My cheating is too hard

Chapter 338 Changes in the style of painting

Chapter 338 Changes in the style of painting
"Hey, maybe this middle god was too arrogant and didn't pay attention, so he was killed by Xiaotian. On this point, Xiaotian actually took advantage of it."

Klauer was a little embarrassed, coughed, pointed at the god whose head exploded, and said: "Look, there is an unusually strong aura hidden in this middle god, that is the power of light, at least from the god The existence above the king is extremely pure, if he is serious, the consequences will not be..."

Watching Zhang qingyang take out a flash of light from that divine body, and then forcefully squeeze it to explode, Klauer was dumbfounded, and immediately didn't know what to say.

Seeing everyone looking at him, those eyes were full of questions.

Just crush it!

That's it? !
Crower was pissed off.

He was bragging desperately here, but he didn't expect this guy to be so disappointing.

Angry to death.

I feel very ashamed.


Klauer opened his mouth, but actually he thought he could say something.

After all, the gods are immortal. Although they have fallen now, the gods will disappear and enter the unknown realm, which cannot be explored at all.

Countless years later, resurrection.

and so--

Gods are hard to deal with!

He decided not to speak for himself, but to speak after the divine body disappeared.

At that time, these young people will be able to know the strangeness of the gods!

A quarter of an hour passed.

half an hour passed...

Apart from the power of light constantly glowing from the divine body, it never disappeared at all.

This feeling, as if it was about to gush out, but encountered a thick layer of membrane, even with infinite power, there is nothing to do.


Klauer became more and more surprised. Logically speaking, the divine body should disappear!
Ignoring the strange gazes of other people looking at him, Klauer came to the divine body, looked at it for a while, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Hiss, this divine body has been sealed, how is it possible, is it because of the power of the world, yes, the power of the world is the mysterious power that is manifested after the fusion of countless laws of power, possessing incredible power..."

Klauer fell into deep thought, feeling that he had discovered a big secret.

"Your Highness Zane, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiaotian asked, his expression full of indifference.

He really cheated.

A weak chicken that was easily killed surprised the well-informed Klauer. This shows how cheating Zhang Qingtian is now.

"It's nothing, this divine body is yours." Klauer suppressed the excitement in his heart, he could already imagine the scene of himself killing all directions.

At that time, he will become stronger and stronger by slaughtering gods and devouring divinity!

Not only him, but other world masters will also usher in an explosion.

I thought it would be an extremely difficult disaster, and I would not get any benefits, but I never expected that it would be an upgrade copy.

"Hey, thank you Your Highness Zane."

Zhang qingyang laughed, opened his mouth and swallowed the divine body, and refined it on the spot.

The power of the world is boundless in terror and contains endless mighty power. It is easy to adapt the divine body. Regardless of whether the divine body contains the divine personality or divine power, it will be completely wiped out and turned into Zhang Xiaotian's nourishment.


The violent breath was released from his body, and Zhang qingyang became even stronger.

The masters of the world were jealous, but they didn't feel any dissatisfaction.

Even Ergou is convinced.

Since Zhang qingyang killed him, then it must be zhang qingyang's.


A series of expectant gazes fell into the vortex, eager to see through.


There should be more gods coming!
Those are dishes!
"Everyone, be careful. Gods are very special existences. Xiaotian just took advantage this time. Next, I will show you guys."

Crower said.

Unfortunately, no one listened to him.

Instead, he surrounded the whirlpool and stared at the whirlpool without daring to blink.


A terrifying aura lingered in the fists and feet, ready to go.

"Hmph, you trash, I am the King of Thunder, the fastest in the world!"

Zhang Lei said arrogantly.

boom! !

He clasped his hands together, facing the vortex, the Thunderclap that had been empowered with the power of the world emitted hot and terrifying rays of light, and was about to fly out.


Ergou sneered, fierce winds were brewing between his hands.

"The wind is the fastest."


The others didn't say anything, but silently gathered strength.

As long as Zhang Lei and Ergou can't beat each other to death, then they can pick up the leak.

Unknowingly, the painting style changed suddenly.

Originally this time it was to fight against the gods, but now it has become a plunder of the gods.

And they are scrambling to be the first, showing a terrible scene of vicious dogs rushing for food.


Klauer didn't know what to say. He hoped that his elder brother could come back quickly. These young people didn't give him face at all, and they were so arrogant and domineering, and they felt that they could beat the immortal gods.

That's a god!

Which one is not a sinister and cunning old monster?

Is it so easy to kill? !
This first god is definitely a miracle among the gods, and it is completely different.

Can't die now.

I guess it won't last long.

Thinking that he should protect these impulsive young people, Klauer was silent for a while, then came behind Lao Ba and patted him on the shoulder.

"Your Highness Zane, what's wrong?"

"Step aside."



Void turbulent world.

Incomparably rich power of light lingers around, covering all eyes.

The surging and mighty breath of God caused the turbulent world in the void to vibrate.

The gods of light looked at the vortex, quietly waiting for news from inside.


The white horse is over.

But there is no sound.

Although for immortal gods, time is a very cheap thing.

But there are also priorities, and now we have to race against time!

Five breaths, no news came back, it was already unbelievable.

If there is no news for a quarter of an hour, it is estimated that some danger may be encountered.

Although it is not ruled out that the other party hides in the world to collect resources, this kind of behavior is purely looking for death, after all, he is under the order of the Lord of Light.

The gods of light saw it in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say more.

Can only be silent.

Since the Lord of Light did not speak, it is not their turn to speak.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Lord of light, do you know what happened inside?"

A god king finally spoke, which immediately attracted the attention of the gods of light.

As immortal kings, their relationship with the main god is extremely delicate.

There can only be one Lord God.

If the main god does not fall, the Immortal God King will be the pinnacle of the gods.

If the main god falls, the Immortal God King will have a chance to become the main god.

From this point of view, the interests of the god king are contrary to the main god.

However, the God King had to listen to the Lord God.

"I don't know..."

The Lord of Light looked at the vortex and was silent for a while before saying two words.


As soon as the words fell, the gods suddenly changed their colors, which was incredible.

Lord God!


High above.

Overlooking all living beings.

It is the top existence in the starry sky world!
Don't even know what happened on the other side?
It's ridiculous...

The gods were in an uproar, talking a lot, and looked at the whirlpool with fear.

Very likely, that god has already fallen!

"No, he has fallen."

Suddenly, a god exclaimed, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he said nonchalantly: "His kingdom is just adjacent to the kingdom of the god. Just now the believers of the god prayed to the god, saying that his faith has already passed. It collapsed, and the country is now in a mess, unable to even maintain normal operations."

The gods didn't pay attention to what was said later, they only knew that the god who entered the vortex fell completely, and even resurrection was impossible.

The complete fall symbolizes the collapse of faith and it is difficult to gather the power of faith.

In this way, there will be no resurrection.

Eternal sinking.

 Thanks to Liangzi "Yu" for the monthly ticket, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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