My cheating is too hard

Chapter 386 Using the Law of Destroying the Gods

Chapter 386 Using the Law of Destroying the Gods


The starry sky oscillates, the land is chaotic, the laws are distorted, and turbulent waves are stirred up.

The vast and boundless aura poured into the starry sky, and there were tall golden figures standing in the starry sky, and there was another figure behind him, with a similar golden body, although the aura was weaker, the aura was still extraordinary.

As the stars change, the sky changes, and nine huge ancient palaces stand in nine directions of the starry sky, vibrating slightly, splashing infinite momentum, vaguely forming some kind of powerful closed loop, sealing the sky and the earth.

Almost at the same time, voices of shouts sounded everywhere.

This is the voice of praise from the gods, dedicated to the power of extremely pure faith, centered on the closed loop, filling this world, everywhere.

If there are gods here, they will definitely exclaim that this place is isolated from the starry sky.

A world of its own.

next moment.



The projections of thousands of gods appeared out of thin air, and they worshiped towards the starry sky, shouting in unison, making praises, and their expressions were very fanatical.

"Praise the great master."

"The great existence that rules the starry sky, praise you, sing praises to you, you are immortal, you rule the gods, you are the father of the gods, and you are the controller of the starry sky."

"The starry sky fell, the sun and the moon lost their brilliance, you came from the past, and led the gods to a better future, your will is above all else, I praise you."

"That indescribable greatness, in front of you, the gods will also prostrate at your feet. When you wake up from a deep sleep, you will definitely gain the faith of the gods."

It is unimaginable that thousands of gods are offering their faith at this moment.

Even the great Lord God has never had such a splendid deed.

"it is good."

Looking at this scene, Meng Yuan and the other nine commanders couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Countless years, for this moment!

"Praise the Old Gods."

Meng Yuan suddenly shouted, Wei An's figure was doing ancient etiquette.

His expression was frenzied, his mood was agitated, and he couldn't calm down at all at this moment.

As long as the ancient gods wake up, the ancient gods will inevitably rule the entire starry sky world.

"Praise the Old Gods."

The other major commanders also shouted to meet the ancient etiquette.

As for the other descendants of the ancient gods, they followed closely behind and also shouted.

Different from the several great commanders, the descendants of the ancient gods prostrated themselves and sang praises.

All of a sudden, this piece of starry sky world that was blocked layer by layer by nine huge palaces sounded the sound of singing, and the vibration was full of faith.


The power of faith that almost turned into substance gradually filled the starry sky.

This is the belief from the gods, pure, and contains mysterious power.

Because the gods comprehend the law, the power of faith is full of the power of law, and when the turbulence is sweeping, it constantly washes away the distorted power of law that fills the starry sky, making it annihilated.

Visible to the naked eye, the power of one law after another gradually dissipates and annihilates.

There is no such thing.


The power of faith from several leaders and descendants of the ancient gods was like a broken bamboo, tearing apart all existence, and rushing towards the most chaotic central place.


Annihilation, the power of faith is melting, and the power of law is also rapidly dissipating.

However, the power of law is always the power of law, and it wants to gather again, one life is two, two is three, three is all things, and it will evolve infinitely.

"Come again!"

Meng Yuan roared loudly, and thousands of gods immediately sang loudly.

They actually burned up one after another, sublimated to the utmost, and broke out at the peak of faith.

This is truly dedicating everything. The divine body, the divine kingdom, the divine head, and even all believers are all burning at this moment, turning into pure power of faith.


The power of faith turned into a torrent, like a millstone, crushing the power of law in this starry sky, and at the moment before the power of law attempted to counterattack, it broke out again, with all its momentum, it was like a broken bamboo, and it was out of control.

However, the power of law is really terrifying, and there are infinite changes in an instant.

Even though it was constantly being annihilated, it actually resisted and wanted to counterattack.


In the end, a god turned into a brilliant light and rushed towards the starry sky.


As if toppling the dominoes, the gods and gods turned into brilliant light one after another, burning the last trace of power in their lives.

Strong reactions continued to erupt, and the power of law attempted to make a final resistance, so the fluctuation became more intense, and the starry sky was shaking and shattering. Fortunately, the nine palaces echoed from afar, forming a powerful barrier.

Otherwise, once this aura is exposed, it will definitely set off waves.

The descendants of the ancient gods came to the palace one after another under the protection of Meng Yuan and other leaders, arousing their aura and arousing the last force of the palace.

A beam of light with a diameter of several light-years suddenly bloomed from the palace and rushed to the center of the starry sky. Wherever it passed, everything turned into nothingness.

The strong explosion sound swept away in all directions, carrying the aura of actions far beyond the limits of the gods, and the palace shook accordingly.

But, fortunately, the breath was still blocked and did not leak out.

"Praise the ancient gods!"

Meng Yuan looked frenzied, looking at the treacherous starry sky, he was shocked.

Without the isolation of the palace, they would have already fallen in this explosion.

I am afraid that even the greatest main god in the starry sky world may fall.

The rest of the commanders and descendants of the ancient gods watched, either in shock or with lingering fears, but they all lamented the power of the palace, which blocked such terrible fluctuations. I really don't know how it was built.


I don't know how long it has been.

When everything ends and everything is calm, the original starry sky has been annihilated.

A void.

The power of the law is completely cut off, no longer born, and has lost its foundation.


Just at this time, a great aura that surpassed the gods quietly emerged from nothingness, soundless, condensed into shape, and came into being from nothing.

The power of thousands of laws unexpectedly reappeared, but in an orderly manner, interweaving and constructing bones, flesh and blood, and even more surging original power filled it.

Suddenly, the starry sky shook, and in an instant, it disappeared into nothingness.

What was just now seems to be an illusion, not real, but a false scene.


I saw a giant who seemed to come from the wild age, born from the breath, and seemed to come from the other side of the starry sky, and seemed to be here in the first place. It seemed strange and unpredictable, full of mystery and unknown.

Standing in the starry sky with a majestic posture, he broke through the shackles of the nine palaces in one fell swoop.

With a wave of his hand, he lifted the waves and leaned forward, as if he wanted to catch something.

Almost at the same time, palaces collapsed and disappeared.

It turned into a black torrent, rushed towards that palm, and gradually condensed into shape...

It's a giant axe.

"Do not……"

Meng Yuan screamed again and again, he couldn't believe it, his body was actually collapsing.

this moment.

Not only him, other commanders and descendants of ancient gods are also collapsing.

Following the collapse of the nine palaces, they disintegrated and fell directly.

(End of this chapter)

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