My cheating is too hard

Chapter 251 Big Brother Don't Play With Me

Chapter 251 Big Brother Don't Play With Me

The bull demon is no stranger to it.

In his eyes, this Second Great King is simply a super strange thing.

Even more bizarre than Zhang Ergou's leadership.

His words and deeds were extremely vulgar, and he was also infected with the bad habits of the human world.

Although he looked down on the Second Great King, the Bull Demon was still taken aback.

Is this going to announce your own end?

The bull demon lay down, and suddenly trembled, trembling from fright.

"Second King, save me."

"Oh, save you? I really can't do anything. In this world, my elder brother has the final say. If my elder brother thinks that you are not wrong, then there is nothing wrong. If there is something wrong, even if you flee to the ends of the world, you will still die."

Long San shook his head.

Tell the truth.

Although Niu Mo is a family slave with three surnames, he is really loyal.

The previous few times, it was a last resort.


This world is like this, cruel, cold-blooded, and full of helplessness.

Let countless creatures be involuntary.

If hard work is really useful, what is talent for?
The bull demon worked hard and transformed into a form, but he turned into a bull's head.

This is talent!
After all, this is fate.

It's not that the mere word "hard work" can cover up the past.

If it is the general orcization to form this appearance, that's all.

after all--

It is extremely difficult to perfect the incarnation.

Most of the orcs will more or less bring their own characteristics, and the most transformed posture is to bear the head of the original orc like a bull demon.

So, in fact, this is a very common thing.

However, the identity of the bull demon is different, he was named by the king!
Identity and status are all here.

Although it is not high or low, this name is of real value.

In this way, this shining bull head became a reminder.

The bull demon looked like a mourner, his eyes dull, and he said, "Is there really no hope?"

According to his guess about the king, the king will definitely get rid of him.

This involves the face of the prairie!
And the king values ​​face the most...

The Bull Demon was desperate.

"Ox devil, when the time comes, this king will persuade elder brother to leave your whole body. Even if elder brother intends to roast you, I will also persuade elder brother to leave you with a complete bone, so that you won't die like this. Miserable, I hope you can also smile at Jiuquan, there is no need to feel wronged."

Long San comforted him.


The bull demon didn't want to talk anymore, he felt that the second king was just a fool.

Is this consolation?
Are you sure it's not intimidation + threats?
He almost pinched your neck and said to you with a smirk on his face: My dear boy, be good, don't move around, my king is going to eat you.

Can't stand it.


The Bull Demon is speechless?
Mind broke.

Suddenly, I really want to die right now.

At least he could die simply without being treated so horribly.

Judging from the meaning of the second king, the king is likely to roast himself!
this moment.

The Bull Demon couldn't help recalling the terrible legend about the farm on the grassland.

According to the legend, the big lake leading to the underground river world was the king's farm before, and there were many creatures there, all of which were the king's food.

But now the two commanders, Da Gouzi and Er Gouzi, are guarding the farm, responsible for helping the king guard the creatures, and also responsible for capturing the creatures.


After a pause, the Bull Demon began to cry, tears streaming down his face.


No matter how strong orcs are, they are qualified to cry.

Long San tried his best to comfort the Bull Demon, and said with some distress: "Why are you crying? If the elder brother sees you crying and feels upset, I won't leave the whole body for you. Also, if you cry like this, your flesh will be sour. It seems that the kings of Japan have treated you very well these past few days, so give this king a face and don't cry."


The Bull Demon cried even harder.

So fucking desperate.

To save face? !

Very meow!
Bull Demon suddenly wanted to beat Long San to death, he was sure that Long San was Sabi.

As long as the brain is filled with brains, it is not possible to say such words!

The bull demon roared in a rough voice, lay down on the ground, and wailed loudly.

Tens of miles away, you can also hear the movement here.

It was simply earth-shattering.

Attracted the eyes of countless orcs.


Long San was angry: "Why are you crying? You bastard, shut up for me!"

Right at this moment.

A figure appeared suddenly, silently, but exuding infinite coercion.

The world suddenly shook.


Zhang Yuan was also angry: "Why are you crying? Don't you want to live? Do you want to die?!"

