My cheating is too hard

Chapter 347 The Way of Heaven: The Plan of Nine Era

Chapter 347 The Way of Heaven: The Plan of the Nine Era
Is it the end?
Zhang Yuan felt that his claws were about to go numb, and he didn't have time to do anything.

He regretted it a little, he shouldn't have provoked this dark family in the first place.

Then, it would be impossible for him to know the secret.

Then, you can continue to live with peace of mind and carefree.

don't know anything.

is happiness.

Now he is not happy at all, and regrets why he has to talk too much.

After a series of messages, he felt that he was really screwed this time.

"I want to stroke..."

Zhang Yuan secretly encouraged himself, as the boss behind the scenes, hold on!

Yuan Xing, this very special title, refers to the main world.

The dark family is the descendant of a strong human race at the beginning of the era.

At the beginning of the era, this strong human race discovered a secret about Yuan Xing, Yuan Xing actually had a will, and this will was the way of heaven.

Why the Dao of Heaven was born, the strong human race didn't know.

Logically speaking, the Dao of Heaven should not exist and cannot be born.

However, Tiandao was really born.

According to that strong man's speculation, the Dao of Heaven may have come from the Emperor Star era.

And what caused the disaster for that strong human race was that the other party discovered that the Dao of Heaven was actually devouring living beings, and planned to complete the transformation from unknown existence to living beings through the accumulation of nine epochs, in an attempt to finally transform living beings!
At the same time, that strong man also discovered that Heavenly Dao enslaved many ancient beings to provide him with souls. Correspondingly, Heavenly Dao will bestow great power on the opponent!

In the past eight epochs and long years, the way of heaven has grown like this.

The strong men it enslaves are all over the starry sky world, and they are powerful. When Yuan Xing wakes up, he will bring creatures from the starry sky world to sacrifice to Yuan Xing.

So, after eight epochs, Yuan Xing became more terrifying every time.

Now that Yuan Xing has just awakened, it is already so vast.


The human race at that time came from the Emperor Star era, and they were blessed by nature and were deeply favored by the heavens. Correspondingly, the human race was naturally the strongest.

In this way, with the help of Heaven, the strength of the human race is getting stronger and stronger.

The so-called offering sacrifices to the heavens means that the sacrifices are living beings, and the object of the sacrifices is the way of heaven.

There are trillions of souls sacrificed each time.

This is one of the reasons why the human race is hostile to all races.

Tianji Pavilion played an extremely important role in the history of offering sacrifices to heaven.

By the Ninth Era, it still existed.

At that time, the human race had been completely bewitched, and the strong human race could not persuade him at all. In the end, Tiandao was angered, and he was obliterated by the human race.

And the blood descendant of the strong human race was labeled as a dark race.

Once it appears, due to the special breath, it will inevitably encounter all hostility.

Therefore, the dark family can only hide and flee in embarrassment,

Although the ancestors suffered injustice, they did not forget their mission:
Stop Heaven!

at all costs.

Otherwise, once the ninth era comes, the way of heaven may change.


And what the Dark Clan can do is to cut the world before the aura recovers.

Unfortunately, it's useless.



This time it's really troublesome.

Zhang Yuan felt really tired.

I thought I was already invincible, but I didn't expect to continue fighting monsters.

The key point is that this monster is very powerful, it is an old monster that has lived for countless years.

Don't think about it anymore, the mysterious behind-the-scenes driving force is the way of heaven!
"Haven't you tried to stop the sacrifice?"

With a flash of inspiration, Zhang Yuan just wanted to ask this question, but suddenly stopped talking.

How could the small supporting roles of the Dark Clan prevent the sacrifice?

However, although it is impossible for the Dark Clan to stop the sacrifice, he can!
Because he is strong!

Very fierce.

It is easy to hang and beat the Lord of Light, and he is definitely a unique strongman.

As long as the sacrifice is stopped, how can Yuan Xing grow?

How can the way of heaven change?

It can only eat shit!
"Okay, hahaha, I am indeed a genius. As long as I stop those rebels from sacrificing Yuan Xing, Yuan Xing's growth will stagnate. Now it is the ninth era, not the end of the era. Yuan Xing has only accumulated eight There is still one era left, and this is my chance." Zhang Yuan was proud of himself.


