Chapter 340

The Lord of Light's complexion was ashen, unable to calm down, he was furious.

Killing two gods in front of him one after another is really deceiving people too much.

For a while, I didn't know how to express my feelings.

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

Just after Zhang Yuan finished speaking, he appeared behind a high god in an instant.

Directly ignoring the screams that the other party was about to make, he pawed over.

Totally dead.

Then swallow it in one gulp.

The next moment, I was completely upset that this god was actually an incarnation.

"Depend on!"

Not at all honest and trustworthy.

He deserved to be killed!

Next, Zhang Yuan killed all directions, killed the gods, and immediately devoured them.

without hesitation.

Although these bewitched gods have come to their senses, they have lost their aggressiveness and will only scream, seriously damaging the majesty of the gods.

Death is their destination.

This is the inevitable result.

Zhang Yuan felt that he was just a kind person who sent them on the road.

With the mentality of doing good deeds in obscurity, he tried not to have any communication with the gods, no matter what the other person looked like, he treated them equally.

Opening and closing, killing all directions, killing the gods to mourn, and the gods to despair.

"Run away..."

"I don't want to die..."

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I can't die!"

"I've only lived 3000 million years, I don't want to die, I surrender, I surrender!"

The gods howled miserably, they were so frightened that they didn't have the courage to resist at all.

In the eyes of the gods, this lion killed a god like a chicken...

with a snap.

It was killed.

The key is to swallow it...

Moreover, the opponent is a terrifying existence that can obliterate the Lord of Light, and they cannot resist at all. The only thing they can do now is to escape.

If you resist a little, you will die faster!
Escaping is the kingly way.

However, gradually, the gods found that they could not escape from here at all.

"Damn it, it was the Lord of Light who blocked this world, damn it, damn it!"

A god of the upper god level was furious and reacted.

glared at the Lord of Light.

"Ah, Lord of Light, what on earth do you want to do, you want us to die?!"


"Working together, the two of them are acting, damn it, this is a conspiracy!!"

"Cruel, too ruthless, Lord of Light, you are so vicious, you are pretending to be the Lord of Light!"

All the gods came to their senses one after another, and looked at the Lord of Light, their canthus cracked.

Hate like never before!

No wonder the Lord of Light remained motionless, because he wanted them to be killed.

There must be some terrible conspiracy hidden here!

As a result, let the lord of light harm the gods of light at all costs.

"Yes, that's right!"

Zhang Yuan swallowed a divine body and said, "The Lord of Light is my friend."

The strength is improving so fast!
To be honest, he felt that the Lord of Light was really his most precious friend.


"So it's really you!"

"You are so vicious, you are so vicious!"

His words directly caused the gods to change color suddenly, and glared at the Lord of Light with murderous anger, wishing to kill him and skin him.

"you you……"

The Lord of Light trembled with anger and gritted his teeth, especially when he saw the gods around him looking at him strangely, he was furious.

Out of words.

Ever since I became the main god, I have never tried such a tragic treatment.

can not stand.

Really can't take it anymore.

This matter obviously has nothing to do with him, and he is also a victim.

The Bright World has changed hands.

However, is it necessary for him to give up the majesty of the main god and explain to the gods?
That will only make you lose face!
"You guys are too much, this king is very disappointed, so, you guys die!"

Zhang Yuan was angry.

These guys are pointing fingers, and they have been completely brainwashed into Sabi.

He actually scolded his good friend.

terminally ill.

Impossible to save.

"All dead!"

The claws were swung out, and the claws covering thousands of miles were condensed, and the vast and terrifying aura burst out, covering tens of thousands of gods and gods, and they were photographed heavily.

The bright world shook accordingly, as if it was about to shatter.


There were screams one after another, no matter what cultivation level they were, they were all slapped to death with one claw.


The claws dissipated into the invisible, revealing the hideous and distorted divine bodies, fragments of stumps, floating in the void, full of desolation.

A divine body.

Whether it is a lower god, a middle god, or a powerful upper god.

are dead.



