Chapter 357

"It's you?!"

An angry roar erupted from it, and it seemed that he could see it, so he was furious, killing like a knife, and roared: "How could you be here??"

"It's me, can't you think of it? The way of heaven." Zhang Yuandao: "Now, surrender to this king, and this king will spare your life, otherwise this king will devour you and destroy you."

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Yuan raised his paw and slapped down on the egg.

In an instant, everything visible and intangible was annihilated, and the coercion from the egg couldn't withstand Zhang Yuan's attack, and it collapsed directly, leaving nothing left.

The chicken egg exploded directly, and the incomparably gorgeous mysterious energy suddenly overflowed.


The screams sounded, but stopped abruptly the next moment, as if they were dead.

The chicken egg has been broken, and there is no trace of the so-called heaven in it.

"It turns out that you are the way of heaven, without shape, conceptual existence, interesting."

Zhang Yuan looked to the side, where the energy that had just overflowed began to gather.

The bright light flickered and transformed into a lava giant.

"Damn it, why are you so powerful, it's impossible, it's impossible."

Tiandao was startled and angry, and said: "Outlier, you are an outlier, you deserve to die."

"Originally, everything went according to plan. There has never been a mistake in the eight epochs. Unexpectedly, in the ninth epoch, an accident occurred."

Tiandao's expression twisted, and he transformed into a golden dragon again.

hold head high--

"I was wrong. When I woke up before, even if I paid the price, I would devour that alternative world and make you lose your sustenance. What happened today will not happen."

The golden eyes were full of remorse, he had already noticed the abnormality.

However, he had no choice but to use some special means to promote the plan, trying to correct all abnormalities and ensure his own transformation.

However, unexpectedly, this kind of thing will happen.

hold head high--

The next moment, he turned into a dragon again, and suddenly grew phoenix wings.

The body shape is unpredictable, without a specific shape, it seems very mysterious.

"Where do you come from? Outside the starry sky world? Or, are you a creature from the starry sky world?? You are a different kind, a newborn, not an old monster from the Emperor Star era, nor a creature from the starry sky world. You are just a monster."

Heaven roared.

Wisps of breath leaked out uncontrollably, dissipated invisible, and disappeared without a trace.

It can be seen that this time he was forcibly broken from his slumber, and just now he was attacked by Zhang Yuan again, causing heavy losses, and he couldn't even maintain himself.

"My origin..."

Tiandao's expression moved, and he wanted to absorb the power of the source, but found that he had only absorbed a trace of the power of the source. When he looked at the place of the source, he couldn't help tearing his eyes. When he saw the scene of the end of the source star, his face became very hideous .


Staring at Zhang Yuan, his eyes almost burst into flames, and said, "What have you done!"

"I can't let you be born."

Zhang Yuan spoke bluntly, and said: "You are the way of heaven, not a living being. Controlling the power of the source is too high-level. Your birth is a catastrophe in the starry sky world. In the past eight epochs, you have devoured too many living beings. In the ninth The sacrifice of the Era, I am afraid that you will devour the main god and start a catastrophe of the gods. When you are born, all the creatures in the starry sky world may be buried by you."

Zhang Yuan squinted his eyes, and he saw the surging source in Tiandao's body.

Too strong.

Dense chains of laws are interspersed in it, constructing a powerful body.

If he transforms, he will be a small starry sky world, and no existence can stop his coming, and everything may be broken accordingly.

"It's extremely ridiculous to say it high-soundingly. In this world, things are selected by nature."

Tiandao sneered endlessly, but: "The reason why you are strong is because you devour my energy? What is the difference between you and me when you are devouring Yuan Xing now?"

"Since this is the case, this king will have a showdown. Yes, natural selection and survival of the fittest, but you have tried every means to design this king, and this king has no choice but to deal with you."

Zhang Yuan sneered, and said: "Your appearance has made me very worried, so surrender."

"Not killing you, surrendering, is a gift to you, you only have one day."

"One day, if you are unwilling to surrender, then this king will have no choice but to destroy you."


As soon as the voice fell, a surging breath burst out, sealing off the surrounding area.


Tiandao's expression twisted, and after a loud roar, it turned into a ball of bright energy.

He was too weak, woke up early, fell short, and everything was in vain.

Ups and downs.

He frantically devoured the original power, but he couldn't swallow much. Instead, with the leak of his own breath, his strength disappeared little by little.

This is boiled frogs in warm water.

Watching myself fall from the peak to the abyss with my own eyes is absolutely painful.


On the one hand, Zhang Yuan watched from the sidelines, watching coldly, and did not make a move.

One day later, if Tiandao is unwilling to surrender, he has no choice but to kill him.

However, Zhang Yuan was actually skeptical about whether he could kill the weird and special mysterious existence of Tiandao, and he was not sure.

Once it fails, the Heavenly Dao will inevitably lie dormant and become a poisonous snake in the corner.

very dangerous.

After all, this kind of existence that can persist for nine epochs is really terrifying.

Therefore, Zhang Yuan hoped that the other party would surrender, and even if he wanted to betray him, it would be too late, because his strength was increasing day by day, and coupled with his own plan, it would naturally be a breeze to kill Tiandao.

Looking at Tiandao's roaring posture, Zhang Yuan knew that he could win.

There is nothing left and right, Zhang Yuan observes the way of heaven, his eyes flicker, countless information flashes away, and gradually, he has some insights in his heart.

The breath changes, and chains of laws flash out, shuttling through the flesh and blood.

