My cheating is too hard

Chapter 225 Blooming Klauer

Chapter 225 Blooming Klauer

A violent and unparalleled roar suddenly sounded, tearing apart nine heavens and ten earths.

The space trembled, the world shook, and the situation changed.

A terrifying aura suddenly soared into the sky, sweeping across the sky.

Drilled deep into the ground, swept away, causing a terrifying earthquake.

The ground trembled and even broke, forming ravines, hot and terrifying magma poured out, and the fiery red light instantly illuminated the ground.

The wind is howling, and the sky and the earth are trembling.

Endless special effects, all kinds of funds, are burning crazily.


Roaring up to the sky, his body covered the sky and the sun, breaking the bondage of heaven and earth in one fell swoop.


The aura is vast, noble and sacred, the scorching flame burns fiercely on his body, and the magma boils and roars under his feet, emitting a scarlet light.

Amidst the berserk atmosphere, it exudes a boundless and ancient meaning.

It was as if he was a great existence from the ancient times, who crossed the long river of time and space and descended here, showing endless domineering intentions all over his body.


All the beings were stunned. Looking at the great figure with violent and incomparable aura, they were speechless for a while, being shocked by his aura.

"The Titan..."

Some existence exclaimed, and its eyes widened, and it was impossible to believe it.

How could this one appear here?

Logically speaking, it should still be recovering!
Besides, why are you here?

It is unwise.

"Titan giants, lava giants, fallen giants, kings of giants..."

Not only this one being recognized, but other beings too.

Can't help mumbling to himself, telling a string of ancient words in his mouth.

They looked at each other in blank dismay, their expressions shocked.

My heart was agitated, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

Titans, here we come!
Could it be that they intend to fight against the God of Light? !
Countless doubts poured into my heart, but instead aroused the curiosity of all beings.

Although this giant is only in the realm of legend, his strength has almost reached the peak of legend. With his terrifying talent and potential, it seems that it is not impossible to fight against the God of Light!

after all--

Only when you see the existence of the Titans with your own eyes, can you know what a terrifying race this is!

Although the Titans are not top-notch star creatures, and their abilities may be lacking in some aspects, any Titans are strong...

Not to mention this one is still an ancient titan, a fallen giant!
It was precisely because of the aura of this giant titan that they woke up early.

If it was Shiji and other existences, they would not be able to disturb them who were sleeping.

The titans are generally powerful, and the fallen giant is the emperor of the titan family. They are top giants, and their strength is almost invincible at the same level.

Once, in a certain era in the past, a fallen giant once appeared in the world, dominating one side, almost leading to the early end of the era.

From this, it can be seen how terrible the fallen giant is.


"Fallen Giant!"

The God of Light was moved again, looking at Klauer, he was a little shocked.

How could fallen giants, such an unbelievably powerful race with a single muscle, appear at the beginning of the revival of spiritual energy?

Even at the peak of the era, there are countless powerful people, but there are few such terrifying existences.

"How is it possible... the last fallen giant has already perished."

What moved the God of Light was not just the appearance of fallen giants during this period.

There are deeper reasons for this!
As some beings know, in a certain era, a fallen giant that almost ended the era appeared, and its strength was simply terrifying.

The reason why fallen giants are called fallen is that their characters are generally cruel, cruel, and bloodthirsty.

Hatred of everything.

In that era, all races lived in dire straits and suffered unspeakably.

In order to prevent the fallen giant from destroying the era, the gods had to fight against the fallen giant. Finally, after paying a heavy price, the gods succeeded in killing the fallen giant. Finally, several ancient existences promulgated a law of heaven and earth, Ended the possibility of fallen giants appearing.

Since then, existences such as fallen giants have become legends.

Logically speaking, as long as heaven and earth exist, it is impossible for fallen giants to appear
Unless, some mysterious and unknown changes have taken place in the world.

As a result, that iron law is invalid.

" could...impossible...absolutely impossible..."

The God of Light was taken aback by his own thoughts, and became incredulous.

The gods are the supreme beings who are immortal and immortal.

And those ancient great gods are even more terrifying, they are terrifying existences with Tianxian in their mouths. Together, they can even reverse the universe and starry sky!
Although the iron law cannot be exaggerated enough to cover the starry sky world, it has always enveloped this star, and it has never disappeared since the ancient past.

But why did the fallen giant appear here? !

Iron law collapsed? !

The world has changed? !

Or is there some terrible existence, some kind of plan secretly arranged? !



In an instant, the God of Light thought a lot, and became a little frightened and fearful.

He didn't even dare to continue thinking about it.

This era made him feel a little strange.

Everything seems to have undergone various unknown changes.

Reminiscent of this sudden legend, the true and false Lord of the Grassland...

For the first time, God of Light felt fear in his heart.

Only the ignorant can be fearless.

However, any god is a great existence with profound knowledge.

Be in awe of the unknown.

And the more familiar, the more fearful.

The more he knew the horror of the iron law, the more frightened the God of Light became.

Compared with those existences, He is at best the dust under the feet of giants.

Seeing the fallen giant rushing up, the God of Light's expression changed again and again.

