Chapter 324
"The Lord of Light..."

A voice filled with infinite majesty slowly came out of an incomparably huge continent, causing a series of extinctions in the turbulent flow of the void.

The tangible and intangible, all turned into nothingness.


"It's kind of interesting, the majestic Lord God, it's really ridiculous to be obliterated."

Another existence made a sound, and the laughter set off endless waves in this world. He was lying in the depths of the turbulent void, and his body was big enough to cover the sky and the sun.


"The general situation is coming, that legend may be true..."

A voice came from nowhere, echoing in this void and turbulent world.

"Era of the Emperor Star, the twilight of the gods, everyone, the legend is about to come."

The empty sound is continuous and spreads to every corner.

Hearing the existence of this voice, he couldn't stop talking, and his breath showed more or less signs of disorder, but it only returned to normal in an instant.

Obviously, the meaning conveyed by this voice is sufficiently earth-shattering.

"That is the end and the starting point of the Emperor Star Era. Hurry up and fight for this unique opportunity. The general trend is that this is the only opportunity to escape. If you miss this time, you will only perish forever from now on."

That voice sounded again, full of bewitching, making countless beings tremble.


Zhang Yuan didn't know anything about the communication that happened in the void and turbulent world.

After destroying the statue of the God of Light and seizing the divinity contained in it, Zhang Yuan hurried back, because the Tianjiao Competition was about to start.

If he knew that this kind of thing would happen again, he would definitely die of anger.

I came to the void and turbulent world for no reason, and it took a lot of effort to barely solve the Lord God of Light. Although I got a good divinity, it is not too bad, but if I know that this matter has attracted many old monsters , and one of the old monsters is also an instigator.

If he has a bad temper, he will probably blow up and scold his ancestors.

In this way, there will be countless brazen tricks.

This is definitely not what he wants to see.


As time passed and the stars moved, Zhang Yuan stepped in and returned to Wangwangyan in an instant.

Now, no matter where he is in the turbulent void, as the supreme controller of the prairie world, he can easily return.

Since the first Tianjiao Competition is about to start, and the venue is outside the main world, Daji and Shijigui are the masters of the world, and they are very busy now, so the king's rock is naturally empty.

This also let Zhang Yuan breathe a sigh of relief.

If they were here, he would be embarrassed to swallow this divinity from the Lord of Light. After all, this is a matter of face, and it has a lot to do with it.

Zhang Yuan was naturally embarrassed to take it all by himself, and he might even reward them.

In the end, I didn't even have a bite to eat.

it's good now.

He can enjoy it with peace of mind.

Of course, Zhang Yuan wasn't stingy. For so long, he didn't swallow the divinity he had obtained by himself. He either put it away or rewarded it.

Nowadays, the number of devouring divinity can be counted on the fingers of one's fingers.

In short, Zhang Yuan felt that he was already extremely generous.

Now, it can be said that it is not too much to devour the divinity of the Lord of Light, right?

"Not too much."

Zhang Yuan added to himself, feeling an unprecedented desire coming from his body, this is the second time he has such a strong urge.

This is the first time I have this feeling, the first time I have seen such things as divinity.

And later, Zhang Yuan no longer had such a strong desire.

Even if a lot of divinities are placed in front of his eyes, he remains indifferent.

Now it's the second time!

It may be that the level of divinity is too high, which makes Zhang Yuan have the desire to devour.

Didn't think much about it.

This divinity exuding hazy luster, ups and downs, exuding a noble atmosphere, suppressed the space and collapsed it, making it shattered and collapsed.

But it is worth noting that this divinity has shed all attributes and impurities.

Only pureness remains.

Zhang Yuan swallowed the divinity in one gulp, closed his eyes, and lay down.


A mass of energy that almost turned into substance gradually emerged from the fur.

It's hazy, the breath is not obvious, it just looks a little mysterious.

However, at this moment, earth-shaking changes are taking place in Zhang Yuan's body.


"Ding! Spirit power +10000"


"Ding! Spirit power +10010"




The system's notification sound came as scheduled, and it crazily skyrocketed, endlessly.

The power is soaring.

Zhang Yuan has long been used to this.

This plug-in does not provide a property page or an operation page.

As for the tasks and so on, they are all nonsense.

The most unbearable thing for Zhang Yuan is that he doesn't even have a name.

Don't even bother him.

Only a word burst out from time to time.


"Ding! Spirit power +..."


Every time he heard this sentence, Zhang Yuan felt an inexplicable pain.

The only use is to increase spiritual power and charisma.

Besides, nothing.

For example, now, devouring the divinity of the lord of light, it only increases the spiritual power. This stubborn attitude is clearly humiliating the lord of light.

All right.

Zhang Yuan is used to it.

It's just a hack!
Therefore, at this moment, he directly ignored the changes brought about by his spiritual power.

Turn your attention to other areas.


after one day.

The plug-in finally digested the divinity.

It's unknown how much the spiritual power has increased, it's a huge number.

Zhang Yuan only felt that he was much stronger. If he saw the main body of the Lord of Light next time, he would probably be able to split [-]-[-], and he would not lose.

It was possible to lose before.

Although he has the power of the world, he is equivalent to the so-called master in terms of level.

But if it is against the deity of the Lord of Light, it is probably enough.

This is like ink and clean water. Zhang Yuan himself is ink, so it is easy to pollute clean water, but if you want to pollute a tank of clean water...

It's choking.

It is estimated that before the pollution, he was destroyed and swallowed by the clear water.

Nowadays, the skyrocketing power brings a sense of security.

Don't panic.

"I've grown."

With Zhang Yuan positioning himself like this, he really doesn't panic at all now.

Also, he noticed a little change.

Thinking is more flexible.

Clear mind.

No matter what you think, you can get the correct answer in an instant.

This is a change in the power of will, and his power of will is even stronger.

The power of the world under his control is extremely terrifying, and this is the reason why he does not panic.

And his own changes also reminded him of a series of recent events.

"Could it be that the reason why my head was dizzy before was because I didn't have enough willpower? So devouring the divinity this time solved this problem."

Zhang Yuan thought for a while, and felt that it was really possible that this was the reason.

After all, he is also a world master now.

It's just that the force is a bit high, but he is the supreme controller of the prairie world.

"It seems that this is really the reason. Before, Daji and Shiji massaged my head, using their own power of will, and then this power of will was absorbed by me, so it relieved the exhaustion of my power of will feel."

Zhang Yuan only felt that the egg hurts a lot, what an incredible misunderstanding.

In the end, it turned out that I was thinking too much.

The so-called dead bastards actually don't exist.

In order to resist the dead and cheap, he chose to continuously strengthen his strength.

The prairie world has devoured a large amount of resources, and even experienced a load situation. As the sole controller, Zhang Yuan naturally has to bear this pressure...

In this way, the power of will will not be able to bear it.

dizzy head...

It's a lucky thing to go back and forth and not become an idiot.


Zhang Yuan immediately wanted to understand the cause and effect, and he just cursed at the cheater. If the cheater could grow his mind, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Whenever there is:


"Ding! Power of will +1"


Zhang Yuan can also understand what happened here.


It's not too late.

Fortunately, it is a remedy.

This is all thanks to his brilliant mind.

Otherwise, he would probably be the first World Master to become an idiot.

The famous name of the first life will be buried here.

After figuring this out, Zhang Yuan took out a portion of divinity and opened his mouth to swallow it.


"Ding! Spirit power +1000"


The stubborn hack is the same as before, it will only increase the value of spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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