My cheating is too hard

Chapter 331 Full of Vitality, Going to Revenge

Chapter 331 Full of Vitality, Going to Revenge

"The Lion King..."

After watching the two dogs leave, all the lions looked at the lion one after another.

The other party was the lion king when the lion clan was ignorant, and now it is also the core of the lion clan. Not only is the lion clan talker, but also the first to ask.

"Lion King, what shall we do..."

"Yes, Lion King, what should I do, I want to see the Lord of the Grassland..."

"I want, too!"

All the lions chattered and talked a lot, and their expressions became excited.

In front of Ergou, they did not dare to show their current posture.

But now that Ergou is gone, he will naturally release his instincts.

After all, they have just awakened to wisdom, and they are still children.

Of course, if you don't look at the huge size.


"All right!"

The Lion King let out a low growl, calming the Lion Clan down.

"From now on, even if the Lion Clan is established, if this is the case, there must be rules. The owner of the valley just said that we are the supreme royal family in this world. We must cultivate hard and not embarrass the owner of the grassland."

The Lion King paused for a moment, looked at the Lion Clan, and said, "Well, this area of ​​ten thousand miles is the territory of the Lion Clan. There are many resources, and there is no danger. Let's collect resources first, and then discuss the plan. "

The lion king is also very distressed. In fact, he has no idea what to do.

Fortunately, there are no living creatures within a radius of ten thousand miles, and there are many resources. During this period of time, I should be able to carry out a thorough transformation of the Lion Clan.

The royal family, you have to look like a royal family!

"Yes, Lion King."

"Understood, Lion King."

"it is good!"

All the lions talked at one another, and their speech was not unified, and they were crazy.

"Okay, call me patriarch! From now on, there will only be one king of the Lion Clan."

The patriarch shouted and said: "That is the supreme lord of the grassland!"

"Yes, patriarch."

"Okay, patriarch."

"Understood, Lion King!"


The patriarch opened his mouth, shook his head, and suddenly didn't know what to say.


Leonids are like babbling, tottering babies trying to reach the sky.

In the next period of time, it is estimated that they will all live in the land of thousands of miles.

But, fortunately, although the struggle for hegemony among all races is a general trend, it is still in the embryonic stage, and even the seeds have just been planted, and will germinate after a while.

During this period of time, all races will gather together from scattered groups.

Constructed into forces in the form of ethnic groups, and then gradually took root.

During this period of time, I believe that the Lion Clan can grow up quickly.

Ergou thought about it, with some hopes.

He is the leader of the Lion Clan, this credit is really unimaginable.

"Royal family, hurry up and grow up, the struggle for hegemony among all races will be started by you."

Ergou secretly said.

"Your Majesty!"

When Ergou returned to the Canyon of the Wind, the guards immediately greeted him.

"Yeah. Not bad, come on."

Ergou came back to his senses.

Then he stretched out his hand, patted the other person's head, and encouraged him.

"come on!"

Show a sincere smile.

Although the strength of this guard is not high, it belongs to the extraordinary realm of the common people.

However, even a pile of shit has its own value!
Ergou knows it well.

In this world, there is no real garbage.

Because, even if it is rubbish, it can burn itself and illuminate others.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The guard roared, agitated, and trembling all over.


Ergou laughed.

Crossing the infinite space in one step, only the back of the guard was left with an unfathomable stalwart, but it made the guard even more excited, and his eyes were very fanatical.


inside the palace.

"Your Majesty, you are back."

A subordinate came in with a very excited expression and said, "My lord."

Ergou, as the coordinator of this Tianjiao competition, takes care of everything and holds a high position. Naturally, their confidants know it clearly.

If it weren't for the fact that the palace had to be guarded, he would have gone to the game a long time ago.

"Well, this king is back this time, and I have something to tell you to do, understand?"

Two dogs.

"Understood your majesty, I would like to die with all my heart and soul, and die, and do my best..."

A series of kneeling and licking words were thrown out by this man without hesitation.

But when he saw beasts flying out of Ergou's sleeves, they were immediately dumbfounded and stunned.

"My lord...this...this..."

I really can't believe it.

In today's era of revival of aura, these orcs are equivalent to the ancestors of the orcs today. They belong to the old people of the past era and no longer exist.

Moreover, many of these beast races are extremely rare beast races.

Like the rhino family.

In this day and age, there are only a handful of them.

Any rhinoceros family is the strongest among the strong, with extraordinary talents.

Plus, there's the Elephants!
These creatures who claimed to have the most powerful bodies in the age of ignorance have completely disappeared in this era, leaving only a few words of legend.

Now, it appears in this palace.

If it grows up, it is simply unimaginable.

In addition, there are all kinds of rare orcs, all of which are extremely rare.

These orcs are like pieces of jade in the rough, they just need a little bit of polishing.

It is a treasure!

"Go, take them away, don't disappoint me, it's up to you."

Er Gou didn't say much, after all, it was a secret, but he encouraged him, waved his hand, and asked his subordinates to take all these beast races down.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

His subordinates were awe-inspiring, knowing that this was beyond their ability to know, so they stopped asking any more questions, took the beast clan down, and then arranged them properly.

It won't be long before these orcs can become the backbone!
At that time, his benefits will be indispensable.

Thinking of this in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a little lucky. If he hadn't chosen to stay, then he wouldn't be the one who cultivated these beast races.


"In the future, ten thousand races will contend for hegemony, and our lineage of the Canyon of Wind will establish the foundation of the universe!"

Ergou grinned.

Fortunately, he had foresight.

Captured all the top orcs.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to have these beast races?

Although Zhang Lei and the others might feel uncomfortable, so what?
These orcs were all brought back by him, and they belonged to his second dog.

No one can take it away!
At that time, when all races are competing for hegemony, the Canyon of the Wind lineage will definitely rank first.


The next day, Ergou rested and regained his lost vitality.

Improving the cultivation base of the lion clan just now, not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive, the most important thing is the loss of the mind, not simply helping the lion clan to improve the cultivation base, it will cause mental fatigue, Ergou is also tired at this time Got to panic.

So take a break, recharge your spirits, and let yourself be full of energy.

He suffered a loss, and he must have revenge.

But the dark race is not simple at all.

From just a few words, one can see the strength of the Dark Clan.

First of all, what is certain is that the lost world actually came from the main world, and it was forcibly divided out before the spiritual energy recovered.

Otherwise, it is impossible to have no aura.

The second point is also a very important point.

When the era of aura recovery came, the lost world came into contact with the main world.

"It's not simple, it's really not simple. Your Majesty is right. There are too many cheaters in this world. It's shameless. Everyone has worked so hard to cultivate, but suddenly there are more cheaters. It doesn't make sense at all."

Ergou secretly hated.

He must go to revenge, otherwise he will not be called Ergou from now on.

This is a matter of face.

Very important.


after one day.

Ergou returned to peak condition.

Full of energy, I feel that it is time to end my hard work.


Ripples set off in the space, Ergou's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Liangzai's "Witness to History", thank you

(End of this chapter)

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