My cheating is too hard

Chapter 310 Taboo Means

Chapter 310 Taboo Means
Ye Changkong watched from the sidelines, watching quietly, without any small movements.


Calm and calm.

Everything is back to normal.

It's just that the layer of dark mist seems to have become more chaotic.

Cold, cruel, raging, chaotic and disorderly, it seems that all negative factors have gathered, and he is becoming more and more crazy. He is a well-deserved god of original sin.

"Quickly tell me, God of Chaos, why did you call this deity to come?"

Ye Changkong said: "Now you should prepare to summon the gods to come to this world and create a kingdom of the gods instead of wasting on irrelevant things."

He suspected that if it continued, the God of Chaos might collapse.

Of course, I believe that after experiencing this incident, the God of Chaos already knows what he is and has a deep understanding of his status.

The most important reason why he is willing to cooperate with the God of Chaos is that the God of Chaos can summon gods to come to this world, create a powerful kingdom of gods in advance, center on this world, and unleash endless slaughter!
The God of Chaos is the master of the kingdom of the gods, and he is the master behind the scenes.

"The world is sick."

The God of Chaos, shrouded in darkness and mist, spat out a few words coldly.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Changkong frowned.

"The meaning is simple. The world is sick. The current world is not suitable for summoning gods. What can a few gods do? I thought that after a while, the world would grow to the point where it could support a large number of gods. At that time, with the help of the core of Tianji Pavilion, this god can summon a large number of gods to come to this world in advance and create a supreme kingdom, but now that the world is sick, it is estimated that it will take a hundred years to achieve the desired result!"

The God of Chaos explained.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Ye Changkong, he still spoke out.

He who has already controlled the core of Tianji Pavilion can see many mysteries.

Not long ago, he was arranging various means, ambitious, intending to tear a hole from this world, so as to summon the gods to descend.

However, it was suddenly discovered that the speed of the world's growth had actually slowed down.

While being shocked, I discovered an unimaginable and terrifying truth.

As a last resort, he came here.



Ye Changkong's expression changed slightly, his pupils constricted, and he said, "You said that the original power that is plundering the world? Do you know what you are talking about?!"

are you crazy?
Ye Changkong couldn't believe it at all.

That existence can actually plunder the original power of this world...

After all, this world is very special.

Not to mention anything else, the world is still in a state of protection.

To plunder the original power, there is no doubt that this is simply suicidal!
As far as he knew, this layer of protection mechanism originated from the pan-will of the great starry world, and there was no existence that could provoke such taboos.

Moreover, even if it is to plunder the original power of the ordinary world, it is self-defeating, and will be captured by the general will, and thus completely obliterated.

No one knows how the pan-will of the starry sky world came about.

It is an indescribable existence, high above, keeping everything running.

The will and origin of the stars come from the general will of the starry sky world.

In other words, any act of plundering the origin is fighting against the pan-will of the starry sky world. Fighting against the starry sky world with one's own strength will undoubtedly lead to death.

Therefore, the acquired gods are considered impossible to succeed.

The day after tomorrow the gods cut the world, which is to plunder the will of the starry sky world.

How can it be successful?

Ten dead.

"Acquired gods..."

Ye Changkong's pupils constricted, and he suddenly thought of something, and his heart was agitated.

Isn't that the acquired god?
As an ancient existence that has disappeared in the long river of time, there may be a way to plunder the original power of this world, although it sounds incredible.

Ye Changkong was in doubt, if this was the case, it would be terrible!

"Hmph, sounds magical? The power of the world is being plundered!"

The God of Chaos couldn't help mocking Ye Changkong when he saw Ye Changkong's expression turned pale.

"The existence of such taboos is actually plundered. What an incredible thing. It's like the supreme god being hurt by a small and extremely humble speck of dust. It sounds magical, but it's the truth!"

The God of Chaos snorted coldly, and said: "Anyway, you have to find a way to stop that behavior, otherwise you will have to wait hundreds of years before talking about the kingdom of the gods."

"Speak clearly."

Ye Changkong came back to his senses, his face was gloomy, and he said, "What else do you know?"

"Prevent him from plundering the world's resources and creatures. The change in the world started from the moment he plundered the resources and creatures. I don't know what is the key to this, but there is definitely some kind of mysterious connection,"

The God of Chaos.

When I said this, although my attitude was very firm, I still had some doubts. After all, there was really nothing to do with it.

Although the prairie world is that one's territory, it is also a part of the world. Now creatures and resources flow into the prairie world, just like migrating, from one side to the other, it's that simple.

However, judging from the current situation, it is indeed because of this incident that the original power was plundered, although it is incredible.

In fact, it is actually very easy to verify the truth.

As long as you enter the prairie world, you can sense the original situation of the prairie world with the help of some special means, and it will be clear at a glance.


He dare not!
So, we can only guess.

The God of Chaos didn't know the connection here, but Ye Changkong already understood.

"It's no wonder that the acquired gods will disappear in the past era. This is an act against the heavens. The world under their control can actually plunder the original power. This kind of existence is destined to be abandoned by the general trend and buried in the years."

Ye Changkong secretly said.


That one is practicing.

However, he didn't dare to stop it at all.

Regarding the request of the God of Chaos, he sternly refused without hesitation.

If he really stops.

Whether it will be successful or not, I will not mention it for the time being, but it will definitely piss off that one.

At that time, it is very likely that there will be an extremely terrifying enemy for no reason!

But if you don't stop it, how will you create the kingdom of the gods?
While Ye Changkong refused, he was also distressed and didn't know how to solve it, "Could it be that we really have to wait for hundreds of years, and if that one is not satisfied and continues to plunder the original power, the previous efforts will be in vain."

"Actually, there is another way."

The God of Chaos spoke suddenly, his tone was cold, and there was a hint of madness.

"This god has known for a long time that you dare not stop it. Of course, no one can stop it. That person is too powerful. Take a look at this world. It seems powerful and ushers in the sunrise, but it is already riddled with holes. Now it is even worse. It is the power of being plundered, after all, that one seems to be sitting behind the scenes all the time, but he has already arranged countless means."

"Isn't the world today created by him alone? Whether it's the extermination of the clan, the collapse of the world before, or the original Tianmen, and the coming of the general situation, all of this has his plan behind it!"


"As the world grows, does it start to plunder resources? It's really hateful!"

"This guy, I swear, I will definitely make him regret it!"

The God of Chaos said, his expression became crazy, and his eyes were extremely scarlet.


Along with the rolling dark mist, hideous, distorted, roaring faces appeared quietly, screaming and screaming, their voices were shrill and desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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