My cheating is too hard

Chapter 207 The Return of the Three Beasts

Chapter 207 Return of the Three Beasts

However, in the next moment, transparent wind blades came through the air.

The two collided, and there was a bang, and the sky suddenly turned into waves.

When the sound reaches a certain level, it seems to disappear instantly.

The whole world fell into a dead silence.

All is silent!

A vast expanse of whiteness, snowflakes falling, mixed with endless clanging sounds.

The void was shattering frantically, then smoothed out, and shattered again.

The cycle goes on and on, and a trace of the special power of space turbulence enters the main world, just like a chemical reaction accelerates the catalyst, and it is out of control.

Boom - boom - boom

In the next moment, waves soared into the sky, the wind roared, sand and rocks flew, the sky shook, and layers of air waves swept in all directions.

Rippling, thousands of miles of heaven and earth, vast field of vision, all covered by it.

This is a collision of legendary powers!
Even if there is only a trace of legendary power colliding, it is enough to shake the heavens and weep the earth.

If it exploded with all its strength, this piece of void would probably be wiped out.


The orcs of the prairie didn't care about this, they just felt horrible, roared and roared, restless, and instinctively felt unprecedented fear.

Even though this is their leader, the big fish fight and the small fish suffer.

I don't know, there are several commanders who suppressed the prairie orcs. They are safe and sound, and they dare not escape, lest they will be regarded as a model and be killed later!
As for the orcs outside the prairie, they don't have such good luck.

Howling, screaming, struggling, on this land of thousands of miles ravaged by frost and wind blades, there is nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide, so I can only scream.

Even so, after a few breaths, those mournful sounds stopped abruptly, and there were only clanging sounds in the world, and the cold wind was cold.

When everything calmed down, there was only a vast expanse of whiteness left in the world.

All things withered!

Boundless, pale, cold...

As for those frozen human races and god creations, they have long since disappeared.

Maybe it was wiped out, or maybe it was blown to the other side by the wind.


The beasts gasped, and looked at the sky frantically.

Commander Er Gouzi, Commander Feng Yi, the strong men under the command of the great prairie ruler, are infinitely powerful and mighty, they are simply terrifying!

Xu Qing covered his face and wailed loudly, the human race is really dead this time!

That's horrible!
There are no bones left, and the ashes are wiped out. This is probably the worst punishment in the world!

If possible, he hopes that the human race can live in harmony with the orc race.

"If it doesn't work, then transform the human race into a foreign race. No matter what, everything is for the future of the human race and for the precious civilization of the human race."

An extreme idea appeared in Xu Qing's mind, and it intensified!
Require common ground while reserving differences!
Want to change!

Xu Qing was extreme, he was going to be blackened, and Er Gouzi also felt that he was going to be blackened.

Staring at Feng Yi, glaring with anger, he let the cold wind hit his face coldly.

"Feng Yi, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are so brave, you dare to take action against this commander?! You don't know how to live or die, believe it or not, this commander will report to the king?!"

Er Gouzi is upset.


It depends on the owner to beat the dog!

Feng Yi, this Sabi, actually gave him such a kick as soon as they met!
Too much.

It's hitting him in the face.

Also, why just hit him?

When he is easy to bully?

Think he is a soft persimmon, hold it in your hand, and squeeze it as often as you want?

Feng Yi, you Sabi, your road is narrowed! !
I want to wear small shoes for you!

Er Gouzi was cursing in his heart, and vowed to make Feng Er look good.

"Hmph, you are so sorry, come out of the prairie, you! And you, you three guys!"

"Actually escaped! Shameless!"

Feng Yi sneered, looked at the big dog and the second idiot, saw their incomparably chic appearance, immediately gritted his teeth with envy and hatred.


You guys ran away, and you just came back now, but you had a great time.

However, I want to stay and work hard until now?
Why? !

Feng Yi was upset, and Feng Er was also very upset. Just now they were discussing whether Dongxuan could eat or not, but in a blink of an eye, they left it behind and came to Feng Yi's side.


Feng Er let out a long roar, his breath exploded, and the torrent of frost flew all over the sky.


Er Gouzi got angry, and said: "Okay, okay, okay, don't be shameless!"

The big dog erupted, his hair was flying, and the wind lingered all over his body.

The sonorous sound is endless, it is the power of the wind, it is the power of killing.

"Stop it!"

The second stupefied sighed, looked at Feng Yi and Feng Er, couldn't help shaking his head, then broke out, and was also bathed in the terrifying thunder.

The wings of thunder spread, Er Lengzi seemed to be the ancient god of thunder.

In terms of killing power, the power of thunder is undoubtedly the most powerful.

In the case of three-on-two, you can come in a wave!

Anyway, the two big white birds have been upset for a long time, and they can just beat each other, and if they are defeated, it is best to press each other on the ground for a meal!
Of course, there are some words that must be said, and the attitude must be correct.

After all, sister fox is here, he can't say that he wants to fight.

Among the 36 strategies, there is the trick of retreating.

This is a conspiracy of the human race learned in a certain city he slaughtered.

Very useful.

"What do you mean? Are you still unreasonable?!"

"Fuck, I just came back, you're going to beat me, are you reasonable?"

"Then you just refuse to accept it?"


"Presumptuous, my younger brother is the commander in chief, you have committed a serious crime!"



At this moment, the swords between the two sides are tense, and the war seems to be on the verge of breaking out!
However, just in terms of momentum, it showed a one-sided phenomenon.

Neither side has yet to make a move.

Er Gouzi and Da Gouzi are not in a hurry, they are right anyway!
What Feng Yi and Feng Er thought of was that they might be beaten severely.

Secondly, I am afraid that these three brazen guys will sneak away again.

Moreover, even if they want to escape, it should be their turn this time!

However, if one of these three guys ran away without paying attention when they were beating them, and if they left them again, they would definitely not be able to escape!

Feng Yi and Feng Er looked at each other, and both of them saw displeasure in their eyes.

Made, you three guys have had fun for so long, it should be our turn!
Feng Yi and Feng Er were filled with grief and indignation, feeling that they had been bullied hundreds of times.


Daji on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

Had to come out and stop.

Looking at Feng Yi and Feng Er, she was speechless like a mirror in her heart.

What time is it!

The ancient force of the human race, the mysterious and terrifying Dongxuan has appeared!
What you two are thinking about is how to have a good time.

It really was, and she was speechless.

Wonderful blossoms.

 Thanks to the two beauties "Xinghe Moonlight" and "stranger" for the monthly tickets, and the handsome guy "I love you today" for the reward, and all the beauties for the tickets, come, don't contact me, use the tickets to humiliate me, just be happy!

  Pretty boys, blah blah, I'm ready to go.

(End of this chapter)

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