My cheating is too hard

Chapter 241 The Prelude to the Collapse of the Empire

Chapter 241 The Prelude to the Collapse of the Empire

After taking care of a small ant casually, Zhang Ergou felt nothing in his heart.

Quietly looking at the night sky.

Looking at Ye Changkong, he was sweating profusely, and his waist was bent down.

"Here... dare I ask what orders General Zhang has?"

Ye Changkong said shyly.

People are knives and I am fish, which is probably nothing more than that.

"Ye Changkong, why don't you get out of the way?"

Zhang Ergou got impatient and said, "Do you want me to just stand like this?"

"Yes, I was wrong."

Ye Changkong breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly gave up his seat.

In this way, Zhang Ergou sat on the dragon seat, overlooking the huge court hall.

His face was calm, his eyes were dim, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ye Changkong stood aside, motionless, for fear of offending Zhang Ergou.

The officials stood obediently, not daring to make the slightest movement.

Silent as a cicada.

However, he couldn't help the endless panic in his heart, his body trembled involuntarily, his face was like gold paper, and there was no trace of blood in it.

in this way.

Half an hour passed.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Half an hour has passed...

Above the court hall, you can hear the drop of a needle.

Some people's underground has even appeared water stains.

That's sweat.

Those people were sweating profusely, and their clothes were wet with sweat, as if they had just been fished out of a water prison.

Ye Changkong's expression calmed down a lot, but the anxiety in his heart didn't decrease much, on the contrary, it became more and more intense.

no doubt.

This method of deterrence is a bit immature, but it also depends on who deters whom.

If it is the terrifying prairie lord.

Just standing still is enough to scare a crowd to death,
This one is not the Lord of the Grassland, but he controls the fate of the Bright Empire!
While everyone was waiting anxiously.

Time, little by little.

The atmosphere was terribly oppressive.

Some people couldn't even breathe, gasping for breath.


An ear-piercing abnormal sound suddenly sounded in the hall.

One person actually lay down, couldn't bear the pressure, fell back to the ground, and then let out a scream, as if he knew his future fate.


There was a shrill, desperate sound, and he passed out immediately.


"My lord, forgive me."

Everyone was awakened suddenly, they were all taken aback, and their hearts became more and more frightened.

This sound seemed to turn into a crazy sharp arrow, making a long howling sound.

Came out of nowhere.


Brutal, brutal, and arbitrarily tore apart the extremely oppressive atmosphere in the court.

At the same time, in one fell swoop, the thick clouds covering the earth were opened.

Light shines from it...

It symbolizes hope, and it may also symbolize the roasting from the raging sun!
puff- puff-

Subconsciously kneeling on the ground, his body trembled slightly, his heart was beating crazily, his blood was boiling and roaring, and he could only feel his head buzzing.

The fear was infinitely magnified, as if a terrifying giant hand stretched out from an unknown place, raised it high, and wanted to slap it down.


Before he knew it, there seemed to be a faint roar in his ears.

Then, the smell of blood in the air seemed to be much stronger.


Everyone was terrified to the extreme.

It's terrible to kill people at the first word.

It's brutal!

However, several people couldn't bear the pressure one after another and passed out.

A series of roaring sounds sounded one after another, and the bloody smell in the court hall became more and more intense, and it seemed to be everywhere. It turned into a terrifying devil and barked its teeth and claws in the court hall, trying to drag these people into the abyss of hell!

at last.

After half a day.

Nearly twenty people died!

Everyone is almost about to collapse completely, when they feel that they are bound to die.

"The night sky."

Zhang Ergou spoke.

The simple three words, like a rainbow after rain, symbolize hope.

"Here, what are your orders?"

Ye Changkong came back to his senses, with lingering fears in his heart.

Although he is the great emperor and supreme, he dare not kill so many people.

It is true that it is above this court, and behind any one of them, there is an extremely complicated network of relationships, intricate and complicated, and a single move affects the whole body.

If they are civilians, there are no taboos, and they can kill as many as they can.

"The human race who laughed at me just now, I don't want to see his people again. In addition, those human races who were enemies of the prairie beasts before are the Ji family. I don't want to see their existence again."