A steady batch.

Feel like you have the whole situation in your hands.

"No, no, just be steady, let Ergou and the others continue to plunder resources. I will continue to devour the origin of Yuan Xing. Now Yuan Xing has just awakened. The Dao of Heaven has not yet awakened. Just continue to devour Yuan Xing's origin. The stars will be stunted, and the Dao of Heaven will not be able to wake up."


Completely stabilized.

Continue to devour, the accumulation of Yuanxing's eight eras is all his.


After thinking about all this clearly, Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling very comfortable.

The way of heaven or something, it's just a boy who spreads money.

Like his good friend, the Lord of Light, he is a very cute person.

"Darkness, what are the requirements for the location of the sacrifice? When will Heavenly Dao wake up, and what are the conditions for awakening, you can tell me in detail."

Zhang Yuandao.


An Fu did not hesitate, he also hoped that Zhang Yuan could resist Emperor Xing.

Next, An couldn't elaborate on related matters.

These are the wealth accumulated by the Dark Clan over countless years.

It's all sent out now.


Zhang Yuan listened, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally his heart beat suddenly.

"Well, it seems that everything is as I guessed."

Zhang Yuan grinned, he is really the most resourceful existence in the world.

Brave and resourceful, the world is invincible.

It is impossible for other creatures to devour the original power, but he himself can.

The current source star is not enough to support Tiandao's awakening, especially this time the source star's mutation has disrupted the rhythm, and the heavenly secrets have messed up everything. Tiandao is probably in a daze, and it may take a long time to wake up.

As long as he devours the source and prevents the sacrifice, Yuan Xing is a chicken!
God, it's rubbish.


While excited, Zhang Yuan quickly calmed down.

He is no longer the boy he was back then, he has matured a lot.

Whatever you do, stay calm.

Staring at An Fu, Zhang Yuan's tone suddenly changed: "An Fa, why don't the dark people tell the secret of Yuan Xing? I believe that there are many existences who would definitely not want to see Yuan Xing. Isn't the conspiracy bankrupt? Why didn't it exist to stop the way of heaven?"

Zhang Yuan firmly believed that no one would like to see an existence like Heaven's Dao transform into a living being. This meant that it was uncontrollable, and it also meant an unknown crisis.

If the way of heaven does not change, Zhang Yuan will not be able to bear the sacrifice.

After all, if you sacrifice, you can gain power!

"go out?"

An Fu was stunned for a moment, and said, "This... this... it seems like we can't get out..."

"can not go out?"

Zhang Yuan was a little surprised.

"Yes, I can't get out. The dark people are cursed by the Dao of Heaven. Once they leave here, they will die immediately, and we can't tell the secrets about the Dao of Heaven. Even this idea must not appear..."

"It's going to die... it's going to..."


An couldn't be dumbfounded, his eyes widened, he looked at himself, patted his face, then looked at Zhang Yuan, his pupils constricted, and ecstasy was written on his face.

"This... this... I said it? Right? I really said it? I said it!"

Speech is incoherent.

"Haha... woo woo... I said it, woo woo... I've kept the secret for so long..." An couldn't laugh out loud, burst into tears, covered his face, sobbed, and finally beat his chest and feet, crying loudly up.

"Ah! Damn heaven, woo woo woo, my dark race... woo woo woo..."




Zhang Yuan looked at the sky, but he didn't feel that An Fu was lying.

Under his current strong willpower, it is impossible for An Yin to lie.

But An Falang told the truth in the prairie world.

in this case.

The prairie world is extraordinary, and it is actually isolated from the curse of heaven.

No wonder it can devour Yuan Xing's original power, which belongs to another level of power, even if it is as strong as the main god, it is impossible to swallow Yuan Yuan.

"The power of the source is infinitely mysterious, and it is the gate of all living beings. Not all worlds have the source. Only the real world can give birth to the source."

Zhang Yuan's eyes flickered, the prairie world is a real world!

He is the "Day of Heaven"!

The inexhaustible aura burst out of his body, and Zhang Yuan became more and more mysterious.

Walking in the air, overlooking the world, my heart is full of pride and ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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