My cheating is too hard

Chapter 300 BUG: God of Original Sin

Chapter 300 BUG: God of Original Sin

Wherever there are living beings, the power of original sin can be born.

Among them, ignorance, one of the original sins, is almost the oldest original sin, representing the wrong perception of the truth and the distortion of the spirit.

This is a mysterious power, quietly born along with the appearance of creatures.

Ignorance does not have levels of power. In fact, not only ignorance cannot be divided into levels, but original sin cannot be divided into levels.

And the gods born as the power of ignorance naturally do not have levels.

As the power of ignorance accumulated by oneself increases, the strength will increase.

Moreover, in theory, this is still: there is no limit to the promotion!

As long as the power of ignorance can keep up, it can explode with terrifying strength beyond common sense, and even sublimate in an instant, reaching the extreme!
The god of ignorance is immortal, even if he dies, he can be easily resurrected.

Of course, it would be very difficult to be resurrected if one really suffered an extremely terrifying attack. Although one could still be resurrected, the price would be very high.


No matter how you understand it, the God of Original Sin, the God of Foolishness is a scumbag!
Immortal and immortal, as long as you have enough anger, you can exert terrifying strength!

What is the real strength?

This question has no value.

Strength, unlimited.

This is not a coercion what is it?
Zhang Yuan couldn't help feeling envious.

If he can not be afraid of death, there is no need to be a master behind the scenes.

From the first day of rebirth, it is estimated that there will be waves flying, waves within waves.

"It turns out that if you are ugly, you can still have spring. This world is really unfair."

Zhang Yuan sighed.

A black monkey can cheat like this, and it can fly in waves.

He, the majestic master of the prairie world, is actually inferior to a monkey.

If this sentence is released, no one is likely to believe it.

It's so bullshit.


This is the fact.

Cruel without mercy.


"The power of ignorance is everywhere, so why are you still so weak?"

Zhang Yuandao.


There is nothing more to say.

All living beings can be born with the power of ignorance. Over the years, the power of ignorance should have been raised to an unfathomable level. How could it be possible to be expelled by the gods, and to live in such a miserable state.

This is not in line with the basic development plan of an advanced coercion.


The God of Foolishness hesitated for a moment, and said: "Actually, the power of foolishness born in an orderly world is very little, and the little gods need to rely on the power of foolishness as energy, and the birth of the gods will stabilize the world order... "

That's it.

Zhang Yuan suddenly realized
What the god of ignorance needs is a chaotic, chaotic world.

However, the development of the world is from chaos to order, which will inevitably lead to the reduction of the power of ignorance, but the existence of the gods hastened the birth of order.

The power of faith of the gods depends on a stable and orderly world.

As a result, irreconcilable contradictions are created.

As for the god of ignorance himself, a part of the power of ignorance needs to be consumed.

As a result, the power of ignorance that he can accumulate will not be able to make ends meet.

At the beginning of the Era, the God of Foolishness was quite powerful, but at the end of the Era, he was almost a pitiful being manipulated by the gods at will.

"God of ignorance, so to speak, in fact, you are just an afterthought."

Hilda scoffed.

What the God of Idiot said sounded nice, but it was an afterthought.

He, the God of Hope, Hilda, can also boast that as long as he has enough divine power, he can kill all directions.

Of course, having said that, this special way of improving the strength of the God of Idiot is indeed terrifying, and it can be infinitely improved.

Ordinary gods, even if they have enough divine power, will be restricted by their level. Only by comprehending the power of the law can they improve their strength.


The God of Foolishness was embarrassed, but he still retorted: "At least the little god has great advantages over belief in the gods. Belief in the gods requires comprehension of the power of law, establishing the kingdom of God, and condensing the godhead, but the little god doesn't need these at all."

"Also, such things as divinity can be condensed by little gods at will, but those who believe in gods can't do this. The gap is too big."

He said these words to Zhang Yuan, so as to improve his image score.

At least he's still pretty good, isn't he?

"The idiot is right."

Zhang Yuan agreed with Yuzhi's statement, nodded, and then began to think.

As one of the outstanding cheating players, he knows the horror of cheating best.

"A chaotic world...isn't disordered enough?."

Zhang Yuan looked at the world with gloomy eyes, and secretly said: "If it is not chaotic enough, then it should be even more chaotic. Fighting, barbarism, return to the ancient times."


Next, Zhang Yuan ordered the God of Ignorance to absorb the ubiquitous power of ignorance in this world, and use it first to gather divinity.

He brought Hilda to another ancient ruins.

This is the third-ranked ancient ruin, and inside, there is a statue of a god.

As for the other ancient ruins ranked fourth, although there are indeed many dangers in it, there are no gods, so Zhang Yuan skipped it.

Originally, the god of ignorance should be killed and the divinity of the god of ignorance should be plundered.

But the god of ignorance is quite special. If you don't kill it, you can continuously produce divinity. If you kill it directly, it is tantamount to killing a chicken to get its eggs.

What's more, this is still a tricky player.


Hilda took the lead, and the breath of God erupted and swept over.

Although the incarnation of divinity, his strength is already extremely powerful. If it weren't for the fact that the world is getting stronger and stronger, he would have been expelled long ago.

Therefore, even though he didn't dare to explode with all his strength, when the divine breath erupted, the origin of heaven and earth quietly shook a little, which frightened Hilda greatly, fearing that he would be expelled by heaven and earth and leave this world.

"Hilda, pay attention, this is not my prairie world."

Zhang Yuan reminded.

I didn't mean to do it myself.

As a ruler, if he still wants to make a move, it will be a failure.

At most a little reminder.

That's it.

Taking a leisurely look around, Zhang Yuan stood aside, watching from the sidelines.

How did the gods attack?

This is the first time seeing him.

very curious.

"Yes, master, the little god understands." Hilda nodded, carefully exuding the aura of God, sealing the world of ancient ruins layer by layer.


The void trembled suddenly, and the invisible power of God quietly filled the void.

Infiltrate the world of ancient ruins.

Reality and reality change.

On a certain level, infinite murderous intent bloomed, rushing towards a certain target.


Suddenly, a roar full of anger came from the world of ancient ruins.

The earth was shattered, and a sacred and noble atmosphere erupted suddenly.

In an instant, he rushed out of the world of ancient ruins, revealing a divine body.

(End of this chapter)

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