't bear you..."

Daji, who was full of emotions, burst into tears, and immediately threw herself in front of Zhang Yuan, hugged his paw as usual, and began to cry, crying sadly and desperately, and the tears couldn't stop falling down.

This time, I am afraid that we will never see each other again.

My heart is full of sadness and reluctance.

During Zhang Yuan's deep sleep, Daji practiced hard, but after Zhang Yuan woke up, Daji felt alienated and a little strange.

Because, it is too powerful.

It was so powerful that Daji felt fear in her heart, she didn't dare to get close, she didn't dare to get close.

Now, finally, this melancholy broke out completely at this moment.


Tears can't stop.

Tears swirled.


Zhang Yuan smacked his mouth a few times, isn't it a bit wrong for you to cry like this.

However, as a senior nurturer, Zhang Yuan chose to accept it silently.

Although Daji is not a human race, no matter whether she is a mother or not, as long as she is a mother, the thinking in her mind will be different, completely different.

If you want to develop it perfectly, you often have to take a different approach.

One of the most effective ways is to listen, and don't force yourself.

Now, what Zhang Yuan has to do is to listen while keeping silent.

For this kind of routine, Zhang Yuan performed with ease and vividly.

It took a long time before Daji stopped, and the emotions of the beasts also recovered, but they still felt a little reluctant, and the atmosphere still seemed very sad.

"You know what you're afraid of now?"

Zhang Yuan sighed secretly.

The human race is really not a good thing. The orc race in my prairie is still working hard to grow, but you choose to cheat, which makes it impossible to play normally!

The beasts were dejected.

"Okay, okay, don't you just go out and beat the human race, and you won't die."

Zhang Yuan shook his head, then waved his paw, shooting out a few beams of light.


The streamer flickered, and the space in front of him began to distort, gathering endless aura, sending out extremely strong breaths, opening up ripples in the void, rippling out circle after circle, causing endless waves.

The beasts were taken aback, their colors changed suddenly, and they felt a strong coercion.

This aura was beyond their tolerance, even the giant dragon began to feel uneasy, and the dragon groaned, watching very vigilantly.

at a certain moment.


As the soft humming sounded in the void, several crystal clear crystals appeared out of thin air, sparkling and reflecting bright light.

Vibrating slightly, buzzing continuously, the void is constantly shattering.

The source of all this points to those mysterious crystals.

The beasts were stunned, and then they were overjoyed and woke up one after another.

This is probably the trump card given to them by the king!



Crystals rushed towards their foreheads one by one, and finally sank into it.

Boom - boom - boom

Waves of berserk aura burst out of the body, vented out involuntarily, and intensified so much that the sky shook, and the space screamed in pain, as if it would be unable to bear the aura and collapse itself in the next moment.

This is crystal charged with too much energy and now has to be released.


Feel stronger than ever.

All the beasts couldn't help looking up to the sky and howling.

High spirits.

The crystals turned into a source of energy, and endless energy filled their bodies, which made them not need to worry about exhaustion.

In addition, an inexplicable feeling arises spontaneously in my heart.

At this moment, it seemed that he could really fly into the sky and escape from the ground, turning into the emperor.

The sky is me, I am the sky!

Comfortable, comfortable, omnipotent, quietly blending with the world.

This is an unprecedented feeling!
This is not the power of the extraordinary realm, and it does not even belong to the master of the restricted area.


After a while, when the breath finally stabilized, the beasts were stunned.

In my mind, a crystal imprinted with endless mysterious runes unexpectedly appeared, spinning around, unbelievable!
At this moment, they clearly felt that the crystals absorbed endless energy from the endless void, refined it, and then emitted it.

Flows to all limbs.

In the end, it was absorbed by every inch of flesh and blood.

At the same time, the body is also becoming stronger, surpassing the extraordinary!
"This is……"

Er Gouzi was dumbfounded, and when his eyes moved, an inexplicable feeling arose spontaneously.

The next moment, his figure disappeared in a flash, and appeared a mile away in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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