My cheating is too hard

Chapter 320 Claure's Wisdom

Chapter 320 Claure's Wisdom
Zhang qingyang was afraid, but at the same time had to salute klauer.

"Meet Your Highness Zane."

Zhang qingyang said, feeling terrified.

Where does he not understand?

Now, Klauer has also become the master of the world, and it is extremely terrifying.

The strength is far above him.

Hitting him was easy.

It is estimated that if I punch myself a few times, I am afraid that I will lie here.

Thinking of this, Zhang qingyang's face was full of despair, and he felt even more ashamed.

Although the face had recovered, there was still a faint stinging pain.

However, he would rather suffer a beating than to choose to escape.

Not to mention whether there is a chance to escape, even if he escapes, what will he do with face?

I am so strong, the Lord of the Canyon of the Wind, don't you want to lose face?
If he escapes, it won't be long before the whole world knows that Zhang Qingtian is a coward. After comparing him with Ergou, he will be looked down upon even more. From then on, he can't raise his head wherever he goes.

Therefore, it is better to be beaten severely to prove that you are mighty and unyielding! !

Of course, if he could avoid being beaten, zhang qingyang would undoubtedly be happier.

So he saluted.

"Hahaha, what are you afraid of? Do you think this seat will seek revenge from you?"

Klauer laughed a few times, waved his hands, and said bluntly: "I would like to thank you, if it weren't for your appearance, I would still be staying in the underground river world, practicing hard, how could I have so quickly? Such power?"


Zhang qingyang was embarrassed, laughed a few times, and quickly said, "where, where."

"It's all because of His Highness Zane's deep blessing." Zhang Xiaotian did not forget to compliment him.

I let out a long sigh of relief.

This catastrophe, I have escaped.

"Hahaha, you're right, if I hadn't been lucky, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Klauer laughed loudly, and patted Zhang Xiaotian's shoulder to show his kindness.

Zhang qingyang immediately showed a look of sincerity and fear. Seeing that the dogs around were dumbfounded with fright, he frowned and scolded.

"What are you doing in a daze? Be bold! Why don't you hurry up and meet His Highness Zane?!"

Zhang qingyang snorted coldly.

These dog legs are not eye-catching at all, and they can't see the situation clearly.


"Meet Your Highness Zane."


"Meet Your Highness Zane..."

Only then did those creatures come to their senses, and saluted one after another, but their speech was uneven and sparse, which immediately provoked Zhang Xiaotian's scolding.

"Okay, okay."

Claure laughed loudly, and hurriedly pulled Zhang Qingtian, saying that he didn't care about these nonsense, so he got compliments from Zhang Xiaotian again and again.

As for the other creatures, they cast grateful glances at Klauer.

After several times, Klauer and Zhang qingyang not only fought in dire straits.

Also got the favor of those creatures.

It can be said that the harvest is huge.

As a well-informed old monster, Klauer is very clear about his position at this moment. If he goes against Zhang Qingtian, he will only lower himself.

He had to get closer to the masters of the world, so that he could improve his status in the heart of his elder brother, and he could grow faster.

Unity is the basic guarantee of strength.

After all, we all belong to the same power.

If each other is not pleasing to the eye, it will definitely affect each other's growth.

If Zhang Yuan knew what Claure was thinking, he would probably be filled with emotion.

have to say.

This is talent.


After a while.

Everyone calmed down.

After all, now is not the time to talk about the love between children, the business matters.

"Xiaotian, what did you find?"

Crower said.


Zhang qingyang was a little ashamed. After three days, he didn't find anything.

Compared to Ergou, he seems a bit useless!

"Where is this place?"

Klauer patted Zhang Xiaotian's shoulder, not intending to be angry.


Zhang qingyang explained.

If you can't get an answer from here, it is estimated that there is really no solution.

"In this way, this is still the key point. It seems that the other party is very careful."

Crower frowned.

He looked down, where Haidong was last seen.

It is likely to be the land of the fallen.

However, at this moment, there is no trace of vision, the only vision is the trace of residual blood, hidden in the void.

Other than that, there was not a trace of clues to be seen.

Klauer was secretly surprised, "In this world, who else has such strength."

Klauer became vigilant in his heart.

He is already so powerful!

Unexpectedly, in this small world, there is a certain boss hidden?
It really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!
No wonder the elder brother has such strength and still stays in this world.

You know, with his own current strength, it is enough to create God's Domain.

"It's terrible, the fragments of the Emperor Star are the fragments of the Emperor Star. There is a big secret hidden here. The elder brother planned it from the beginning. Sure enough, this world is not that simple!" Klauer secretly said, quietly withdrawing his breath.

In the situation of hidden dragon and crouching tiger, he still needs to be a little more cautious.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party actually used external force.

But no matter what, it is always better to be cautious.

At least it won't startle the snake!

Next, Klauer and Zhang Xiaotian started further research.

At the same time, countless men were dispatched to search every corner of the main world in a carpet-like manner, without letting go of any corner, and they must look for clues.

In addition, Zhang Xiaotian also sent his subordinates to notify Ye Changkong to send troops to search the main world, and he also arrogantly asked Ye Changkong to find something, otherwise he would not work hard and would be a provocation to the Lord of the Grassland.


Snapped! !

Ye Changkong stood up suddenly and slammed the table with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

"You even pointed fingers at me..."

The night sky is unhappy.

What does it mean to send a small soldier over to inform him?
Have something to discover?

Otherwise, just refuse to work hard?

Where did the heresy come from?

Too domineering.

And, most importantly, why should Ye Changkong be obedient?
He is a descendant of the great ancient god. The previous cooperation between the two parties was completely according to your wishes, and there was never any threat or coercion.

Today, instead of cooperation, it directly becomes an order.

Command him now.


Ye Changkong clenched his fists, his eyes flickered, and he looked up into the distance.

From time to time, a trace of fear flashed across.

There was even a trace of panic, driven by his strong self-esteem, which was fleeting, and his self-esteem did not allow him to show timidity.


The earth-shattering breath just now was really terrifying.


This is not something the world can afford today.

However, it happened to exist, and it has not been expelled by the world.

"Why... the Titans... and why Zhang Xiaotian and his group are so powerful, it doesn't follow logic at all..."

Ye Changkong frowned, full of murderous intent, but he didn't dare to really burst out.

If he really did this, the previous plan would really be in vain.

"Could it be possible that you want me to hand over the God of Chaos?"

After calming down, Ye Changkong was in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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