My cheating is too hard

Chapter 261 Meng Yuan, Meet the Lord of the Prairie

Chapter 261 Meng Yuan, Meet the Lord of the Prairie

Coles didn't know that he almost died.

Otherwise, it is estimated that even if he is a skeleton, he can squeeze out a few drops of urine.

After all, it's crazy.

It's unreasonable!

"That's right, the Emperor Star. It is estimated that only the Emperor Star can give birth to such a terrifying existence. It is said that the ancient god appeared suddenly, and before he appeared, there was no information about the ancient god at all, so the ancient god is probably the Emperor Star. A sleeper of the era suddenly woke up in that era."

Coles guessed.

"Perhaps, Emperor Star is just a slightly larger star." Zhang Yuan said.

"What Your Highness said is very reasonable, the possibility is quite high."

Coles flattered.

"Okay, that's all. If the king needs it, he will call you."

Zhang Yuan waved his claws, hid Coles, and hid the void.

Look into the distance.

There, the door of space opened waves.

Ergou appeared, and there was also a human race with a slightly surging aura.

Zhang Ergou came with Ye Changkong!
Descendants of the ancient gods?

Or is it an ancient god? !

Zhang Yuan's eyes flickered, and gradually, his eyes became a little cruel.

Anyone who dared to plot against him died in the end.

Anyone who opposes him will die in the end.


Zhang Yuan moved forward and waved his paw, causing ripples in the void.

The two who were standing at the border of the prairie just now felt that the world was spinning, and before they had time to react, they appeared in another place.

"My lord, Ergou is back."

With a flattering expression on Zhang Ergou's face, he changed into the form of an orc.

Shaking his head.

It looks like Erha.

Squinting his eyes, wagging his tail, he came to Zhang Yuan's side in a hurry.

Then he lay down on the ground with a plop, revealing his tender belly.

"Your Majesty..."

Ergou smiled.


Zhang Yuan was dumbfounded.

I feel anxious.

It felt like beeping the dog.

Ergou, in fact, you have already transformed, can you stop being such a dog! !

Do you want face?

Are you shameless?
Stand up, two dogs!

You are not a dog, you are a proud wolf from birth, you are a moon-screaming wolf! !

Zhang Yuan's heart was full of turmoil, how could Ergou kneel and lick like this? !

Looking at Ergou's flattering face, and that pink and tender belly...

Especially when I saw Ergou's little eyes full of expectation.

Look at it.

Zhang Yuan was only silent for half a breath, then raised his paw and touched it.

In my heart, I let out a long sigh.

The mood that I had brewed up with great difficulty, was suddenly shattered by Ergou's disturbance, and I could never get back that feeling.

孽 孽!
But, it's so fragrant!
This soft, warm feeling.

Really are--

There's no one left!
When he came back to his senses, Zhang Yuan looked at Ye Changkong.

In fact, from just now to now, the time has only passed half a breath.

Therefore, Ye Changkong still had a sluggish face, standing there in a daze, obviously overturned by Ergou's mysterious operation.

After all, in the human world, Zhang Ergou is a decisive existence.

During this period of time, the creatures who died under his hands, whether they were beast races or human races, can be said to have reached an unimaginable level.

Therefore, in a short period of time, there is no way to react.

Because he wanted to meet the Lord of the Grassland, he was extremely nervous just now.

Now it's done like this.


However, as Zhang Yuan's eyes fell, Ye Changkong was struck by lightning.

Immediately woke up.


Ye Changkong exclaimed inwardly.

I just feel so stressed that I can't seem to breathe.

His whole body was soaked in sweat, profusely sweating profusely.

There is an unimaginable force that breaks through everything and suppresses it!
This is a force he has never encountered before.

Beyond everything.

The terrifying gaze seems to be able to penetrate all secrets.

It seems to be more terrifying than the great ancient god!
At this moment, Ye Changkong felt that he had no more secrets to speak of.

This made him panic.

Good luck.

Half a breath.

This great power dissipated into nothingness.

Ye Changkong breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Zhang Yuan with eyes full of awe, then saluted, and said, "Ye Changkong, pay homage to the Lord of the Grassland."

"Okay, don't pretend to be in front of me anymore, ask the one behind you to come out."

Zhang Yuandao.

I was very upset.

Very meow.

Descendants of the ancient gods?

Another hookup!
Brazen bitch!

Why can't I live well, why do I always want to cheat?

Zhang Yuan couldn't figure it out, so couldn't he just learn from him?

Sleep every day, eat and sleep, wake up and eat, carefree, isn't it delicious?
Lie down and get comfortable.

Is it not good? !

Why do you always think about cheating, and you really like to make things happen.

All right.

I can't bear it anymore.

I, Zhang Yuan, will have a showdown today.

Come on, the most brazen fucker in the world!
Zhang Yuan was cursing in his heart, feeling that he was being maliciously received from the world.

Very upset.

Originally he wanted to take it slow.



He wants to go straight to Huanglong!
One hundred.


Ye Changkong's expression changed slightly, and he was uncertain: "Why did the Lord of the Grassland say such a thing?"

"The next time I come here, I don't have any other intentions. I just want to see you, and I have absolutely no other intentions." Ye Changkong hurriedly explained.

"Night sky!"

Zhang Ergou stood up immediately, with a strong killing intent flashing in his eyes.


Zhang Yuan was taken aback by Ergou, patted Ergou, and said, "Get down."


Er Gou lay down obediently, squinting his eyes.


He doesn't care either.

He can't control the reaction.

This is a confrontation between big bosses, and it's not his turn to contribute.

"Three breaths, are you still not coming out?" Zhang Yuan looked at Ye Changkong.

His eyes are faint, like seeing fire.

Although he seemed to be looking at the night sky, he was looking at a certain hidden place.

The sharp eyes gave Ye Changkong an extremely dazzling feeling.

I was flustered.

The voice just fell.


A mysterious and terrifying aura quietly bloomed from Ye Changkong's body, rose gradually, and finally turned into a man wearing animal skin.

One foot high.

Like a little giant.

Hair is messy.

Gives a wild feeling.

He has a burly body, powerful eyes, and piercing eyes, flickering with divine light that flickers on and off. Even though it is just a phantom, it is full of terrifying aura.

It seems to come from an ancient era, vast, ancient, and full of unknowns.


Wisps of boundless coercion quietly bloomed, but quietly dissipated.

It seems that in an instant, some kind of detection has been completed.

There was an imperceptible change in his piercing eyes.

The breath is all restrained.

The ancient well has no waves.

All of this happened in an instant without causing any movement.

He just appeared so suddenly, without the slightest sign.

"The first commander under the seat of the ancient god, Meng Yuan, has met the great Lord of the Grassland here."

Meng Yuandao followed the ancient etiquette towards Zhang Yuan.

Look a little respectful.

"you you……"

Ye Changkong was startled.

Completely unable to react.

Originally, the surrounding area was empty, but suddenly a giant appeared.

one foot high,
Although I didn't feel any pressure.

However, this incomparably familiar appearance really startled him a lot.

He stammered and couldn't speak well.




Ergou opened his mouth and widened his eyes, but when the king patted his head, he immediately closed his mouth and lay down.

Forget it.

I'm a pony, what do I care about?
(End of this chapter)

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