Zhang Ergou looked at Ye Changkong.

Ignoring the turbulent court below and the countless screams.

He could almost imagine how many people would be killed by his words.

Bleeding and floating oars, corpses littered the fields.

The entire empire will be purged as a result.

But what about that?
Offended the orcs of the prairie, especially the Ji family, offended the lord of the prairie!
Naturally, they will be liquidated afterwards!
As for the dozen or so people who were just casually killed?

If you want to blame it, then blame their poor mental quality.

To die is to die.

But Jiuquan should also smile, after all, their clansmen will not be implicated.

To tell the truth, this is already an extrajudicial favor from him!

"Go ahead."

Zhang Ergou said with great interest.


He withdrew his coercion.

Next is the performance of Night Sky.

Being the ruler of an empire is very useful.

If Ye Changkong can be subdued, it will be beneficial to the next rule.


Ye Changkong let out a long sigh.

It seemed that he knew he couldn't escape.

The next moment, his figure was flickering, and he came among the courtiers.

In the blink of an eye, his figure appeared in front of an old man.

Ji Fu!

The officials were shocked, the emperor was going to attack the Ji family and Ji Fu.

"Night sky!"

Ji Fu let out a long roar, his white hair was disheveled, and his eyes were fixed on Ye Changkong.

The eyes and canthus are split.

A terrifying breath suddenly burst out from his body, vaguely trying to swallow this world and turn him into the master of this world.

Half step overlord realm!
The officials were dumbfounded and dumbfounded, and couldn't believe it at all.

Ji Fu, an old man, actually possesses half-step overlord realm? !

The Ji family is indeed an unfathomable family, and a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

"Okay, half-step overlord, Ji Fu, Ji Fu, you can hide so deeply."

Ye Changkong sighed deeply, his gaze was dim, and his aura erupted from his body like mountains and seas, suppressing Ji Fu in one fell swoop, and knocking him out.

The Realm of Overlord!

I am heaven and earth!

The world is me!

I am invincible.

In all directions, there are visions, howling winds, rushing rivers, endless mountains, and endless mountains...

A throne made of gold appeared above Ye Changkong's head.

Flickering infinite coercion, slightly vibrating, bursting out an unprecedented breath...


Zhang Ergou's face changed slightly, he looked at Ye Changkong and then at the golden throne.

Don't think about it, it's Dongxuan Supreme Treasure.

As the No. 1 empire, how could Ye Changkong not have Dongxuan treasure?

Almost at the same time.


Chaotang screamed, and finally couldn't hold on, it shattered and exploded.

The sky was full of dust.

The majestic legendary atmosphere swept across the nine heavens and ten places.

Ye Changkong is like a god and a demon, independent of the world.

"Secret Method: Rising Dragon Path!"

Accompanied by a shout, a golden dragon covering the sky and the sun broke through the dust in the sky and flew into the sky, exuding infinite dragon power all over its body.

His eyes were scorching and shining, and his winding body reached thousands of miles!
From a distance, it seems that there is a golden mountain suspended in the sky.

Continuous and mighty.

"Ye Changkong, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

Ji Fu looked down at the Great Emperor Ye Changkong, with endless killing intent in his eyes.

In fact, from the very beginning, Ye Changkong planned to take the opportunity to kill the Ji family.

Ji Fu has also made plans.

It's just that I didn't expect that all this would come so quickly and I was caught off guard.

This time, the lord of the grassland made a move, and the Ji family might be doomed.

However, as a great ancient family, how can they just let it go?

"Where are the Ji family members!"

Ji Fu raised his head to the sky and howled loudly, making dragon chant sounds.



"Secret Method: Rising Dragon Path!"

"Rising Dragon Path!"

"Old Ancestor, I'm here!"

"Kill! The Emperor is ruthless!"

Shouts sounded suddenly, tearing apart the heavens and the earth, resounding through the sky.

I saw golden dragons coming through the air, surrounding Ji Fu.

All of a sudden, dragons danced in the air.

The overwhelming dragon prestige almost permeated the entire empire.

Even if they are separated by a long distance, they can still sense this terrifying dragon power.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Liangzi "Jiu Ye", thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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