My cheating is too hard

Chapter 390 The strength soars, just one point away

Chapter 390 The strength soars, almost

"This king is Taoist Zhang."

Zhang Yuan opened his mouth leisurely, came at a leisurely pace, looked at the God King of Wisdom, and couldn't help feeling a little bit of surprise in his heart. He didn't expect that the God King of Wisdom would appear before he had time to flex his muscles, and he also activated the power of time.

Although it was useless, he wanted to deal with the ancient god, but in the end he dealt with loneliness.

However, if he came to use the power of time, it would be different.

The method used by the Wisdom God King to use the power of time is extremely superficial, and he has only grasped the surface. It is completely idiotic to use this to deal with the ancient gods.

Moreover, the fragments of the Gate of Time were not refined by the God King of Wisdom.

Tell the truth.

Big waste.

If he obtained this fragment, his strength would definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

The power of time contained in this fragment of the gate of time is really terrifying, far exceeding the fragment of the gate of time that Zhang Yuan swallowed before.

Even if it devours ten ancient gods, it is far inferior to this fragment.

It is precisely because of the terrifying amount of power of time that God King Wisdom can use the aura emitted by the fragments to make the time around the ancient god go backwards.

Although the ancient god resisted, it was all because the God King of Wisdom was too weak.

The weak, even with a giant axe, are still weak, humble and insignificant.

"Okay, okay, I originally wanted to deal with the ancient gods, but I didn't expect a surprise."

The more Zhang Yuan looked at it, the more he was satisfied. He could temporarily give up everything about the ancient gods.

The fragments of the gate of time are the most precious thing, far surpassing the ancient gods.

"Daoren Zhang?"

The God King of Wisdom tried hard to calm down, frantically driving the fragments of the gate of time, but the divine body was firmly suppressed, and some kind of great terror was sensed in the dark, sweeping over and hanging high above his head.

It seemed that in the next moment, he would fall and completely dissipate into the starry sky.

The fragments of the gate of time remained motionless, and did not respond to his call.

The opponent is really too strong.

Unheard of.

The identity is also very strange.

He is well-informed, knowledgeable, and knows a lot of ancient knowledge, but he has never heard of such a terrifying existence as Taoist Zhang.

At this moment, I seem to be facing the starry sky world.

"What exactly do you want to do?" The King of Wisdom wanted to struggle.

However, a huge claw suddenly appeared and placed on top of his head.

"Do not……"

The God King of Wisdom was terrified. He never expected that the other party would not play cards according to the routine. He had just said a word and was about to snatch it.

boom! !

A great power beyond his imagination suddenly erupted from the top of his head, turbulent, full of infinite terror and indescribable power, broke through everything in an instant, and rushed into the godhead.

Almost at the same time, the godhead suddenly exploded, and was about to fly away to the surroundings, but it stayed at the moment of the rupture the next moment. With a mysterious ray of light passing by, the godhead returned to normal, intact as before.

Only the fragments of the gate of time disappeared, nothing remained.

Inside the godhead, there is nothing but the aura that symbolizes the king of the gods is circulating, ups and downs, seemingly full of greatness, but also very lonely.


The godhead was spinning, as if screaming, feeling that something was missing.

"The power of time..."

The God King of Wisdom stared wide-eyed, looking at the empty godhood, as if mourning, and couldn't help becoming a little crazy. He couldn't believe that the fragments of the gate of time were snatched away so easily. This is a great existence that even the main god can't do anything about. , the supreme power of the starry sky does not exist.

"What a great existence the Gate of Time is, it's really, unbelievable."

Zhang Yuan praised.

Ignoring the God King of Wisdom who was in despair, Zhang Yuan looked at the huge shard of the Gate of Time in front of him. It was a simple shard that looked very ordinary, even without embellishments, but it was so mysterious.

Suspended in the void, it seems to be forbidden to move, but the extremely rich time breath emanating from it distorts the surrounding time and space.

Infinite visions are born, past, future, present, and so on.

Zhang Yuan couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion, sighed, and his eyes became hot.

This fragment is a corner, a corner of the gate, and it is very huge.

It is estimated that this scale is equivalent to one percent of the Time Gate!

It's terrifying.

No wonder the God King of Wisdom, such a humble and insignificant weakling, made the time of the ancient god go backwards only with the breath from the fragments of the time gate.

"Damn it, return it to me!"

The God King of Wisdom roared, and when he realized it, he was about to grab the fragments.

However, the next moment, he saw the fragments of the gate of time and was swallowed in one gulp.


The roar stopped abruptly, and the God King of Wisdom widened his eyes. When the familiar strong fluctuations rushed towards his face, his eyes were full of disbelief. He couldn't believe this scene at all, and swallowed his saliva.

"you you……"

Trembling, completely speechless by this scene.

If he is not dazzled, the time gate fragments have been refined.

But how is this possible? !


The God King of Wisdom trembled and wanted to refute, but his slightly trembling voice proved the despair in his heart, and he felt that he was really going crazy.

The fragments of the gate of time, the indescribably great existence before the endless years, the most powerful treasure that could not be refined even for an unknown number of years, and now, it was refined in the blink of an eye? !


The God King of Wisdom trembled all over, his eyes were a little dazed, and he felt that the world had played a joke on him, "Could it be that I have worked hard for so long, and everything is a wedding dress? I am the owner of the fragments of the gate of time, I am."

Howling inside.


"Ding! Control the law of time: 0.9%"



A breath of surging power of time lingered around Zhang Yuan.

It's an unprecedented feeling.

All-time powerful.

At this moment, Zhang Yuan felt that he had been greatly sublimated. From the inside to the outside, the feeling brought by the increase of the power of time was not only the strength of the level of strength, but more importantly, the essence seemed to be transformed!
In the dark, Zhang Yuan seems to have seen a long river running through the endless years, rushing and roaring, breaking off waves, evolving and changing endlessly.

That is the legendary river of time.

However, this feeling disappeared in an instant, fleeting.

"It's a little bit, just a little bit, 0.1%, and 0.1% is 1%. I feel that at this critical point, there will be huge changes."

Zhang Yuan muttered to himself, there is a kind of understanding in the dark, when he controls 1% of the law of time, he can summon the legendary river of time.

At that time-

It is truly invincible.


Zhang Yuan sighed endlessly, then put away his distracting thoughts and felt the changes in his body.

His eyes are shining brightly, he has become so much stronger, aside from the power of time, relying on strength alone is enough to crush his previous self.


At the same time, a mysterious message emerged from the instinct.

"I see…"

Zhang Yuan's eyes flickered, and he looked faintly at the starry sky world above his head, "Although Dao-level creatures are powerful, they can only escape from the shackles of the starry sky world if they control more than 1% of the law of time."

(End of this chapter)

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