My cheating is too hard

Chapter 194 Shi Ji: I'm Really Smart

Chapter 194 Shi Ji: I'm Really Smart
"Oh, poor Long San, it's really miserable, to be played by the king like this."

Shiji let out a long sigh.

Long San is really a miserable group.

Not to mention being forcibly recognized as a younger brother, and now being played by the boss like this...

That's fine.

Now, it is even more miserable!
The boss is tired of playing, and I don't play with him anymore!

Long San is about to die!
Shi Ji thought for a while, and couldn't help but shiver.

Brothers can play like this, it's really scary, it's chilling.

I hope the boss didn't play with her. If she really played with her, she must put on a particularly positive attitude so that the boss will never get tired of playing!
However, it is still too early to think about this now!

The most important thing now is to find Long San, and then create an accident.


Oh hoo~~
Fuck Ryuzo!

Unbeknownst to God!

Shiji was delighted, she had been with the boss for so long, she already knew hundreds of tricks, enough to play Long San to death.

Since the boss entrusted such an important thing to himself, he must arrange it properly!
Guaranteed to be an accident every time!
Gee tut.

"By the way, what does Long San look like?"

Shi Ji thought for a while, and then gathered a Tyrannosaurus figure in front of him.

Under the powerful legendary power, supplemented by the power of will, this tyrannosaurus is drawn vividly, lifelike, and exudes a strong breath.

It seems that as long as it roars lightly, it can instantly become a living thing.

This figure is Long San!
Shiji was secretly proud.

With her current powerful cultivation, wouldn't it be easy to kill Long San?
Besides, there are a lot of Zerg here.

These are all good at finding things!

"Little ones!"

Shi Ji pointed to Long San in front of him, and said: "Little ones, remember this guy, spread out quickly, whoever can find him will be rewarded!"

The current Zerg has not yet evolved to a high level, so each has consciousness. Although it is not conducive to management, on the other hand it gives the Zerg the ability to think, and Shiji does not need to do everything by himself.

Of course, from the perspective of the Zerg, this is another serious disadvantage.

In the final analysis, the only consciousness of a perfect Zerg is the Zerg Master!
However, that day is not far away!
At that moment, Shiji ordered that tens of thousands of Zergs disperse in all directions.

The first step is to look for Dragon Three, and the second step is to look for Dragon Three.

As for conquering the orcs...

Shi Ji felt that this was probably a trick of the boss, a routine.

After all, after so many roads, the boss's tricks are always hard to guard against.

I thought it was not a routine, but unexpectedly, it was a routine, and I was caught off guard.

Moreover, in Shi Ji's eyes, the horse boy who can solve the boss's problem in the first time is the best horse boy and the one with a bright future.

As for his own position, Shi Ji has always been pinched to death, very clear.


Thousands of Zerg roared, ran, and rushed in all directions.

After a while, the Zerg disappeared, leaving only Shiji himself.

At this time, Shi Ji had time to look around.

There are towering trees everywhere, with their shadows whirling and luxuriant.

In the distance, there were bursts of roaring sounds, empty and lonely, with a majestic momentum.

There is no lack of aura factor in the air.

Very rich.

Of course, if compared with the prairie, there is simply no way to compare.

The difference between clouds and mud.

But compared to today's big environment, the concentration of spiritual energy here can be said to be unprecedented, extremely rich, far from being comparable to the wild area.

Shi Ji sensed it for a while, and then sensed an incomparably strong aura, which turned out to be in the realm of celestial phenomenon, the aura was fierce and unrivaled.

"Hiss, could it be that the king sent me to a far-away rich area..."

Shi Ji gasped, it was too fierce, he deserved to be a great boss.

Looking back at the gate of space, Shi Ji was extremely shocked and felt shocked.

This is the method of the boss.

Even if she has a thorough understanding of the legendary realm, she can't do such an exaggerated thing.

Created a space gate and directly sent her to a distant area.

"No wonder the king wants me to attack the orcs. It turns out that this is not a wild area, but a far-off fertile area. Although the aura here is not as good as that of the prairie, it is better because of the vast territory and countless opportunities..."

Shi Ji thought secretly, and found that the big brother's ideological realm was really extraordinary.

On the one hand, Long San can be killed.

On the one hand, it can seize the resources of the fertile area.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Shi Ji was extremely excited, feeling that he had finally comprehended a bit of the big brother's thoughts.

"Okay, little guys, go look for Long San, then, I'll hunt down the strong beast clan and plunder the resources!"

Shi Ji did what he wanted, began to feel the breath, and looked for the strong man of the beast race.

After a while, under the induction, within five thousand miles, everything can be seen at a glance.

Thousands of extraordinary beings...

Five or six celestial realms!
Among them, there even appeared a powerful orc at the level of the master of the restricted area!

And the place where the master of the restricted area is located is like a cornucopia.

Not only is the spiritual energy rich, but there are also various spiritual herbs and spiritual fruits.

As for the farther places, Shiji did not explore.

Low-key is king!

"Well, let's kill the master of the forbidden area first, and then, let's take a look at it slowly."

Shiji had a great idea, and then rushed to the territory of the master of the restricted zone!

Zhang Yuan, who was far away in the prairie, didn't know that Shi Ji thought he wanted to kill Long San, so he ordered thousands of beasts to look for Long San's trace.

If Zhang Yuan found out, he would probably be furious and furious.

At this moment, he had already returned to King Rock and was staring at Klauer.

"Xiao Sa, this is the Titan family. I heard that they like to eat dragons. Are you afraid?"

Zhang Yuan patted his handsome head and sighed secretly.

He really cheated, his brother was either a mighty dragon or a titan.

Even the mounts are dragons!

As for the lackeys under his command, they are also very good.

Although it is not as good as the Titans or dragons, its talent potential is very high.

What's more, they are more or less related to the high-level races.

For example, Feng Yi and Feng Er, these two big birds have some relationship with Phoenix.

Another example is Er Gouzi and Da Gouzi, which are also very good.

Not to mention Daji, she awakened a trace of the blood power of the nine-tailed sky fox.

The bug Shiji is also very evil. He is the master of the Zerg race and is good at bursting soldiers.

Only Er Lengzi lacked a little bit of blood power, but his talent potential was really explosive, and suddenly he was in charge of the power of thunder!
All in all, by his side, no one is simple.

It's a pity, maybe it's because of his ill-fated life that his aptitude is so mediocre.

(End of this chapter)

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