Even, He forgot to give Shiji a fatal blow, bringing him back to life.

"Fallen Giant, we can talk."

The God of Light opened his mouth to stop, looking at the fallen giant, he found it extremely difficult.

Tell the truth.

He dared not kill the fallen giant.

Although he has this strength, he dare not do it.

Behind this fallen giant there must be a plan of the top existence. Once he makes a move, the consequences will be disastrous, and even sleeping will become a luxury.

Really will die!

So, we can only talk.

At this moment, the God of Light felt deeply powerless in his heart.

He seems to have infinite scenery, but he is still weak.

and so--

I can only give in temporarily.

Although he had this thought in his heart, the God of Light still chose to make a move.

Not for offense, only for defense.


Endless milky white rays of light swept in mightily from all around him, roared, and then poured forward like mountains and seas.


In an instant, the sky and the earth shook, the situation changed, and the world seemed to be trembling.

At this moment, the supreme power from the Kingdom of God quietly bloomed.

"Talk about your sister, let me break it!"

Klauer's eyes flickered, he roared, and punched suddenly.

Endless mighty power came from the limbs and bones, making a roaring sound.

Extremely sublime!

In the end, Wei Li was condensed in one punch, and the space was instantly wiped out.

Around the fist, the space was broken and overwhelmed, and chains full of mystery could be vaguely seen floating in the clenched fist.

This chain seems ordinary, but it symbolizes the great power of the gods.

"The chain of laws..."

The God of Light exclaimed.

How can it be? !
This fallen giant is actually a god? !

Thinking of the fallen giant who was killed by the gods, he was terrified.


Klauer grinned, he was once an immortal god.

After knowing the truth about Shiji saving himself, he still came.

Not for anything else, just because of the grace of saving life, there is no repayment.

It was impossible for him to watch Shiji get killed.

Even though Shiji will not really die.

Even the king has been watching here, and it is very likely that he will protect Shiji...

However, he is even the proud fallen giant, the royal family of titans.

Seeing that Shi Ji was sure to be killed at any time, he couldn't stand by and watch.

In the face of dignity, life and death are bearish!


The God of Light muttered to himself, his expression frightened, and the next moment, he went completely insane.

Unexpectedly, He came out only to save the Empire of Light.

However, this kind of thing happened.

He could see that this fallen giant was burning with life!

If he didn't resist, even if he wouldn't be killed, he would fall into a deep sleep.


The God of Light roared, and also erupted, bursting with radiance, and rushed up.




A silent explosion.

A violent collision of energies.

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

There was no sound, and the world seemed to have lost its voice.

The terrifying air wave was tumbling, sweeping across thousands of miles of heaven and earth in an instant.

Whether it is the God of Light, the Phantom of the Kingdom of God, or the Fallen Titan, they are all shrouded...

click - click -

Stripes of centipede-like black textures appeared in the depths of the void.

Opening its teeth and claws, roaring silently, it seems that these are the fangs of the devil,

A faint and terrifying aura emanates from it, trying to enter this world.

Only an invisible wave was seen, and a big hole was broken in the sky.

God, collapsed.

The great starry sky world quietly appeared in the sight of countless creatures.

Boundless, dazzling, beautiful.

However, behind the beauty lies an unimaginable and terrifying energy.

It was as if the dam had burst, and the energy from the universe rushed in, colliding with the energy of the explosion, becoming more and more violent.

Cosmic energy that has not been absorbed and filtered by the world is a terrible poison for any existence that can only live in the world.

The tyranny is incomparable, and it will destroy everything.



"Do not……"


One after another, full of despair and mournful roars, sounded quietly.

The next moment, it stopped abruptly.

I saw energy fluctuations filled with countless kinds of complex energies, hanging down from the depths of the sky, and falling into the kingdom that swept behind the God of Light.

In an instant, it exploded.

It suddenly cut off a thick layer of the earth...

No creature can resist this terrible shock.

Almost in an instant, the huge empire of light has disappeared.

Ten breaths.

Half a stick of incense.

One quarter of an hour……

Time flowed by in the explosion little by little, like a white horse passing through the gap.


The explosion is still going on.

The gangster wind is still raging on the earth, and the deafening sounds are still coming and going.



A group of spying beings looked at each other silently and silently.

My heart is extremely restless.

Suppressing the ever-growing panic in his heart, he widened his eyes and watched the terrible explosion.

Just feel creepy.

I also felt that my hands and feet were extremely cold, as if I couldn't feel the blood flowing.


Is this the fallen giant? !

Use your own power to fight against the gods.

No matter whether they survived the terrible explosion or not, there is no doubt that it has left an indelible figure in their hearts.

Besides, God of Light, so what?
 Thanks to Liangzi for the monthly ticket of "Time, Forget Memories", thank you for your support and tickets.

  Well, I want to make a big picture, remember that the royal family in the underground river is a degenerate family?I think this can be used as a foreshadowing.

  In addition, the protagonist will not always be cowardly. Although he is usually weak and weak, an honest person will be angry!

  In addition, the blocked chapter, I don't know when it will be unblocked...

(End of this chapter)

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