My cheating is too hard

Chapter 180 The Routine Playing Is Caught Off Guard

Chapter 180 The Routine Playing Is Caught Off Guard
In an area of ​​the prairie.

The stone scorpion family lives here.

No, it's not the stone scorpion family, it should be called the prairie Zerg now.

Because the opponent is now a member of the prairie. In addition, although this race uses stone scorpions as the main combat force, there are also various races, which are extremely complicated and cannot be generalized with stone scorpions.


Prairie Zerg!

Take shape.

Thousands of Zerg are dormant, exuding an extremely strong aura.

Tragic, violent, and murderous.

Even in the realm of metamorphosis, he can rely on his powerful racial talent to fight with extraordinary creatures, and there is even a slight possibility of victory!
The incomparably huge body, the strength of ants, the attack power of stone scorpions...

There are more and more Zerg with mixed bloodlines like this.

In front of countless Zergs, there is a ferocious Zerg that is only about a thousand meters long. Although it has the appearance of a stone scorpion, it is completely different from the stone scorpion.

The body is covered with golden scales, one can see the terrifying defensive power at a glance, and the sharp fangs glisten in the sunlight.

The breath is violent.

The aura that belonged to the peak limit of the extraordinary triple heaven was immediately revealed.

Countless Zerg watched frantically.

This is the supreme ruler of the Zerg.

hold head high--

A dragon's chant came from afar, and the sky and the earth shook, causing gusts of wind.

The Zerg suddenly felt a little restless, but soon recovered their cold aura. Looking into the distance, a trace of killing intent gradually appeared in the aura.

It seemed that as long as the owner of this voice appeared, he would dare to pounce on it.

This is the scary thing about Zerg.

Fearless! !
Unity of will!

In the early days, members of the Zerg will have some awareness and can communicate this time.

But later on, when the Zerg really grows up, the entire Zerg is a whole, and each Zerg is like the cells in a living being.

Every move will be carried out under the guidance of the great Zerg master.

The will of the master is the will of the Zerg.

Not afraid of death, fearless.

Obviously, today's prairie Zerg is still far from this step.

However, the corresponding potential is already there.

It's just time.

Howling wind, flying sand and stone.

With a bang, the giant dragon fell from the sky and landed heavily on the ground.

Zhang Yuan's face was not very good-looking, he found that he had no chance to transform into a human.

It's fun for a while, but I regret it for a lifetime.

Even though he was so unreliable, he still couldn't change his form.

too difficult.

As a great king with lofty ideals, he has already fulfilled the most basic strength requirements, and the rest is to enrich his harem members.

The results of it.

Turn around and look down...

I'm so meow, what's the matter? !

You can't go to any female animal!

Interracial is not impossible, but the model does not match!

what the hell...

Transformation is definitely a top priority.

Transforming into a human, not for anything else, just to have a hard time!
Have fun!
Even just once, for nothing else, Daji must be fucked!

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Shiji's heart skipped a beat.

As a loyal dogleg, one must be good at observing words and demeanor, and discerning every detail.

The king's majesty is inviolable. Even if he encounters a problem, he will not speak out on his own initiative, but will only show it in his demeanor and tone.

She, Shiji, has a good understanding of this.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan's expression was not right at this moment, he immediately rushed out to kneel and lick.

If she pretends she can't see anything, although she won't encounter anything in the short term, she will definitely be forced to wear small shoes later on...

Getting caught is an output full of love!

fuck yourself to death...

"Hey, nothing."

Zhang Yuanchang sighed.


Shiji was speechless.

Can you stop making trouble, you sighed and said nothing happened?
This is not playing me...

Yes, you played with me before, but you didn't play with me like this.

"Your Majesty, tell me, maybe I can find a way." Shi Ji was helpless.

Hearing this sigh, she immediately knew that she couldn't pretend not to see it.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that the next moment I will be forced to the ground for an unwarranted crime, be beaten severely, and lose face.

"Hey, well, since you insist on helping me, I have no choice but to agree..."

Zhang Yuanchang sighed.


Shi Ji raised his head, and immediately saw Zabi.

Damn, I just said that I might have a way, didn't I say definitely? !
If you can't help you, will you push me to the ground and give me a blast...

For a moment, Shiji felt extremely remorseful.

it's over...

She can pretend not to see, why ask again?

Obviously the big boss said it's nothing to do, why do you want to force it? !

Could it be that this is "cheap"?

At this moment, the sadness in Shiji's heart flowed like a river, and he was distraught.

She could almost imagine what would happen next.

Because there was no way to solve the big brother's problem, he was forced to the ground, and in front of all the younger brothers, he was beaten severely like never before!

Sure enough, after hearing the boss's question, Shi Ji immediately collapsed.


Tears flowed down my face.

She was really played...

Transformation? !
Even though you are so powerful, you still can't solve the changeling.

I'm a little bug, my strength is rubbish, how can I have a solution? !

"Huh? Why are you crying?"

Zhang Yuan looked puzzled.

"Nothing, nothing..."

Shi Ji hurriedly shook his head, and then said apologetically, "The king is so powerful, he can't solve the matter of transformation, and the little one can't think of a way..."

"Your Majesty, forgive me."

Shi Ji decided to kneel and lick a wave, and then admit his mistake.

She has long been familiar with this routine.

Retreat to advance.

As the saying goes, if you take a step back, you will have a brighter future, but if you take a step forward, you will surely die.

"Is there nothing you can do? It's a pity..."

Zhang Yuan shook his head, showed a smile, and said, "It doesn't matter, how could this king blame you?"

Shi Ji heard the words, looked at Zhang Yuan, and felt infinite despair in his heart.


The big brother's words are really too yin and yang, he said it's all right, but in fact, he was thinking about how to play with her behind his back!
"Thank you king."

Shiji's scalp was numb, but he still pretended to be touched.

"Hey, this time I'm sure I'm done. I shouldn't talk too much. Not only did I fail to kneel and lick this time, but I also hurt myself. It's really hopeless."

Shiji sighed inwardly.

She would rather fight with the human race than stay here to fight wits and courage.

Because the routine is too deep to fight at all!
Most importantly, the other party is too easy to argue!

Reversing black and white is a small problem, even if it suddenly slaps you a few times.


Shi Ji expressed that he was in a panic, waiting online, anxious...

"I can only see the tricks, I hope I can escape this catastrophe, God bless."

Shiji secretly said.

"Let's go, let's go see Klauer."

Zhang Yuandao.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Shiji heaved a sigh of relief and was very pleasantly surprised. Fortunately, he escaped a catastrophe!
No need to do it yourself, the topic was successfully changed, it was so perfect that it exploded!
Shi Ji was so excited that he almost cried, and finally survived the beating.

(End of this chapter)

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