My cheating is too hard

Chapter 368 The Great Eruption of the Lord of Light

Chapter 368 The Great Eruption of the Lord of Light

"You are not dead, how could you not be dead, you are already dead!"

Gu Ding's face changed drastically, and at this moment, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

It's incredible.

Back then, he saw Ramos turn into ashes in front of his own eyes.

Being sacrificed to Yuan Xing, his body was smashed to pieces, and even resurrection was impossible.

Never expected that today, Ramos would appear in such a posture.

Really scary.

The mysterious and mysterious aura, the strange coercion far surpassing the life level of the gods, rushed towards his face, making him feel suffocated.

Holding God King Scathach seemed to be kneading a certain ant.

"You broke through."

Gu Ding no longer entangled with Ramos' resurrection. In an instant, he discovered the strangeness of Ramos, and couldn't help but widen his eyes, staring at Ramos, and couldn't help but sprout fear.


As the top powerhouse of the Shenlong clan, Gu Ding naturally knew some secrets.

According to legend, in ancient times, in the ancient era when there were no acquired gods, the innate gods were superior, born as gods, and in charge of everything in the world, while creatures could only be ruled and had no ability to resist.

However, some creatures are uniquely endowed with extremely powerful talents.

They absorb a certain mysterious energy floating between heaven and earth, break through the limit of their own life level, step by step, and finally rival the mighty power of gods.

And this unique way of cultivation was gradually abandoned with the birth of various gods, and finally disappeared in the long river of ancient times.

Later, that is now, after countless years of development, the belief in gods has reached its peak. Many powerful existences are subject to various restrictions and cannot break through. There is no possibility of a breakthrough at all.

Another example is Gu Ding himself, who obviously has the combat power of a god king, but is a high god.

In short, the avenue of belief in gods is also limited.

So at some point, this ancient and unique way of cultivation appeared in the starry sky world, breaking the limit of life and spying on the truth.

Now, from Ramos, Gu Ding felt this coercion from the level of life, which was indescribable and beyond the understanding of the gods.

This feeling is like a mortal looking up at a god king, which is completely incomprehensible.

full of mystery.

Even the powerful Lord of Light did not give him this feeling.

"Yes, I didn't expect it, Gu Ding, I would like to thank you, if it weren't for you and Skaha who sacrificed this seat together, how could this seat have the opportunity to break the limit of the gods and become another level of existence ?”

Ramos sneered and said, "This seat is already the supreme source of life."

"Original creature?"

Gu Ding was a little lost, looking at Ramos with complicated eyes.

Looking at the sky, I was a little bit embarrassed, and my heart was full of infinite doubts.

Why Ramos came back from the dead, why such a strange thing happened this time, the appearance of the mysterious lion, what is hidden behind it...

"The sorrow of a chess piece."

Gu Ding secretly thought, looked at Ramos, and returned to his usual demeanor in a blink of an eye.

"Come on, kill me, and you can have revenge, Dragon God Ramos."

Although his expression remained the same, he already had the will to die, and there was even a faint trace of exhaustion, as if he was already tired of the current life.

"No, I will not kill you."

Ramos said, throwing Skaha towards Gu Ding and smashing it to the side of Gu Ding.


Gu Ding was stunned.

"Hmph, be lucky, the king said he wanted to keep you alive, so I won't kill you. Revenge can only be fun for a while, but I hope to be happy forever!"

Ramos' eyes were burning, full of awe, and he looked at the mysterious existence in the center of the storm in the distance, which was confronting the Lord of Light who had stood at the peak of the gods for countless years, and said, "The one who rules your destiny."


Gu Ding looked over and muttered to himself: "What a great existence it is."

He couldn't see the other party's breath, but he could sense the instinctive fear in the dark. The other party seemed to be able to kill him easily with a single glance.

Scathach on the side has stopped howling, while repairing the already battered divine body, while looking at the Lord of Light with a distorted expression.


After cursing a few words in his heart, Skaha looked at the existence of strength that he could not even see clearly against the Lord of Light, his eyes were full of heat.

"Quick, quick, kill the Lord of Light, and I, Skaha, am willing to surrender to you."

boom! !

Scathach flew out like a cannonball, doubled several times, and then stopped.


Ramos shot, "How can you talk about the existence of the king?"

"Bastard, what do you mean?!" Skaha roared furiously.

Looking at the puzzled Scathach, Ramos' expression was full of sarcasm.

Although he won't kill Scathach, it doesn't mean that he can't torture him. Now this guy has committed a serious crime and must be punished.

Deceive yourself.


far away.

The Lord of Light, Zhang Yuan, confronted each other.

The former exudes a strong and terrifying aura, sweeping the nine heavens and ten earths.

The coercion turned into substance, and the incomparably rich power of light evolved worlds one after another, disillusionment and disillusionment were born, and deafening praises were emitted.

Cover the sky.

The breath of the latter is as calm as water, and the ancient well has no waves, and there are no ripples.

The fluffy golden hair swayed in the wind, full of freehand and indifferent.

Compared with the former, the latter is full of indifference, with a kind of charm that you can let the wind from east to west, north and south, and I stand still.

"You humble, lowly, damned shameless thief, now that you have seen me coming, and you still don't kneel down to worship, I can let you go."


Seeing such awe-inspiring contrast, the Lord of Light's face became very ugly, as if he was a humble and pitiful clown just now.

Barking wildly.

It made him feel ashamed, especially when he remembered that the thief might have been spying on him, he couldn't help being even more annoyed, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Only with the power of the great master, he must kill the thief.

Then, destroy the origin star and bury this humiliating scene.

As a great ruler, such a shameful thing is absolutely not allowed to happen.

As soon as the voice fell, the Lord of Light moved directly, and his movements were clean and neat.


The berserk breath soared into the sky, distorting the time and space, everything visible and intangible was being annihilated, the space collapsed, and the world shook accordingly.


Spatial cracks appeared crazily, swallowing endless turbulent void...

Just in an instant, within a few light-years of the source star, it was swept by the aura.

From a distance, I couldn't see clearly at all, I could only hear deafening roars, engulfed in endless energy, destroying everything frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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