A dead silence.

All the gods stopped.

He stopped barking, stopped running, and stayed where he was, trembling involuntarily.


A high god fell limply, and so did the other gods.

Totally lost hope.

The light is still there, but there is darkness in front of you, and you can't see the future.


"This is the fate of being disobedient." Zhang Yuan said angrily, and opened his mouth to swallow the shattered divine bodies, turning them into pure energy and pouring into his limbs and bones.


"Ding! Spirit power +100 million"


"Ding! Spirit power +1000 million"


The system prompt sounded crazily, and these divine bodies were completely digested and absorbed, and Zhang Yuan didn't have a long time to recollect them before turning them into spiritual power points.


Zhang Yuan has gotten used to it.

While devouring the divine body methodically, he looked at the gods. …

See which one is dishonest, go there, and swallow it by the way.

It's like cutting leeks.


"Damn! Damn!"

The Lord of Light glared angrily, his canthus cracked, but recalling the terrifying aura contained in that claw just now, it made him shudder and shudder.

Like the gods, he was terrified.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect to hide my strength, hateful, shameless!"

The Lord of Light roared inwardly, his face was livid, but he didn't dare to make a move.

He will die too!

A trace of terrifying and boundless aura was released from his body.

Worlds have evolved, with endless visions and terrifying coercion.


Just at this moment, the gods who gathered around him retreated one after another.

"What do you mean?"

The Lord of Light suddenly changed his face and was completely angry, as if he wanted to choose someone to eat.

"Sorry, Lord of Light, we doubt that you are the one behind the scenes."

A god is king.

"Not bad!"

Another god king also nodded.

"Yes, you created this world, trapped the gods, and now let the gods be killed. The scene you played is too clumsy."

As for the other god kings and the existences at the peak level of the upper gods, they also nodded in agreement with the first god king, thinking that the Lord of Light had a ghost.


The Lord of Light shouted loudly.


Thousands of Lord God's aura burst out of the body, and these disobediences were about to be wiped out.


A figure appeared even faster than him, and in an instant, it came in front of those god kings. Its claws fell, and there was a loud bang, obliterating all the gods.

"Hmph, do you still want to escape?"

Zhang Yuan sneered, looking at the whirlpool behind him, revealing a cold killing intent.

Although he controls the world of light and seals off the vortex, he is not afraid of [-], just in case, in case these powerful gods successfully enter the main world.

The consequences could be disastrous.

"You are too insidious and cunning, die!"

Feeling the soaring power in his body, Zhang Yuan exploded completely at this moment.

If the strength is enough, then there is no need to waste time.


He raised his head to the sky and roared, setting off endless waves, radiating in all directions with an unimaginable aura of destruction, sweeping across the entire Bright World in an instant.

"No... I don't want to die..."


"I fought with you!!"


At this moment, the gods who had given up originally staged various scenes of life.

Those who didn't dare to resist at all, actually stood up and chose to resist.

Full of courage.

It has to be said that it is ironic to choose to resist when death is imminent.


The terrifying killing power swept across, completely burying the gods here.


"Do not……"

A shrill and desperate voice echoed in the catastrophe, twisting and struggling.

He continued to burst out of breath, trying to resist, but it didn't work at all.

"I can't die, I can't die..."

The chaotic look looked crazy, but he suddenly sensed some kind of terrifying power.

His expression was startled, and he saw a pair of eyes full of killing intent.


It shattered suddenly, turned into clouds of black mist, and finally disappeared completely!

Not only the God of Chaos, but also the Lord of Light is being taken care of.

The power of one after another world turned into the power of thousands of killings, transformed into an infinite torrent of weapons, which fell from the sky, and completely buried it in an instant.

"I won't let you go!"


The angry roar resounded through the Bright World, and stopped abruptly the next moment...

When the torrent of infinite weapons dissipated, only a mass of divinity remained in place.

All the other things were wiped out without any trace.

The incarnation of the Lord of Light has fallen!
It is true that there is a lot of thunder and little rain.

(End of this chapter)

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