Chapter 318 Sigh

Klauer lost his mind, looked around, and suddenly felt a little lonely.

Seeing that there was a city in front of him, and there were beast races and alien races coming and going inside, he couldn't help but lighten up slightly, with a little more interest.


Klauer was surprised, thinking: "Isn't the prairie world a beast race world? Why is there civilization, and what's going on with these beast races?"

Klauer remained motionless, hid himself, and watched the city quietly.

Eyes flicker.

Really civilized!

Trading in a special currency is enough to show that this is civilization.

Not to mention anything else, a money value concept has already begun to take shape.

Only civilizations and cultural communities can have the concept of money and currency.

In addition to trading, there are also various places to live, inns and restaurants, and the existence of the City Lord's Mansion, which proves the legitimacy of the ruling power...

It can be said that there is almost no difference between this place and ordinary civilization.

The only difference is that all races have gathered together.

Somewhat incredible.

"Inhuman race, orc race, it seems that what big brother is plotting is very big and far away."

Klauer was stunned.

Finally, with a dark sigh, amidst the din, he quietly entered the city, ordered some food and wine in a restaurant, and then drank on his own.

Looking out the window, his eyes became more and more complicated.

"I was talking too much just now, how could my elder brother not know what I was worried about."

Klauer secretly thought.

Saw it.

The eldest brother is well-informed and knowledgeable, he makes decisions before acting, draws inferences from one example, and uses various methods and strategies with great proficiency and incomparable familiarity.

He was completely talkative before, asking for trouble.

There is really no need to remind anything.

it's good now.

Not to mention superfluous, it also aroused the dissatisfaction of the elder brother.

With this thought in mind, Klauer felt guilty and ashamed.

If Zhang Yuan knew about Claure's role, he would probably be ashamed.

It was the first time he knew that he still had so many qualities.


"Your Highness Zane, I have found you."

A voice came in, and Ergou suddenly sat opposite Crower.

Exaggeratedly, he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling lingering fear, patted his chest, and said, "I almost couldn't find you. Fortunately, I am strong enough!"

It's not that he is kidding, if it is an ordinary person, it will definitely not be able to keep up with Klauer.

"What are you doing here?"

Klauer wondered.

"Hey, I should be the one to ask you this question. Why did you come to this kind of place? If you like, go to my palace later and arrange a bunch of attendants to ensure that you will be served comfortably and never want to return .”

Ergou laughed.

It's not that he's talking nonsense, in his palace, that's the real enjoyment.

Now, it has been a while since I came out, and I really miss the life in the palace.

While thinking about it, Ergou calmly poured fine wine for Klauer.

"It's nothing."

Claure was not in high spirits, drinking wine, wondering what was going on in his mind.

At the moment, chatting without saying a word, chatting back and forth, and gradually, the conversation came to pass, thanks to Ergou's ability to observe words and expressions, it is even more interesting to see people talking about people, and talking nonsense. home skills.

Three rounds of wine.

The two sides had nothing to say.

"Tell me, is your brother tired of me?" Klauer asked nervously.

"Bored? Your Majesty is cruel to the enemy, but you are very kind to our own people. You are the King's younger brother, even if you are not your biological brother, but you are still a younger brother. How could the King be bored with you?"

Ergou shook his head and comforted him: "Don't look at the king being angry, but he will be fine in a blink of an eye. Our brothers have caused a catastrophe before, so they are fine, so, Your Highness Zane, you don't have to let go." In my heart."

"In two days, Your Majesty will open up a world for you. You should first think about what kind of world you want, and choose a nice name. It will save face then."

Ergou added.

"Open up the world?"

Klauer muttered to himself, and gradually, his face became slightly moved.

"of course."

Er Gou explained the origins of the masters of the world with embellishments.

In fact, it was enough to shock Klauer like never before, because opening up the world is not such an easy task, let alone endowing a creature with the power of the world...

Why are gods powerful?

In the final analysis, it is to comprehend the law.

The power of law is the foundation of constructing the world, and the power of the world is a mysterious force born from the condensed power of countless laws.

In terms of another concept, this is the fusion power of countless laws.

And directly endowing the world with power is equivalent to creating a god king.

Of course, there is still some gap between this and the king of the gods. Although the master of the world controls the power of the world, the amount of control is very small.

This is like a young dragon. Although it has extraordinary potential and an infinite future, its strength is limited and it cannot defeat those adult monsters.

However, this method is enough to shake the world.

"Brother actually has such means?"

Klauer was extremely shocked, his mind was spinning, and he froze for a moment.


I just feel that my previous three views seem to have collapsed suddenly.

Listening to Ergou's description of the Lord of the World in a few words, it immediately gave him an extremely absurd feeling. If it wasn't for Ergou's previous performance that made him feel that Ergou was not lying, he would have thought Ergou was crazy.

"Hey... this... this..."

Klauer's complexion changed, and he sighed, his face was full of remorse.

If he hadn't been so talkative before, he should be the master of the world now.

Although Ergou said that he would soon be the Lord of the World, he always felt a little flustered, full of remorse, and wished to slap himself a few times.


He totally deserves it.

No wonder who.

Such a great and noble existence naturally has its own intentions no matter how it behaves. Where is it his turn to point fingers?

The slightest suggestion would be an unimaginable blasphemy.

Not dead.

Already lucky!

this moment.

In Klauer's heart, he completely forgot about the underground river world he was thinking about.

Although Ergou also said that the power of the Lord of the World comes from the prairie.

In other words, it is bound to this ship in the prairie world.

One glory and one glory.

However, there are rewards if you pay.

Now that he has obtained such terrifying mighty power, he naturally has to bear the price.

As an existence from a bygone era, Klauer understands this deeply.

Lord of the world?

How does this exist?

Klauer yearned for it, and even felt a little jealous of the second dog opposite him.

"No! I have to become the master of the world. This is a great opportunity to reach the sky in one step. I don't know what an unimaginable price it will cost to reach the threshold of the god king. To become a great god king, I don't know how much it will take. The price, I may not even be able to connect to the threshold of the King of God..."

Crower stood up.

Very urgent.

He grabbed Ergou, who was constantly talking high, dodged, and left this place.

Only countless pairs of stunned eyes were left, looking there, stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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