My cheating is too hard

Chapter 345 The Mysterious Dragon Powerhouse

Chapter 345 The Mysterious Dragon Powerhouse

God's Domain has infinite stars, and for countless years, there have been countless gods.

Some gods choose to leave the domain of the gods and wander and travel in the starry sky world.

But more gods chose to stay and become a part of God's Domain.


With just a few breaths, hundreds of thousands of gods appeared outside the realm of the gods.

more and more.


The gods work together.

Boom - boom - boom

Huanghuang Shenwei seemed to turn into a real torrent, suppressing a corner of God's Domain.

Thousands of visions erupted and the shock continued.

The lower gods are definitely the most, followed by the middle god and the upper god.

There are many high gods, but there are only a few peak high gods.

At the same level, there is still an extremely strict distinction between the upper gods.

The peak highgod can be said to be the limit of the gods.

Now, several peak highgods have also come out of the God's Domain one after another.


The aura is pervasive, mighty, and thousands of visions are evolving, and world projections are disillusioned and shattered, isolating the aura of the golden dragon from the realm of the gods.

Immediately, the fluctuation caused by the appearance of the golden dragon came to an abrupt end.

God's Domain is quiet.

The creatures, as many as Hengsha, felt it one after another, so they sang the gods enthusiastically, and the faith of the gods was greatly increased invisibly.

It was a pleasant surprise.

The gods were not happy because of this, but solemnity was written on their faces.

Including several peak highgods, they also looked dignified and did not dare to relax.

As we all know, the Shenlong family is the overlord of the starry sky, but they have always lived in seclusion, so no one in the huge world of God's Domain knows the existence of this person.

"Your Excellency Shenlong, hello, Xia Kudel is a subordinate god under the command of the Immortal God King Skaha. I don't know what is the reason for this visit?"

Not only is he one of the few peak highgods, Kudel is also the first god to follow the Immortal God of Light Skaha, his status in the God Realm is second only to the Immortal God King, and he is responsible for many major events in the God Realm.

At this moment, Kudel had no choice but to stand up and stand in front of the gods.

Looking at the immeasurable dragon body of the other party, I couldn't help but tremble in my heart.

Although the main factor that determines the strength of a god is the power of law, but the god body, kingdom of God, divinity, priesthood, power, etc. can all affect the strength of a god.

He is just a god promoted by ordinary creatures, even if his cultivation level is comparable to that of the golden dragon, but he is definitely not the enemy of the opponent!
too strong!
Kudel trembled in his heart, and he couldn't help but subconsciously held his breath.

If it weren't for his special status, he felt that he might not have the courage to ask, and it would be very rare to be able to stand still and not run away.

Those tiny scales are a continent, a star!
The incomparably terrifying aura of the divine dragon rushed towards his face, which was simply unimaginable.

He has only felt this kind of coercion from the God King.

"Hmph, that's how Scatha welcomes me? Scatha, you hypocritical old fellow, if you don't come out again, this seat will have to leave."

Gu Dingdao looked down at the little chicken in front of him, his eyes were full of disdain.

Immediately, he called out the name of the Lord of God's Domain, and the voice resounded throughout the world of God's Domain.

The body of the immeasurable dragon swayed, causing turmoil in the realm of the gods.


"How dare you!"

The faces of the gods changed one after another, and Kudell and other top gods couldn't help becoming furious. Although he was afraid of the terrifying power of the golden dragon, the Lord of God's Domain was so high, how could he be tarnished like this?

Moreover, starting from their own interests, the gods cannot allow them to continue to calm down after witnessing this incident, otherwise they will be liquidated.

In addition, they are members of the world of God's Domain, and they are also the gods of the Lord of God's Domain, and they have the responsibility and obligation to maintain the majesty of the Lord of God's Domain.

If he falls, he will inevitably be resurrected by the Lord of the God Realm.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, it is impossible to be indifferent.


Kuder shouted loudly, changed his previous cautiousness, and said angrily: "How can you call the name of His Highness the King of God directly? Do you really think that the gods can't do it?"

"Hmph, you think there are no taboos when I give you three points of color? It's just arrogant!"

"Now, you, apologize immediately, and pray that the Lord of God's Domain will be magnanimous to you."


The gods shouted loudly, full of murderous intent, completely unaware of what fear is.

"Things that rely on people's power."

Gu Ding sneered, stretched out his claws, destroying everything, and wanted to catch it.

this moment.

boom! !

Infinite power blocked the starry sky!
The stars vibrated, flickered and shattered, and turned into dust, unable to withstand the coercion.

Thousands of changes come one after another, and endless killing power blooms in an instant.

I saw a vast claw, appearing out of thin air, covering the surrounding fields.


The gods were shocked and couldn't believe it at all, but found that they couldn't move, and they lost control, even for Kudel.

The claws stretched out, covering the sky and the sun, as if they held all the gods in their hands.

Just like swatting a fly, one slap can destroy the gods!

The gods were utterly hopeless.

Even if he survived, he probably would have to pay a very heavy price!
"This...this...higher god...can also have such terrifying strength?"

Kudel was dumbfounded, bitter in his heart.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why the other party was so arrogant.

Such unbelievable strength is already comparable to some immortal kings.

"Ah, hate it, if I were the God of Light, I would definitely not be in such a mess."

Kuder yelled inwardly, feeling that death was coming, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

As the first god to follow King Scathach, he is definitely favored. Otherwise, it would be impossible to become a powerful pinnacle god as an ordinary creature. However, due to limited talent, it is difficult to become a god of light.

It's not just Kudr who is like this, including several high-level gods who are not the gods of light. Even in the huge world of the gods, the gods of light are extremely rare. The gods themselves don't understand why.

Seeing the claws fall, the gods were ashamed, and their expressions were full of despair.

"It's over..."



Accompanied by a voice full of supreme majesty, it swept from the depths of the God's Domain world, and the terrifying and boundless killing power came to an abrupt end.

The terrified gods felt a lot more relaxed, with lingering fears in their hearts.

The claws dissipated like a dream, as if everything was just a dream.

However, the void was turbulent, and a trace of residual power began to tear the space.


With lingering fears in his heart, Kuder immediately looked at the world of God's Domain, filled with excitement.

I saw a gigantic giant of light that had already appeared in the center of the God's Domain world. Looking over, the immeasurably terrifying body was filled with pure and incomparable light, and stars of life lingered around it...

If you look carefully, you can see that infinite creatures are bred on those life stars.

Although there were no unnecessary movements, it did not exude any coercion.


Even a god can't look directly at it!
The king of gods has surpassed the existence of gods and touched the mysterious realm.

It is true immortality.

Even if time is like a knife, it is impossible to leave the slightest trace on his body.

"Meet Your Highness Scathach."

"Meet His Royal Highness King Scathach..."

All the gods saluted one after another, not daring to look directly at it, and bent down to show their respect.

Fanatic look.

I can't believe that the God King will show up.


Gu Ding chuckled lightly, and glanced at Skaha, with some fear in his eyes.

It is also difficult for him to look directly at the God King himself!

(End of this chapter)

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