I just came back, and before I had time to be happy, I heard ghosts crying and wolves howling.

It feels like a dead parent.

Zhang Yuan was immediately disgusted.

Wandering in the void and turbulent world for more than half a month, I have exhausted untold hardships.

I thought I could have a good rest when I came back.

Arrange the chic first, and then figure out what the legend is.

Lastly, play with Little Miss.


Unexpectedly, just when the forefoot had just landed, and when he had a bright future in his heart, he heard the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves, and he immediately became angry.

I don't care about anything.


Arriving at the scene where the howling ghosts and howling wolves happened, he planned to slap him to death with his paw.

However, the next moment, he was a little confused.

From which fantasy world did this guy with the bull's head travel through?
Hang on? !

Tauren? !

The image of the tauren is standard in the fantasy world!

In an instant, Zhang Yuan seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, his eyes flickered, and he looked at the opponent.

Murder is everywhere!
Shockingly moving!


An extremely terrifying coercion swept across the nine heavens and ten places, even covering the grassland...

The sky was filled with dark clouds, and the thunder shook, brewing a murderous intent to destroy the world.


Countless orcs panicked.

He lowered his head and screamed, begging the forgiveness of the great prairie lord.


The bull demon was too frightened to speak, and suddenly trembled, and passed out.

"Big... big..."

Long San was also so frightened that his scalp went numb, he was dumbfounded and couldn't say a word.


He admitted that he was fooling the bull demon. Although what he said was well-founded, the bull demon would not necessarily die. He mainly wanted to frighten the bull demon.

After all, the bull demon can run around, but he is stuck here.

Unexpectedly, my own nonsense can actually come true? !

Even if the bull devil is indeed worthy of death, the elder brother needn't be so angry.


Zhang Yuan was puzzled.


Withdrawing the breath, the prairie world also regained its calm.

In an instant, he saw through all the secrets of the other party.

The tauren in front of him was actually just an ordinary orc.

The peak limit of the astronomical phenomenon is only one step away from the master of the restricted area.

The cultivation base is not bad.

After the transformation, the bull's head is still preserved, which can be said to be very distinctive.

It can be seen that the tauren is extremely loyal to the prairie orcs in his heart.

In other words, he is naturally extremely loyal to him, the lord of the grassland.

Great loyalty!

However, the current situation seems to be a little bit wrong.

Zhang Yuan, who immediately sensed something was wrong, saw Long San the next moment.

"Long San? Who is this excellent orc?" Zhang Yuandao looked at the group of female orcs beside Long San, and his heart was full of indescribable feelings.

The anger that had disappeared suddenly reappeared.

for no reason.

He didn't understand either.

It is so mysterious.

At this moment, the tauren is no longer important.


Long San was stunned immediately, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

He suddenly realized that everything he said was wrong.

Big Brother actually likes Bull Demon? !

Are you out of your mind...

Who is this?
Who else could it be?

This is the Bull Demon!
Why are you still asking me? !
Well what does that mean……

Are you trying to use me for something?

Can you still have fun.

Long San didn't want to talk anymore.

He found that as long as he opened his mouth, he would probably be used by his elder brother.

In fact, Long San really misunderstood Zhang Yuan. It was Zhang Yuan's sudden idea to give the name Bull Demon at the beginning, and he forgot about the existence of Bull Demon afterwards.

After all, it was just the result of an impulse.

But Long San didn't think so, he felt that his elder brother was playing with him.

Because it's been done that way before.

He was all too familiar.


Zhang Yuan was angry, and said: "Long San, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Tell me, are you scolding me in your heart?"

"Brother, I don't! I'm not! I don't know!" Long San was terrified.

He shook his head desperately, then covered his mouth, terrified.

damn it!
Is it because the elder brother got angry just now, but because he has no place to vent it, so now he came here to trouble him and make things difficult for him.

"Explanation is to cover!"


Zhang Yuan rushed up, and with one paw, Long San was pressed to the ground.

Then, output a meal.


Long San burst into tears, and burst into tears.


This is revenge.

"Damn it, bull devil, you're dead, dead, I remember you!"

Long San said viciously.


With another scream, his ass was kicked hard by his elder brother.

(End of this chapter)

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