My cheating is too hard

Chapter 234 Subduing the Snow Wolf King

Chapter 234 Subduing the Snow Wolf King

"Tell me, how should this king deal with you?"

Zhang Yuan's eyes were dim.

He did accidentally enter the space crack just now.

Facing the endless void turbulence, he thought he was going to die.

Even if he surpassed the Snow Wolf King by many, many, it was hard to ignore this kind of horror.

The space is endless, the undercurrent is surging, and the space is distorted.

At this moment, he was still in the same place, but in the next moment he ran to nowhere.

However, he never expected that he would find the prairie world easily.

In this way, he used the prairie world as a springboard and returned here again.

Then, I heard Snow Wolf King's words.

Snow Wolf King is a bit sabi.

He didn't want to say anything about it.

I thought the Snow Wolf King was a low-key guy who could be his little brother, but I didn't expect the Snow Wolf King to be so arrogant and arrogant. He was not sure whether he was dead or alive, so he went crazy, and even said that he wanted to kill him.


Is this what a wolf should say?
It's too brutish.

Even Klauer didn't dare to say such ignorant trash talk.

This guy doesn't have a clue.

To kill, or not to kill?

Zhang Yuan fell into hesitation.

After all, even now, the Snow Wolf King is a beast feeder.


The Snow Wolf King was trembling all over, and he stuttered when he spoke, trembling unceasingly.

"Okay, okay."

Zhang Yuan interrupted Snow Wolf King, not wanting to listen anymore, and said, "Go back to Snow Country now, and then transform all human races into alien races, understand?"

For the human race, Zhang Yuan's inner attitude is very vague.

Well, he admitted it.

He is asshole!
Human beauties are indeed beautiful!
After all, he used to be a human race. Although he became a lion, his thinking has not changed. He always thinks that the beauties of the human race are his food.

However, the threat of the human race is too great.

In addition, he can't just keep the beauties of the human race.

A few years is fine.

However, after the time passes, all the beauties are old and pale, what should I do?
The human race cannot be destroyed.

Men still have to keep it!
Yin and Yang complement each other, which is a great truth.

Only women are left, and the human race will perish sooner or later.

Transforming all into alien races can solve this kind of thing perfectly.

The human race can continue to exist, and he doesn't have to worry about the human race's betrayal.

In addition, it won't be long before the world will fully recover. If the human race still exists at that time, it will definitely pose an unimaginable threat to the orc race!
If transformed into a foreign race, it is a family.

"All transformed into aliens?"

The Snow Wolf King was a little confused, and transformed into a foreign race. Is there any purpose for this?

Human race only.

Although there is an indelible hatred between the human race and the orc race, this is only relative to the general trend and cannot be accurate in all aspects.

In the Land of Snow, humans and beasts live in harmony and will not fight each other.

Although they will also hate each other, it will not cause any killings.

However, under his intentional or unintentional suppression, the strength of the human race in the Snow Country is generally weak, while the strength of the orc race is relatively strong, slightly better than that of the human race.

and so--

In the eyes of Snow Wolf King, this little human race is just like that.

The strength is weak.

Just a flock of little sheep.

If the human race in the Snow Country rose up, he would definitely destroy them.

Throughout the ages, for several ages, he has been doing this.

Thoughts were flying in his mind. Although Snow Wolf King has a crazy personality, he still has a high IQ, otherwise he would not have noticed Haidong's abnormality before.

The next moment, he reacted immediately, almost weeping with joy.

The lord of the grassland gave himself a task?


Are you safe? !

"Yes, Little Wolf will definitely complete your order, but if there is any mistake, please come and see me."

The Snow Wolf King said ecstatically, and then bowed his head to show respect.

"Okay, I can't believe you yet, just swear."

Zhang Yuan thought about it, and decided to make the dog Snow Wolf King swear.

Otherwise, what if this bastard gains power and rebels against him?
Throughout the ages, there are countless similar examples.

If Snow Wolf King is unwilling to swear, he has no choice but to send Snow Wolf King to the west.