In fact, he and Tiandao can be said to be the same kind of existence.

They all control powerful power, and their personalities are far above the gods.

"Laws create the body, the source is energy, so it is so, so it is..."

Zhang Yuan nodded secretly, his eyes lit up, and he eagerly realized it.

"The power of the world is indeed powerful and has great power, but it is not the power of laws. It is just the manifestation of countless laws. It is a manifestation of the inability to gather laws. It is not the root, and the power of laws is the root."

Thoughts are flying.

Zhang Yuan's thoughts flowed like a spring, he realized the mystery, and special changes occurred in himself.


Faintly, there seemed to be the sound of the chains of laws colliding in the body.

Sonorous, imposing, endless.

Although the spiritual power value has not changed, the breath has become different.

I knew it before but I didn't know why.

Now it is gradually changing, understanding the truth, knowing what it is, and knowing why it is.

Before that, Zhang Yuan could only drive the power of the world, but he didn't know the secret of the birth of the power of the world. The reason why he crushed the Heavenly Dao was because the Heavenly Dao hadn't officially awakened yet, and his own strength was indeed very strong!

To tell the truth, if Tiandao is fully awakened, Zhang Yuan feels that even if he is more than ten times stronger than now, he can only compete with Tiandao, that's all.

Now it's all because of taking advantage of his unpreparedness and severely clouding the way of heaven.



boom! !

The breath of heaven rioted.

Witnessing all of this happening, he immediately became so angry that he yelled.

"Damn it, you're spying on me!"

At this moment, he felt a strong pressure, startled and angry.

I couldn't move anymore, and many secrets were exposed one after another.

Can't help but be terrified, this guy's life situation has started to change!
It doesn't seem to be any worse than him.

"Don't move."

Zhang Yuan said calmly, his eyes flickering, prying into the deepest secrets of the Dao of Heaven.


The breath is even more extraordinary, and the chains of laws are entangled in all directions.

The body gradually became illusory, replaced by thick and terrifying laws, and what flowed in them was the original power.

However, these original powers are rapidly dissipating and being plundered by the system.

Zhang Yuan ignored it, and continued to understand deeply, to understand the truth inside.

He originally controlled the power of the world, and he has a deep understanding of it. The current comprehension seems incredible, but it is just a smooth sailing.

It's as if he has obtained the complete code and understands the execution effect, while what Tiandao has is the specific logic of the code.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the code logic when comparing the execution effects.

Somewhere, Zhang Yuan had an inexplicable feeling that this was a chance!

The white horse is over.


Finally, Zhang Yuan's whole body was shaken, turning into thousands of laws, endless origin.

The body has disappeared.

No trace.


Tens of thousands of innumerable powers of law collided and vibrated wildly.

Covering the endless space, even the Dao of Heaven was forcibly suppressed.

The terrifying coercion seems to come from another dimension, with supreme power that surpasses everything, even if it is the way of heaven, it is far inferior.


The shrill screams can be heard endlessly: "You, you stole my efforts."

Unfortunately, Zhang Yuan couldn't hear his voice at this moment.

He has disappeared, or rather, he is everywhere and nowhere to be found.


The will diffuses, transcends the dimensions of time and space, and overrides everything.

Indistinctly, it seems to have received some extremely powerful assistance.

As a result, the will is unprecedentedly strong, magnificent, and surging, and it seems that many things mixed in the will have been discarded, such as emotions, such as greed, hatred, and ignorance...

Take Yuan Xing as the starting point of thinking.

Diffuse millions of light years, tens of millions of light years, billions of light years.

Tens of billions of light years, trillions of light years.

I saw many creatures, gods, and even various secrets.

However, all of this has never been able to attract the attention of the magnificent will.

It has transcended everything, surpassed everything, and belongs to the existence of concepts.

Indifferent, ruthless, overlooking all living beings.

Its mission is to maintain the operation of the starry sky world and control everything.

And, destroy everything!

Tiandao screamed again and again, and when he found something, he yelled: "Stop, stop, you are chasing the emperor star, do you want to destroy everything? Stop...stop..."


"Ding! After detecting the transformation of the host's life form, it is respected as a Dao-level creature, and the spiritual power value begins to be transformed into the original power, transformation, transformation."






At the same time, one after another hurried voices began to ring out continuously.

The incomparably surging original power visible to the naked eye began to appear crazily.


An incomparably terrifying source storm erupted, directly sweeping across the nine heavens and ten earths.

Even Tiandao collapsed amidst a shrill scream.


The chains of incomparably thick laws vibrated and made clanging sounds, and began to condense under the powerful and terrifying power of the original storm...

Constructed hair, thighs, skulls, flesh, bones, and blood.


One by one worlds can be vaguely seen, disillusionment and disillusionment coexist, appearing mysterious and unpredictable.

Finally, when the storm subsided, a golden lion with golden hair and only about five meters high appeared in the center of the storm.

All is quiet.

The breath is not obvious, and it is unremarkable.

But it also contains some kind of unimaginable power, and there are infinite changes in an instant.

His deep eyes stared at the unknown area, and there was a flash of throbbing.

"There, is the ocean?"

Zhang Yuan secretly thought that he saw a vast ocean constructed by the power of countless laws, covering the entire starry sky world, full of origin!
A place of incomparable origin!Affected the entire starry sky world!

And here, it's just a small pond.

It turned out that there was such treachery in the invisible place.

(End of this chapter)

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