My cheating is too hard

Chapter 392 Don't think too much

Chapter 392 Don't think too much

There is no doubt that the battle between the ancient gods and the four main gods is absolutely earth-shattering, and the entire starry sky world is affected. As long as there is an attack to break through the starry sky world, any existence may be destroyed at any time.

Can't be stopped.

This is a game between the ancient gods and the ocean of endless laws in the starry sky world, and the starry sky world is not very safe until the winner is determined.

Every moment, countless stars fall, and countless creatures die.

The gods were terrified and desperate, and had to rush to the edge of the starry world.

An atmosphere of fear filled the entire starry sky world, filling the starry sky.



A bright ray of light came through the sky, pierced a territory of the starry sky world, and tore the whole territory in half after the shock.

Then it continued to break through the sky, leaving only a messy, fragmented starry sky, endless fragments of life, and mournful and desperate wailing.

Affected pond fish.

Similar scenes are constantly being staged, one after another, more and more frequently.

There is no possibility of stopping.

Unless some strong person intervenes in this war, the two sides in the battle are really too strong, and their strength has reached an unimaginably terrifying level.

If you intervene, you may fall into the quagmire, unable to extricate yourself, and will eventually fall.


Looking at the starry sky full of holes, Zhang Yuan has nothing to say.

The starry sky world is shattering, and the void turbulence world is constantly eroding the starry sky world. The starry sky world has reached the moment of life and death.

However, for some reason, Zhang Yuan discovered that behind the collapse of the starry sky world, there was a taste of conspiracy, which seemed a bit unusual.

"Could it be that the ocean of endless law also has wisdom? However, according to the great and supreme rules, the ocean of law is the foundation of maintaining all normal operations. It is impossible to give birth to wisdom. Since there is no wisdom, why do you do this? Could it be that the ocean of endless law really have wisdom..."

Looking at the endless sea of ​​laws above the starry sky world, Zhang Yuan fell into deep thought, his eyes were dim, and he felt that this scene seemed familiar and a little strange.


"Did Emperor Star collapse on its own initiative? It may be, or it may not be. A blind man feels an elephant, who can tell clearly? Sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing. The less you know, the more you will act without fear. "


Recalling what Zhang Taoist said to him, Zhang Yuan sighed.

"Indeed, sometimes, if you know too much, you will restrain yourself instead."

"If I control the 1% law of time, I will be able to transcend. At that time, even if the starry sky world collapses, I will not be afraid. I should let go of my obsession."

Zhang Yuan muttered to himself, and decided to give up all unrealistic thoughts for the time being, regardless of the conspiracy behind this matter, as long as his strength was raised, no matter how terrible the conspiracy was, it would not be able to restrain him at all.

If the strength is humble and insignificant, even if you know the truth, what can you do?
Just like these pond fish, in this war, they can only be reduced to dust.

After thinking about this, Zhang Yuan's heart was extremely transparent, and there was no wave in the ancient well. In the next moment, he crossed an infinite distance and came to the other side of the starry sky.



This is a sea of ​​thunder.

Covering a radius of tens of millions of light years, it occupies an extremely vast starry sky territory.

It is a miraculous place left over from the ancient times. According to rumors, it is the place where an ancient god fell. There is a terrifying power of thunder inside. Even the existence of the god-king level cannot penetrate deeply.

While Zhang Yuan devoured the God King, he also plundered the huge memory of the God King.

Learn about this place.

Before ancient times, it was the sleeping place of the god of thunder, the innate god.

But whether it is a sleeping place or not is not certain. This is just a legend, but the records about this place are very rich.

Since the end of the Emperor Star Era and the beginning of the Starry Sky World, endless creatures with the attribute of thunder have been born here, and the God King of Thunder is one of the best. It only took trillions of years to ascend to the throne of God King.

The reason why he ascended to the throne of the God King so quickly was because the Thunder God King received a part of the inheritance of the Thunder God, so he advanced by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, it is obvious that this place must be closely related to the God of Thunder.



Zhang Yuan looked into the depths of Thunder Ocean, his eyes flickered, and the power of endless law was condensed in his eyes, breaking through all illusions forcefully.

With just one glance, Zhang Yuan saw a majestic figure in the depths of the Thunder Ocean. The opponent was entrenched in the original land, and was continuously devouring the power of the original.

About to be promoted to Taoist rank.


Zhang Yuan opened his eyes slightly, and could see the other party clearly.

If Zhang Yuan hadn't obtained the Time Gate Fragment from the God King of Wisdom, Zhang Yuan would have alarmed the existence in the depths of the Thunder Ocean, but now he has reached a certain critical point, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, reaching an unimaginable level.

Even if the breath was caught by the sea of ​​endless laws, Zhang Yuan was confident that he could leave calmly, so it was impossible for the other party to find out.


after one day.

Zhang Yuan withdrew his gaze, thoughtful, this half-step Dao-level creature is not perfect, just like Zhang Taoist, something is missing in its core.

Zhang Yuan didn't observe the ancient god carefully, so he didn't know whether the ancient god was also imperfect, but according to speculation, he might not be perfect either.

"So, only by mastering the law of time can it be perfect, otherwise there will be some omissions, even if it is promoted, it is not a real Dao-level creature."

Zhang Yuan reported a cautious attitude, but felt that he might not be wrong.

As such.

The meaning represented by the gate of time may not be so simple.

If the Dao-level creatures cannot control the law of time, no matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to escape this starry world at all.

"So, the starry sky world is a cage, and the law of time is the key."

Seeing this treacherous sea of ​​endless laws, Zhang Yuan was extremely apprehensive.

How can not understand.

The great starry sky world is actually a cage, trapping all living beings.

"I hope I'm wrong. If it's true, then it's unimaginable."

Zhang Yuan thought to himself, just thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel horrified inside.

Perhaps, it was just his unfounded worry.


In the next moment, Zhang Yuan cut off all his previous thoughts with thoughts like a knife.

As Zhang Taoist once said, it is not good to know too much.

Like a blind man feeling an elephant, the more he understands, the farther he may be from the truth.


Looking at the half-step road-level creatures, Zhang Yuan paused, and quietly entered the Thunder Ocean, ready to attack, devour the opponent, and plunder them all.

At such a critical moment, improving strength is the safest thing to do.

After entering the depths of Thunder Ocean, Zhang Yuan rushed directly to the original place.

Under the cover of the original place, the aura exploded out of control.


The God of Thunder roared and became furious, causing the Thunder Ocean to turn upside down. Countless creatures living in the Thunder Ocean World were annihilated, and before they could react, they turned into ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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