Anyway, the world is so big, there is no shortage of Snow Wolf King.

He was ready to kill the Snow Wolf King. After all, the Snow Wolf King was a saint, powerful and had his own dignity, so it was very likely that he would not submit to him.

This involves a matter of face.

Face problem.

As big as the sky!
But he guessed wrong, the Snow Wolf King was not unwilling, on the contrary he had a look of surprise on his face, he was almost crying out of excitement, and then he swore.

"My little wolf swears to the supreme rules of the universe, and is willing to submit to the great lord of the grassland, before the saddle, before the horse, before the end of his life, and die. If there is any act of betrayal, he will die, and there will be no place to die!"

Snow Wolf King swore.


Zhang Yuan was a little dazed, looking at the Snow Wolf King, he suddenly couldn't react.

So obedient, so ruthless?

Has the world changed?

Don't lose face?
Or is this the latest way of life in a new age of the universe?
Zhang Yuan fell into deep thought, and then asked: "Can you be a little more dog?"

After saying this, Zhang Yuan regretted it very much.

To be honest, what he said was a bit insulting to the Snow Wolf King.

However, something that he never expected happened suddenly.

"Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang!"


"Wang Wang!"

Snow Wolf King transformed into a puppy and wagged his tail vigorously.

Hey, sticking out her pink and tender little tongue, she looks naive.

next moment.

He ran over quickly, squinted his eyes, and rubbed Zhang Yuan's paw.

"Master, is that so?"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Snow Wolf King said seriously.

Small face, hairy, short limbs, and a little fat.

But, just right.

At first glance, the one in front of him was a Lars cub.

"Hahaha, good, good."

Zhang Yuan was immediately amused, and couldn't help but pat Snow Wolf King's head.

did not expect.

What was too late to do in the previous life has come true so quickly.

Starting today, he has a dog named...

"what is it call……"

Zhang Yuan fell into deep thought. He must not be called Snow Wolf King anymore. After all, Snow Wolf King is his dog now, so how could he use his previous name?
Moreover, the name is not very nice.

It's so casual.

It's just using the name of the race, and then adding a word of king. It has no connotation, no cultivation, and it doesn't show any culture if it is true.

In this one-acre three-point land, it's okay to say.

However, when the era of warlords separatist, heaven and earth contending for hegemony, and strong men like clouds arrives, what will those creatures think of him when they hear this name?

I will definitely feel that he is LOW burst!

It wasn't Snow Wolf King's face that was lost, it was only his face that was lost.

The majestic lord of the grassland would actually choose such a simple name for his subordinates.

As soon as you hear it, you know that you are a bum with no culture, and you are illiterate!
As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner, the dog is the face of the owner! ...

If the dog is not good, it means that the owner is not good.

This is definitely not what Zhang Yuan wants to see.

However, many mighty and domineering names have already been assigned by him.

For a while, Shi Shi couldn't think of any mighty and domineering name.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Snow Wolf King is very caring and authentic.

He tilted his head, looked at Zhang Yuan, and then blinked his small eyes.

The furry face looks extra cute.


Zhang Yuan was overwhelmed immediately. While patting Snow Wolf King's dog's head with his paw, he said, "This king is going to give you a good name."

After all, Zhang Yuan began to think very seriously, looking at the blue sky.

The pupils are slack, and the consciousness dives into the endless ocean of knowledge.

He swore that he must find a good name suitable for Snow Wolf King.


The Snow Wolf King suddenly became incomprehensible.

Although he didn't know what to care about a bad name, and his current name was not bad, but when he thought of the power of his master, he immediately felt that there was something big in this small name!

After all, the one in front of him is a real boss!

Easy would have saved the world.

This so-called name probably possesses some unimaginable power!

Thinking of this, Snow Wolf King became excited.

This operation of mine is really worth it!
Although it's shameless, it's definitely a big business that can make money without losing money.

In this world, my master is absolutely invincible!
Even if the big era comes, it will definitely be the top.

He Snow Wolf King can do whatever he wants as long as he pleases his master.

(End of this chapter)

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